Thoughts are the hardest to control these days.When Sima Yi thought of this trick, it was impossible to guard against.

"My lord, why don't you end the turmoil?"

"Sigh, the symptoms are not the root cause. If we arrest more people now, we will have less trouble in the future." Liu Ke said.

Sometimes Liu Ke even suspected that Sima Yi's purpose was not simply to disturb Yangzhou through Buddhism, but also had another purpose.

That is to take root in Yangzhou!

That's right, Sima Yi is using Ruo Rong's followers to cultivate his dark forces in Yangzhou.

Liu Ke's rule in Yangzhou is deeply rooted. Once Cao Cao sent people to release rumors, they were all reported by the masses, and foreign spies were easily arrested.

However, after this incident, Ruo Rong's believers will definitely hate Liu to the bone.

Sima Yi can use them to build his own intelligence network and even armed forces.

Ruo Rong is an ambitious person who is not easy to control. Because of his high status in Buddhism, he is even a bit of an eyesore.

Liu Ke indirectly solved a big problem for Sima Yi.

"Now almost all the fanatics have been arrested, and the rest are people who can be appeased. Let An Xuan go out."

"Yes, my lord."

As a result, Anxuan began to promote Buddhism in various places in Yangzhou, and at the same time criticized Ruo Rong as a false Buddha.

Of course, some people disagreed, thinking that An Xuan was lying.An Xuan also has two brushes, directly using Buddhist knowledge to shut them up.

You know, An Xuan is a translator of Buddhist classics, and has become a celebrity in the eyes of Emperor Ling. How can it be possible without any ability?

Sending out Anxuan is just one bomb, but building Dongyang Temple is another bomb.

Since the field of Buddhism is blank and confused, Liu Ke simply occupies it by himself, so as to avoid being taken advantage of by interested people.

Only those who have their heads shaved and wear cassocks can be called monks.Not only that, monks are not allowed to drink alcohol and eat meat, and are not allowed to approach women...

Liu Ke directly listed a lot of rules for future generations, and those who can follow them will become a good person even if they cannot become a Buddhist master.

With so many rules to abide by, who else would use Buddhism to make trouble?

Moreover, Buddhism has more good aspects, which Liu will not resist.

"My lord, what should we do with Ruo Rong and Wang Lang?" Chen Dao asked.

Ruo Rong is a bastard who is being used.But Wang Lang was very stubborn, knowing that nonsense would reveal information, so he kept silent.

After all, Wang Lang is a celebrity, so he can be imprisoned, but Lu Su was the first to disagree with his torture.Even Wang Lang became an uncle in prison. If he accidentally died of illness, it would be a heavy blow to Liu Ke's prestige.

The interrogation is nothing.

"Ruorong will be executed, and Wang Lang will be released after a while." Liu Ke said, it's not his style to have trouble with an old man.

Moreover, entering Yingchuan territory to arrest Wang Lang was already a warning to Cao Cao.

If I can let it go this time, it will be hard to say next time.

"As ordered."

Therefore, Ruo Rong was questioned and beheaded in public.The crimes are collaborating with the enemy, deceiving the people, defrauding money... There are more than [-] charges.

Cheng Yu is the best at this kind of thing, putting Ruo Rong on his head in one breath, without any ambiguity.

"What will happen if I fall into Master Cheng's hands one day?" Chen Dao couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"What are you afraid of if you don't make mistakes? Work hard, and my brother will not treat you badly." Dian Wei said.

"That's right, haha, just kidding." Chen Dao laughed.

"It's not funny at all." Lu Meng said speechlessly, this time he worked really hard.

They ran to Yingchuan and captured Wang Lang, but nothing happened to Wang Lang.

"Ziming, because of your fault this time, Wenyuan mobilized tens of thousands of troops to help you, do you have anything to say?" Liu Ke said.

Lu Meng directly knelt down and said, "I also ask my lord to punish you!"

This attitude made Liu Ke very satisfied.

"In my study, there are a hundred volumes of military books. Your punishment is to familiarize yourself with these military books. Is there a problem?"

Lu Meng couldn't believe his ears, such a good thing happened?

This is not a punishment, it is clearly a reward!

How precious are military books?Lu Meng knew about it, so he didn't even dare to dream about it.

And it's in Liu Ke's study... It's a sign of trust.

"Thank you my lord!"

"You must be proficient in the art of war, and don't let me down." Liu Ke said.

In history, Sun Quan went to great lengths to persuade Lu Meng to study. "Three days after farewell, you should look at each other with admiration" is what Lu Meng said!

Like Xu Shu, Lu Meng has the potential to become a Confucian general.Now he is nothing more than a somewhat brave general.

In this way, Lu Meng went to study military books with great excitement.

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