After Wang Lang left Kuaiji, he was conscripted by Cao Cao and went to the court to become an official. Now that he appears here and colludes with Ruo Rong, there must be an unknown conspiracy hidden in it.

"My lord, you can arrest Ruo Rong and bring him to justice."

Ruo Rong can be beheaded for publicity just for the crime of adultery with Cao Cao.

"Now there are five thousand believers around Ruo Rong, and there may be no fewer than ten thousand believers hiding in various places. It is inappropriate to act rashly," Jia Xu said.

"What can Wenhe do?" Liu Ke asked Ji.

"My lord, you can invite Ruo Rong to Dongyang City, and then secretly arrest him." Jia Xu said.

"What about his followers? Once they hear the news, they will definitely go crazy." Guo Jia said.

This is a headache.

"Isn't it enough to let Ruo Rong take the believers to Dongyang City?" Jia Xu said.

"Then it's better to do it directly in Shouchun." Guo Jia said.

The two were at loggerheads over the matter.

"Don't do anything to Ruo Rong for now," Liu Ke said.


"A Ruo Rong doesn't have much ability at all, just send someone to watch it. Once there is a problem with Ruo Rong, Wang Lang's arrangement will probably take effect. He can't wait for the Yangzhou government to take action against Ruo Rong." Liu Ke said.

With Ruo Rong in the prison, Wang Lang will be able to call on his followers to resist the government through the backhand.

The conflict will intensify and deviate from Liu Ke's original intention.

"Ruorong is so beautiful now, and he hasn't made any mistakes. That's not okay," Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia understood instantly, this is to make Ruo Rong smelly first!

If a well-known person is arrested, the common people will complain.If it was replaced by a notorious villain, the people would only applaud.

"Let's do this. Prepare two ways. First, send people to break into the believers. Second, trick Ruo Rong into making mistakes."

Ruo Rong has many bad habits, and if he messes with it casually, it will stink.

Once, Ruo Rong passed Fenghua Building, and the girl inside suddenly became very enthusiastic.

"It turns out to be Master Ruo Rong. Our Fenghua Building needs to soak up your golden light, so come in and have a seat." The old bustard hurriedly came out to pull people away.

Ruo Rong wanted to refuse, but thought that he couldn't even eat meat, so let others eat the head office?

"Today, my father will love you very much!"

There was nothing to say all night, and when Ruo Rong came out the next day, there was a large group of people standing at the door, all of them came to watch the play.

"Master Ruo Rong also came to Fenghua Tower, how rare!"

"Master Ruo Rong, Yeyu Ten Daughters, amazing!"

When it comes to Yangzhou Times reporter, it becomes: Shocked!A certain eminent monk raised a huge sum of [-] gold and came out of Fenghua Building with trembling legs the next day.

Charity money can also be used in this way, the eminent monk takes care of the stumbled women...

Ruo Rong hated it, but what he said was the truth, in full view, how could he refute it?


The next day, a boss who made a donation came to collect the bill.

"Master Ruo Rong, my business is not doing well, can you repay me the previous donation?"

How could Ruo Rong spit out what was in his stomach, and quickly refused.

"The charity money has been spent."

"Used in Fenghua Building?"

Ze Rong was furious, and in order to calm things down, he returned the three thousand pieces of gold.

"Fuck, what's wrong?"

Another day passed peacefully, a merchant asked Ruo Rong to perform a ritual, and offered him a thousand gold.

Ruo Rong went happily.

The businessman declared bankruptcy shortly after.

Shock!The Buddhist rituals of eminent monks will bring bad luck!

Ruo Rong suddenly felt that this daughter has become hot.

Why do you pray to gods and worship Buddha?

Not only peace of mind, but also making money.

Now everyone thinks that Ruo Rong bankrupted people, and there is no reason to explain it.

Driven by mysterious forces, Ruo Rong's reputation is getting worse and worse.

However, this is not enough.

Then, a feng shui master appeared and said that outside Dongyang City, there were two mountains that looked like horns, so they were called Niujiao Mountains.

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