Niujiaoshan has good geomantic omen. If a temple can be built, the incense must be strong.

Ruo Rong also wanted to change his bad luck, so he sent someone to Dongyang City to inquire.

As a result, he was caught by the defenders and refused to let him go.

The charges were: these people sneaked under the city of Tieniu and inquired about military secrets.

Ruo Rong encountered all the unlucky things in the world.


"Your subordinate has been arrested. If you don't rescue him, your prestige will be damaged." Wang Lang said.

"Of course I know, but I'm a little scared to go to Dongyang City in person." Ruo Rong said with a guilty conscience.

"You know it's good to be afraid, the old man is still worried about you doing whatever you want in Dongyang City." Wang Lang said.

"Hmph, no matter how stupid I am, I won't directly confront Dongyang Hou." Ruo Rong said from the bottom of his heart.

The Marquis of Dongyang swept all over the world, Ruo Rong thought he was capable, but he didn't dare to go against such a big man.

Wang Lang also pursues subtle rules, such as advocating "great mercy" and "no killing", which can attack Liu Ke's prestige from the side.

"Going to Dongyang City this time, not only to rescue your disciples, but also to make more dignitaries."

"Where is it so easy?! These people all have eyes in the sky." Ruo Rong said angrily.

"If you can't do this in an hour, what kind of Buddhist leader are you?" Wang Lang said disdainfully.

"Hmph, don't worry about it."

What Ruo Rong didn't know was that every step he took, he fell into the trap set by Liu Ke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master, is it wrong for us to rush to Dongyang City?" Ruo Rong's confidant Zhang Wen said worriedly.

"Hmph, Yangzhou is here, what's the use of going to Dongyang City? Don't think Dongyang Hou is so scary, as long as we abide by the law, what can he do to us?" Ruo Rong said.

"Master, how many people should we bring?"

"You also ask me this kind of question, what is the use of you? Is it possible that you still want to bring [-] people to Dongyang City? What is the difference between this and rebellion? Just bring [-] servants, don't be too ostentatious."

Five hundred servants still not showing off?

Zhang Wen didn't know what to say.

"I'll arrange it right away."

"Wait, don't keep the rest of the people for Wang Lang, let's arrange to return to Xuzhou in batches."

Xuzhou is the foothold of Ruo Rong, and Yangzhou is still too dangerous.

More importantly, Ruo Rong is also wary of Wang Lang.

Zhang Wen arranged the most comfortable frame, Ruo Rong went on the road happily, and arrived in Dongyang City three days later.

"This city is really prosperous. If you can live in it, it will be really wonderful."

"Master, what's so difficult about it? With your status, it's the Marquis of Dongyang's honor to live in it."

"What's the use of being flattering? Have you ever thought about living in fear? It's a pity that Yangzhou was pacified too quickly, otherwise I would have become a prince."

Ruo Rong also knew that his hands and feet were not clean, and there were gangs of murderers under his hands.

"What are the princes? How can you be happy now!"

"Go, go, I still have to go to the prison to catch people, how can I be happy?"

Just thinking about Ruo Rong gives me a headache. He doesn't have much power in Yangzhou, and they are basically nodding acquaintances.

"Master, why don't you visit Master Mi Fang?"

Apart from Mi Fang Ruo Rong, I really don't know who to visit.

"Go to pay your respects."


As soon as the Mi Mansion received the invitation, Chen Dao reported the situation directly to Liu Ke.

"Call Mi Zhu over."

Not long after, Mi Zhu came to Liu Ke's study.

"Zi Zhong, long time no see."

"My lord has been busy outside these days, and it is indeed a long time since I saw you."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Liu Ke cut into the topic and said:

"Zi Zhong, do you know Ruo Rong?"

Mi Zhu recalled it for a while, and replied truthfully:

"It's not considered to be acquaintances. Last time the second brother invited a monk to do something, there is this person. The second brother respects him very much. My lord, what happened?"

During this time, Mi Zhu read the Yangzhou Times, so he had a vague premonition.

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