"no problem."

Ruo Rong agreed and began to prepare.With a wave of his hand, five thousand believers joined his Buddhist meeting.

These five thousand people are all fanatics, and they are very yearning for Buddhism.

The news reached Liu Ke's ears, and he found it very interesting.

"This Ruo Rong is getting bolder and bolder. He dared to make such a big noise in Yangzhou. Don't you want to live?" Dian Wei said angrily.

If Liu Ke travels, Zhongxing Pengyue is easy to understand and easily accepted by others.

What is Ruo Rong?

"Someone is going to steal our peace." Liu Ke said.

Yangzhou is so prosperous, Yangzhou's civil and martial arts are indispensable.Ruo Rong didn't contribute at all, but he was showing off with great fanfare, thinking that the government didn't notice his rebellion.

"This topic does not kill life, where will we wait for warriors?!" Chen Dao said indignantly.

"Only kill those who should be killed." Guo Jia corrected, but now he has some admiration.

It's really hard to deal with Ruo Rong with such a method, because the values ​​he promotes are not wrong.

"Damn it! We want to teach him a lesson right now, Feng Xiao, you have a lot of tricks, what can you do?" Dian Wei said.

Guo Jia waved his hands, indicating that he was helpless.

"Only evidence of his crimes can be collected."

In doing so, Liu Ke fell into Ruo Rong's trap.You can't be too reasonable when dealing with this kind of person.He wrote a kit, handed it to Chen Dao, gave some instructions, Chen Dao nodded frequently,

"Uncle Zhi, send someone to sneak into the Buddhist Association and do as I say."

On the day of the Buddhist meeting, there was a lively scene.

Ze Rong looked at the five thousand believers in the audience, full of spirits, but the government servants on duty at the side were a bit of an eyesore.

At first Ruo Rong didn't want to notify the government, but Wang Lang strongly urged him to abide by the rules.

Ruo Rong could only reluctantly notify the county magistrate of Shouchun.

"Thank you for coming. Our purpose is to promote the compassion of Buddhism and not to kill."

All benevolent ones!If he stays away from the cause of killing and obtains ten kinds of merit, what are ten?

One, gain great fearlessness for all sentient beings.

Second, for all sentient beings, gain great compassion.

Third, you have to break your habitual energy.

Fourth, free from illnesses and afflictions.

Fifth, a long lifespan.

Sixth, inhuman support.

Seventh, sleep soundly and peacefully, free from nightmares.

Eighth, there are no enemies.

Ninth, not fearing evil ways.

Tenth, to be born in a good way.


Ruo Rong started a long speech, and everyone nodded frequently.When it came to the questioning session, the people arranged by Chen Dao started to attack.

"Master, since we don't kill animals, does it also include chickens and ducks? What if we want to eat meat in the future?"

This question directly stumped Ruo Rong!

Fortunately, someone reminded him, so Ruo Rong replied:

"Religious believers can eat three kinds of clean meat, that is, 'one whose murder I do not see; second, who does not smell the murder for me; third, who has no suspicion of killing for me', understand?"

"Master, since we want to be overjoyed and deeply saddened, why don't we all eat meat?"


Ze Rong was furious, how could he bear it if he didn't eat meat.

"This is the Dharma, it's not something you and I can change with a few words. You should eat and drink, and don't treat yourself badly!"

This Buddhist meeting took a lot of effort from Ruo Rong, which made him exhausted, and he frequently had the idea of ​​cursing others.

I thought this would end like this.

But somehow, the content of the Buddhist meeting reached Liu Ke's ears.

"Buddhists should be pure-hearted and ascetic. It is a good idea not to eat meat. Master Ruo Rong has made an important contribution to the promotion of Buddhism! If the order continues, monks are not allowed to eat meat in the future, otherwise they will be severely punished."

It's simply taken out of context, but what can Ruo Rong do?

He pinches his nose and admits it.

In the future, don't eat meat?

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