Li Hui met Liu Bei in Mianzhu as he wished, and expressed his willingness to pledge allegiance.

Liu Bei admired Li Hui very much and asked him to stay in the army and attack Luocheng together.

Li Hui gradually made meritorious service and became a general under Liu Bei's command.

"General, Hanzhong is weak now, and you can't tolerate a tiger like you. Why don't you take refuge with Uncle Liu Huang?"

Li Hui deliberately emphasized the word "uncle emperor" in order to attract Ma Chao as a clan member of Liu Bei's Han family.

"When I was in Xiliang, I often heard the name of Duke Xuande."

Hearing Ma Chao's reply, Li Hui felt something was going on.

"Why doesn't the general join the emperor's uncle?"

"Hey, I was squeezed out everywhere in Hanzhong, and I would also like to join Xuande Gong, but there is no way out."

"Haha, isn't it fate that you and I meet here now?"

The two hit it off.

But Li Hui was cautious, and it was impossible to trust Ma Chao just by listening to him.

"Yang Bo insulted the general, he should be executed."

When Ma Chao heard this sentence, he knew that this was a vote of honor.

For Zhang Lu, Ma Chao was extremely disappointed.But Yang Bo even threatened to kill Ma Chao's family, and this person must not stay.

Therefore, Ma Chao led the Qiang soldiers, turned their guns, pointed at Yang Bai, and raided Yang Bai's camp, killing wantonly.

Faced with Ma Chao's sudden attack, Yang Bai was prepared, but this preparation was powerless in the face of Ma Chao's attack.

"Where is Yang Bai?"

"Ma Mengqi, you actually rebelled against the lord, you will die!"

Before Yang Bai died, he couldn't believe that Ma Chao would strike directly, and the spear pierced Yang Bai's throat.

This battle was won beautifully, but Ma Chao was not happy at all, and his heart was empty.

"Brother, since you have decided to do this, you can't hesitate." Ma Dai said.

Ma Chao nodded.

Liu Bei felt that he was so happy that he not only solved Zhang Lu's threat, but also won Ma Chao's men.

"Quick, come with me to meet Meng Qi."

Liu Bei called out very kindly, and hugged him as soon as they met.

"Meng Qi, thank you for your hard work. We will be a family from now on."

"See my lord!" Ma Chao cupped his hands.

"Haha! No need to be too polite." Liu Bei laughed.

Zhang Fei on the side snorted coldly and said, "Ma Mengqi, we haven't decided the winner yet."

"General Zhang, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future," Ma Chao said.

"Remember, it's okay to learn from each other, don't hurt your peace." Liu Bei urged.

"Don't worry, brother, I won't hurt any of my own people," Zhang Fei said.

After fighting Ma Chao, Zhang Fei fully recognized him.

"I wonder if Meng Qi can make arrangements for your family?"

These words darkened Ma Chao's expression.

At this moment, Hanzhong City has exploded.

Ma Chao turned against him and killed Yang Bai.

"My lord, Yang Bo said that Ma Chao was rebellious. I still didn't believe it, but now I have directly confirmed it." Yang Song said angrily, sharing the same hatred with Zhang Lu.

"I treated Ma Chao kindly, yet he betrayed me." Zhang Lu became angry from embarrassment.

"My lord, since Ma Chao is not benevolent, don't blame us for being unrighteous, arresting his relatives and beheading them for public display." Yang Song said.

"Put it up first and wait for my order." Zhang Lu said, he did not lose his mind.

If Ma Chao's family is really killed, the feud will be forged.

Now Ma Chao still has a certain fighting power, so he can't offend too deeply.

After all, Zhang Lu's character is still too weak.

Yang Song hurriedly took his troops to arrest Ma Chao's family, but Ma Chao's house was empty.

"Hurry up! They won't be far away!"

On the other side, Pound was escorting Ma Chao's family to escape.

"Ma'am, you go first, I'll be the last."

Pound said resolutely.

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