Sima Yi is very self-aware.

With Sima Yi giving up, all the rumors just dissipated.

"Don't say you are my apprentice in the future." Zhou Buyi said to Zhuge Liang.

"You just taught me arithmetic!" Zhuge Liang emphasized.

"A teacher for one day, a teacher for life." Zhou Buyi said, "Your methods are too rough, and I can't bear to look directly at you."

"In this case, the teacher might as well make a move to calm the aftermath." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"Mere rumors are nothing to worry about, I can fix them in a few clicks." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Who doesn't brag?"

"The aggressive method? Hehe, just wait and see!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Zhou Buyi is a proud person, he will do what he says, isn't it just to calm the aftermath of the rumors?

This matter is easy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Buyi's solution is very simple, which is to cover the matter with bigger news.

Xia Houyuan is a fierce general under Cao Cao. Since he followed Cao Cao, he has made many military exploits.

But this time, he even sent out a surprise soldier to help Cao Cao pacify Liangzhou.

Xia Houyuan directly ordered general Xu Huang to lead [-] elite horse infantry troops out of Chencang as a forward, and rushed out by surprise along the trail, while he led the Chinese army to supervise the transportation of grain and grass and then set off.

Cao Jun led by Xu Huang suddenly appeared, completely out of Ma Chao's expectation.

After the Battle of Tongguan and the Battle of Hexi, Cao Cao and the princes of Xiliang maintained a tacit understanding of the truce.

Ma Chao believed that Cao Cao was unable to fight anymore, so he took the opportunity to strengthen his power, and kept sending people to ask Cao Cao for peace to buy time.

It's a pity that Cao Cao refused again and again.

And the reason why Cao Cao tightened his belt and sent troops to Liangzhou was also to fight for breath!

After learning that Jia Xu is a hermit in Guigu, Cao Cao became more and more frustrated. Why did he have to follow Dongyang Hou's arrangement in everything?

Under Cao Cao's brewing, there was a battle of Xia Houyuan's victory and pursuit.

In desperation, Ma Chao hastily led tens of thousands of Qiang cavalry to face Xu Huang, but they were defeated as soon as the confrontation took place, and Xu Huang seized a large number of military supplies that were discarded before they could take them away.

Then Xu Huang took advantage of the situation to pursue, and Xia Houyuan led the troops to arrive, smashing Ma Chao and capturing countless counties.

Before Ma Chao had time to digest his territory, the counties that surrendered before had no loyalty, and they all joined Xiahouyuan one after another, but they were attacked by surprise again, and their strength was greatly damaged.

At this time, Ma Chao's former ally Han Sui was also in Liangzhou, stationed in Xianqin County in Tianshui County.

Xianqin was in the north of Qishan Mountain, and Han Sui learned that Xia Houyuan had raided Ma Chao, and he was frightened by this elusive Cao army, so he quickly discarded food, grass and luggage and fled.

At this time, the main force of Cao Cao's army, commanded by Xia Houyuan, was about twenty li away from Han Sui's army.

"General, we should continue to pursue Han Sui. If Ma Chao is a tiger, Han Sui is also a wolf. He will take advantage of his illness to kill him!" Yu Jin said.

However, Le Jin shook his head and expressed his disapproval.

"Han Sui's troops are elite. If we fight against him on his territory, we will suffer. It is better to attack Xingguo and eat Liangzhou step by step."

Xia Houyuan directly rejected their proposal.

"The city of Xingguo is strong and difficult to conquer for a while. It is better to attack Changli. Changli is the home of many Qiang tribes. Most of Han Sui's army are Changli Qiang soldiers. Attacking them must save them.

In this way, if Han Sui let the Qiang soldiers save themselves, he would fall into a situation of alone defense, but if he wanted to save Changli, he would have to go out of the city to fight with our army, and then he could be captured in one battle. "

Xia Houyuan's eyes were very vicious, and he saw Han Suijun's flaws at a glance.

Among them, Yang Qiu provided a lot of information to Xia Houyuan, otherwise he would not be able to make such a correct judgment.

When Cao Cao's army appeared in Changli, they immediately besieged the Qiang tribe and slaughtered countless people.

Han Suijun blew up the pot directly.

"Captain, if there is no rescue, Changli will be bleeding like a river!"

The Qiang soldiers asked to return to help their respective tribes one after another. Han Sui had no choice but to lead his army to rescue them.

At this time, Han Sui still had a certain strength, and he gathered an army of [-].

Xia Houyuan's central army is only [-] horses!

Facing the menacing Han Suijun, Cao Caojun was a little flustered, and Yu Jin suggested:

"General, our army should set up camp and dig trenches, and prepare for a protracted war."

The Qiang soldiers are extremely strong in field battles, and if they confront each other head-on, they will definitely suffer heavy losses. Yu Jin's proposal is in line with most people's thinking.

However, this proposal was rejected again by Xia Houyuan.

"Our army has traveled thousands of miles before arriving at Changli. If we stick to it and do not fight, our morale will definitely be low. Han Sui's army looks powerful, but in fact it is just a mob. In order to rescue Changli, they rushed desperately, and they were also exhausted. Our army Put down your posture and fight decisively with it."

Regardless of dissuasion, Xia Houyuan fought a decisive battle with Han Sui's army.

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