Ruo Rong was almost driven crazy by himself!

What's wrong with this world, it's like going against yourself everywhere.

First they shaved their heads, but now they are not allowed to eat meat.

A word of grass and mud can no longer express Ruo Rong's mood at the moment.

The lamas of Tibetan Buddhism can eat meat, and the monks of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia also eat meat. Even the local monks in Tianzhu, the birthplace of Buddhism, eat meat. Only monks of Chinese Buddhism in the world do not eat meat.

In fact, when Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains, eating meat was not prohibited. During the Southern Dynasties, Emperor Liang Wu himself was a senior Buddhist. He learned from the scriptures that Bodhisattvas are merciful and merciful, and could not bear to eat the flesh of all living beings. So he ordered Buddhist monks to completely ban meat eating, and it has been continued. .

Liu Ke just advanced this regulation.

"Damn! Damn!"

Ze Rong couldn't help yelling, he didn't look like an eminent monk.

"Now I can be sure that the Marquis of Dongyang has noticed you." Wang Lang said.

"I know, otherwise, how could there be such a rule not to eat meat? It is simply against Buddhism." Ruo Rong almost died of anger.

"What's wrong with this? From now on, those who don't eat meat and those with bald heads are all your followers, so it's easy to recognize." Wang Lang said.

I simply don’t know the pain of not eating meat!

Is it possible to eat sweet potatoes and corn every day?

Ruo Rong will definitely go crazy.

"Remember to restrain your believers, don't eat meat, Dongyang Hou will do what he says, don't give him an excuse to deal with you." Wang Lang warned.

"Fuck, is it okay for me to eat secretly? Can the Marquis of Dongyang take care of it? I can do whatever I want." Ruo Rong said.

"Be patient, if you can't bear it a little, you will mess up and make big plans." Wang Lang said.

"Speaking of grand schemes, what exactly are you planning? Now that I have stopped eating meat for you, isn't the sacrifice not big enough?" Ruo Rong asked.

"The Prime Minister will never forget your achievements. As long as you work hard, it is not impossible to become the abbot of the White Horse Temple." Wang Lang said.

White Horse Temple!

This is a centuries-old temple, a Buddhist holy place.

How glorious would it be to become the abbot of the White Horse Temple?

"What arrangements do you have, I won't do it if it's too dangerous." Ruo Rong said.

"Don't worry, we won't let you take risks, as long as you hold a few more Buddhist meetings. The stricter Dongyang Hou asks you, the taller you will be when he kills in the future." Wang Lang said.

Thinking of this, Ruo Rong felt much better.

"Hey, maybe the Marquis of Dongyang will achieve my reputation, isn't it just that he doesn't eat meat? I can bear it!"

When he said this, only he knew how uncomfortable Ruo Rong felt.

In the future, there will only be sweet potatoes, corn, vegetables, and rice in the good feasts... It's scary to think about it.


The more Ruo Rong thought about it, the more angry he became.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother, although it is pleasing to the people that monks are not allowed to eat meat, letting them spread the word of not killing is probably bad for the morale of the army."

Dian Wei said worriedly, there are really not many things that can make him so serious.

"Don't worry, Ruo Rong won't be playing for a few days. If it wasn't for catching his accomplices, the lord would have done it long ago." Guo Jia said.

"How's the investigation going?" Liu Ke took advantage of the situation and asked Chen Dao.

"Our people have already made preliminary contact with Ruo Rong's party members and painted a portrait. It's just that no one recognizes them..." Chen Dao was very speechless,

Also, it is definitely not an easy task to recognize a person at this time.

It can be said that Liu Ke's reputation has spread far and wide. As long as he doesn't reveal his name and stands on the street, few people will recognize him.

"But start with his disguised identity."

"After investigation, this person is from Yangzhou. He settled in Jingzhou earlier, and now he is back to do business."

Hearing the word business, Liu Ke knew that there was something wrong with this person.Many businessmen are doing spies, and Liu Ke is doing the same.

"Bring me the portrait."

When Chen Dao spread out the portrait, Liu Ke felt familiar.

"Has this person made public appearances with Ruo Rong?"

"No, he is discreet and never appears in public."

"If I'm not mistaken, this person is Wang Lang, Wang Jingxing."

Although Wang Lang made a disguise, Liu Ke was able to recognize it.After all, Wang Lang is a contemporary celebrity and once served as the prefect of Kuaiji.

Later, Wang Lang disrespected the order of Yangzhou Mu, that is, Liu Ke, and was punished by Liu Ke, so he fled Kuaiji.

"Hmph, Cao Mengde is uneasy and kind!" Guo Jiahan said in a voice.

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