
Wang Lang actually has a heavy responsibility!

Now it's time for rescue.

"Come on, surround them, don't let them go, don't even think about leaving!" Li Dian shouted.

Li Dian didn't dare to do it directly, the consequences would be serious.But surround the head office, right?Then he took the opportunity to rescue Wang Lang.

"Li Dian, are you really going to tear yourself apart?" Lu Menghan said in a low voice.

"This is Yingchuan County, the territory of the imperial court, who dares to be presumptuous?! Even if you are killed here, the Marquis of Dongyang would not dare to say anything. After all, you crossed the border unreasonably first." Li Dian said.

Everyone is a general, who would be afraid of trouble?

It's a big deal.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so I just ask you, do you want to get out of the way?" Lu Meng said.

"If I let you go today, I will be your grandson!" Li Dian scolded angrily.

"Fuck, this grandpa and I are sure." Lu Meng also became angry.

How could he come alone?

Suddenly, black cavalry appeared in the sky, tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers, and Zhang Liao was in command.

Li Dian was stunned!


Bully Xuchang no one?

Really tm no one!

The main force of Cao Cao's army has been deployed in the Chang'an area, and Xuchang can be said to be very empty.

Zhang Liao's [-] cavalry are enough to destroy the world, of course, this is nothing.

Who is Zhang Liao?

It is the commander-in-chief stationed in Runan, and there are [-] Yangzhou troops in Runan.

This represents the attitude of the [-] troops!

What can Li Dian do? He is also very desperate.Not to mention Wang Lang as a prisoner.

At first Wang Lang thought Li Dian was his savior... When Zhang Liao appeared, he knew everything was over.

"General Li Dian, may it be convenient for us to arrest the fugitive?"

With a wave of Zhang Liao's hand, the cavalry stopped and the formation was in order.He also spoke politely, but there was no doubt about it.

Li Dian gritted his teeth, wishing he could eat the meat of Lu Meng and Zhang Liao, what a shame!

What a shame!

If Li Dian admits to this matter, he must be ridiculed.But he didn't have the confidence to resist to the end.

For a while, riding a tiger was hard to get off.

"Wang Jingxing, you'd better follow us back obediently, and don't make things difficult for General Li Dian." Zhang Liao said calmly.

"Forget it, the old man will go back with you." Wang Lang resigned his fate.

As for Xuchang's concubine... I'm afraid there will be no chance to take her in again.

God's trick!

"Zhang Wenyuan, do you have to do this? The Prime Minister will be back soon." Li Dian struggled.

"It's useless even if Prime Minister Cao came forward in person. When you sent Wang Lang here, did you consider the consequences? The lord's anger should be borne by Wang Lang alone, isn't it good?" Zhang Liao said.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be the case.

Li Dian actually felt that he had made money, and Wang Lang also realized the important task...

Fuck, it's scary to be led into a rhythm!

"Grandson, don't you hurry to get out of the way?!" Lu Meng shouted.

Li Dian gritted his teeth with hatred, and waved his hands helplessly.

"Everyone will pretend that this incident never happened. It's good for everyone." Zhang Liao said.

In this way, Wang Lang was brought back to Yangzhou.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ze Rong was caught, and Wang Lang was also arrested and brought to justice.

But the rebellion of believers is still going on.

"There are still big fish that haven't been caught, did Wang Lang explain anything?" Liu Ke said.

"No, but based on his answer and speculation, one thing can be confirmed, Sima Yi is the real planner." Guo Jia said.

"Sima Yi? He's a talent, but he's just a little anxious." Liu Ke said.

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