In order to boost morale, Xia Houyuan beat the drums himself.


Above the Xiliang field, the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

After a day and a night of fighting, Han Sui was defeated and gained Xia Houyuan's reputation.

What made Han Sui's misery even worse was that his son-in-law Yan Xing gathered a trilogy to kill Han Sui and surrendered. In response to Xia Houyuan, he attacked Han Sui at night.

"Yan Xing, I have treated you well, why did you betray me?"

"The general was joking. In the past, a certain person persuaded you to join the prime minister, but now you are still stubborn. That's why you ended up like this. Who is to blame?"

Han Sui was furious and led his army to defeat Yan Xing, but this also caused his strength to further weaken.


All along, Han Sui's position was not firm, and now he was even more confused.

"My lord, you might as well seek refuge with Liu Xuande."

Han Sui's general Tian Le suggested.

"Liu Xuande?"

Han Sui was very moved. Liangzhou is a dangerous place and it is not suitable to stay for a long time.And Liu Bei is one of the most enterprising princes now, and the power around him is not big, so Han Sui will definitely be reused.

"Now that Duke Xuande has surrounded Chengdu for more than half a year, Liu Zhang relies on Yangzhou's equipment to stick to it. After all, it will not last long."

It was only a matter of time before Liu Bei took Yizhou.Going to rely on him at this time can reap benefits.

However, Cheng Gongying, another confidant of Han Sui, objected. Cheng Gongying and Han Sui were fellow villagers, and they rebelled with him for many years.

When Han Sui sent troops to Chang'an, Cheng Gongying was in charge of staying in his hometown.

"My lord, you shouldn't abandon the prestige you established in Liangzhou and switch to another place. If so, wouldn't the painstaking efforts of more than ten years be in vain?"

Han Sui hesitated for a moment.

"You can hide in the Qiangdi tribe and recruit the tribe again, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback." Cheng Gongying suggested.

Han Sui followed the plan and retreated to the Qiang with tens of thousands of followers. Because Han Sui had been kind to the Qiang people, he was protected by the Qiang people.

Xia Houyuan can't kill all the way, do people in Liangzhou want to lose their hearts?

Xia Houyuan's performance was amazing enough. In a short period of time, he defeated the team temporarily assembled by Ma Chao and defeated Han Sui's main force. Then, he successively recovered Gaoping, Tuge and other places, and took half of Liangzhou into his pocket.

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard the news. Xia Houyuan was given a holiday for his outstanding military exploits, and he could kill those who violated military orders during war.

Zhou Buyi used this big news to dilute the impact of Wang Lang's death.

It really worked.

Because Liu Ke is invincible and often initiates or participates in wars, the people of Yangzhou are more concerned about wars.

"Xiahouyuan is really a famous general in the world, but it's a pity that his surname is Xiahou, otherwise Dongyanghou would still be able to recruit him."

"Haha, other people don't care about it, but Dongyanghou doesn't care too much! Look at Cao Cao, when has he ever defeated Dongyanghou? Xiahouyuan also beat Xiliang, a small place."

"It's true, Dongyang Hou is the number one famous general in the world, and he has never been defeated."

Zhou Buyi had accomplished great success, but suddenly discovered that the general situation of the world began to change unpredictably.

Under Xia Houyuan's pressure, Ma Chao hoped to form an alliance with Han Sui again, but Han Sui died of illness suddenly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the warlords separated their regimes.

Because Liangzhou is far away from the Central Plains, its forces are the most complicated.The two biggest forces are Ma Chao and Han Sui.

But they all accepted the imperial court's offer and did not openly oppose the Han Dynasty.

There is one person in Liangzhou who can be called bold and reckless. This person is Song Jian. He took advantage of the scuffle in the Central Plains and the Eastern Han court had no time to look around, and claimed the king in Fanghan.

Interestingly, he claimed to be the King of Heshou Ping Han, and set up hundreds of officials, and he also had some official positions in the Han Dynasty.

This is real rebellion.

The reason why Xia Houyuan ignored Ma Chao was because he wanted to calm down Song Jian.He personally led the troops from Xingguo, and the solitary army went deep into Jincheng County, divided and outflanked, assaulted with light soldiers, defeated each one, and the army went straight to the city of Fuhan.

Originally, Han Sui was at the head of Jincheng County, and Song Jian lived comfortably in his childhood.Now that Han Sui had fled, Song Jian was a little at a loss when facing Cao Cao's army.

Under Xia Houyuan's supervision, Cao's army attacked the city day and night, quickly broke through the city, and beheaded all the officials from Song Jian and his prime ministers.

Not only that, Xia Houyuan also personally led the troops, crossed the Yellow River, went deep into Xiaohuangzhong, and threatened the hinterland of the Qiang people.

Most of Ma Chao and Han Sui's troops are here.

In order to survive, many tribes took refuge in Xiahouyuan one after another and sent strong men to assist the officers and soldiers in fighting.

Xia Houyuan's momentum is huge!

Feeling the crisis, Ma Chao quickly sent someone to find Han Sui to form an alliance and restore the relationship. Unfortunately, the messenger learned of Han Sui's death on the way.

Tian Le, Yang Kui, Qu Yan, Jiang Shi and others beheaded Han Sui and sent it to Xiahouyuan. Xiahouyuan sent people to speed up the whip and dedicate it to Cao Cao who was in Chang'an.

"Liangzhou, we are the only ones left." Ma Chao said sadly.

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