"Yes, the official report is that Wang Lang entered Shouchun and bewitched Ruo Rong to cause chaos. He was later held accountable by the Marquis of Dongyang, and he was detained for a few days and released to be assassinated."

"It's really weird, do you believe it?"

"Even the Marquis of Dongyang doesn't believe it, who else can you trust?"

"Of course I believe Dongyanghou, but his subordinates are not sure."

"That's right, Jia Wenhe, for example, was too murderous, and the monk made trouble to appease him, but he actually caused hundreds of casualties. This kind of thing hasn't happened in Yangzhou for a long time..."

As the rumors intensified, Liu could not help being stained with some stains.

But no one is perfect, and Liu Ke doesn't intend to be this saint.

But people with ulterior motives are still to be caught.

During this period of time, the officials of Dongyang City were dispatched frantically and arrested more than [-] people, all of whom were spreaders of rumors.

Some people raised questions about this matter and were suppressed on the spot.

Liu Ke stated in the Yangzhou Times: Wang Lang's death was related to the Yangzhou government, but the murderer was someone else.

A mere Wang Lang, does he need to be assassinated to kill him?

There was also a cryptic mention later... Has Liu Ke beheaded so few envoys?

"Haha, you're right. Marquis Dongyang does things openly and aboveboard. What kind of thing is Wang Lang?"

"I understand Ruo Rong, he is ignorant of learning and skills, and commits all kinds of evil, but he is willing to spend money on Buddhist studies, which is why he is famous."

"Wang Lang is a member of Cao Cao. It is suspicious to appear in Yangzhou. To be a spy, one must be conscious."

"Celebrity? Is being a spy also worthy of being a celebrity?"

Following Liu Ke's speech, the wind turned one-sided.

"My lord is amazing!" Chen Dao expressed his admiration.

"This is the accumulated prestige before consumption." Liu Kedao, he has a deep understanding of this point.

Once this kind of thing happens several times, Liu Ke will also get into trouble.

With Wang Lang's burial, the number of worshippers gradually increased, and the matter became turbulent again.

Some people cried bitterly in front of Wang Lang's tombstone, calling for grievances for Wang Lang.

"Is Sima Yi too busy?" Guo Jia couldn't help complaining, needless to say, the person who complained must be an actor.

"With such a quick response, Sima Yi is probably in Yangzhou." Liu Ke deduced.

"Isn't Kong Ming free recently? Let him take charge of this matter and find out Sima Yi." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke felt the same way, he couldn't allow people to make trouble in his own territory all the time.Even if it wasn't Sima Yi, Wang Lang was behind the scenes.

However, Zhuge Liang smiled wryly and said, "My lord, how can we catch Sima Yi in such a vast crowd?"

Dongyang City is the center of trade in the Central Plains, and there are endless businessmen from all over the country.

Unless Liu Ke can bear the loss...

"However, my subordinates have a trick to make Sima Yi throw the mouse." Zhuge Liang said.

"Tell me."

"Draw a portrait of Sima Yi, and post the arrest document." Zhuge Liang said.

"Everything is just inference. It's still not sure if it's Sima Yi." Chen Dao reminded.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is confirmed that Sima Yi is the man behind the scenes, no matter whether he is here or not." Zhuge Liang said confidently, "Sima Yi is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he will definitely consider that if he annoys the lord, the lord will directly ask Cao Cao for help." Case."

This strategy is not brilliant, but very practical.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Liu Ke said.

As a result, the streets and alleys of Dongyang City were covered with portraits of Sima Yi.

You know, it has been a long time since Dongyang City has such a wanted criminal, and it immediately aroused heated discussions.

"It turned out to be Sima Yi, one of Sima Bada's? What did he do?"

"Another crime of espionage!"

"Why do celebrities in Cao Cao's army like to do this kind of thing?"

"You don't understand this, don't you? Dongyang Hou's Wenzhi martial arts is unmatched in the world. If you don't engage in these small tricks, how can you weaken Dongyang Hou?"

"Haha, that's right. I don't know when the Marquis of Dongyang will be able to rule the world."

Sima Yi made a disguise and also mixed in the crowd, seeing the warning between the lines, he sighed.

Dongyang Hou is too domineering!

He didn't pay much attention to these conspiracies and tricks. In a ring fight with such an opponent, Sima Yi could only deal three points of damage with twelve points of strength.

"It seems that Yangzhou is not a place to stay for a long time."

Sima Yi was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do, unless he went all out and didn't care about this little life.

At this time Cao Cao was still planning Liangzhou, how could he offend Liu Ke for a Sima Yi?

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