"Don't worry, brother, please allow me to fight again." Zhang Fei insisted, his eyes were very firm.

There is a big intention to beat Liu Bei up if he is not allowed to fight...

"Yide must be careful."

"I know."

After a short rest, Zhang Fei went into battle again and singled out Ma Chao for more than [-] rounds. The fight was inseparable.

The war horses on both sides were exhausted, but the two were still extremely brave, as if their strength was endless.

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Bei planned to fight again the next day, but Zhang Fei refused.

"Yide, don't mess around!"

"Brother, Yide still has more strength." Guan Yu helped him speak.

Liu Bei sighed and returned his gaze to the battlefield.

Ma Chao also got excited and asked to fight Zhang Fei at night.

The two armies lit a bonfire, and Ma Chao and Zhang Fei fought for dozens of rounds, regardless of the outcome.

Liu Bei dozed off.

It was not until the two were exhausted that they gave up.

After returning to Jiameng Pass, Liu Bei was worried.

"It's not an option to fight like this. If Yide is damaged, my conscience will feel bad."

"Brother, don't worry, dying in battle is the true nature of a man."

Just when Liu Bei was about to reprimand Zhang Fei, Fazheng spoke.

"This battle does not require a general to fight to the death. Someone has a plan to defeat the enemy."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hurry up!"

Liu Bei said eagerly.

"Ma Chao has too many troops, Zhang Lu must be very afraid of him, that's why he was sent to attack Jiameng Pass. To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. As long as Zhang Lu decides to retreat, Ma Chao will not be able to achieve great things." Fazheng said.

"That makes sense." Liu Bei nodded.

"Zhang Lu's subordinate Yang Song is very rich. As long as the lord sends someone to send gold and silver, let him talk about it. If Zhang Lu is made king of Hanning, Zhang Lu will definitely order Ma Chao to retreat." Fazheng said.

So Liu Bei sent an envoy to Hanzhong.

Sure enough, Yang Song took the money and spoke well for Liu Bei.

After Zhang Lu heard Liu Bei's conditions, he was overjoyed and asked Ma Chao to withdraw his troops.

No matter what Liu Bei said, he was also a clan member of the Han family. He recommended Zhang Lu as the king of Han Ning, and the success rate was still very high.

No matter how bad you are, you can call yourself... at least Liu Bei agrees.

Unfortunately, when the order came to Ma Chao, he was in a dilemma.

"Zhang Lu actually gave up the opportunity to expand for the sake of a name. Once Liu Bei is allowed to take Yizhou, will he still have a chance?"

Ma Chao felt the distress of living under the fence.

"Send someone to tell Zhang Lu that if I don't conquer Jiameng Pass, I won't go back for a day."

Zhang Lu was furious when he heard the words, isn't this a rebellion?So Yang Bai was secretly ordered to let Ma Chao retreat no matter what.

Yang Bo came to the commander's tent aggressively, and asked: "My lord's military order, why doesn't the general follow?"

"The general will be outside, and the military order will not be accepted." Ma Chao said.

Yang Bai was furious, but he held back forcefully. Now that Ma Chao has more troops than him, he would be at a disadvantage.

The natural contradiction between him and Ma Chao is that Ma Chao is very capable and brave, and unfortunately, Yang Bai is also a general.

If Ma Chao is reused, wouldn't he have to sit on the bench?

"General, you have to bear the consequences for disobeying military orders. Your family is still in Hanzhong!"

The last sentence touched Ma Chao's bottom line, almost violently hurting others.

Yang Bai was taken aback by Ma Chao's ferocious appearance, and knowing that he couldn't stay here for long, he left Ma Chao's barracks while Ma Chao was still rational.

"Brother, I really offended someone this time." Ma Dai sighed.

"They picked things up first, what can I do?" Ma Chao said helplessly.

For Zhang Lu, Ma Chao was really disappointed.

It happened that Liu Bei sent Li Hui and extended an olive branch.

Li Hui was originally an official under Liu Zhang. When Liu Bei entered Shu, he took refuge in him very actively.

At the beginning, Dong He, the prefect, recommended Li Hui to serve in the state capital. When Li Hui was on the road, he heard the news that Liu Bei was attacking Liu Zhang from Jiameng south.

After a brief analysis, Li Hui believed that Liu Zhang must fail and Liu Bei must succeed, so he pretended to be the envoy of Yizhou and went north to meet Liu Bei.

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