"My lord..."

"Okay, there's no need to say anything, I understand what you mean." Liu Bei said.

I... didn't say anything.

Fazheng was very wronged.

So, under Liu Bei's secret instruction.One hundred and twenty people including Ma Chao, Xu Jing and others jointly signed a petition to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, requesting that Liu Bei be made king.

The reason is that Cao Cao "swallowed the world outside, and left a group of bureaucrats inside. The court was in danger of Xiaoqiang, but the defense against insults was not built, which can be chilling."

In the future, after Cao Cao is wiped out, "when the achievements are made, the ministers and others will withdraw from the crime of coercion (declared by imperial edicts without authorization), and even if they die, they will have no regrets."

In this way, Liu Bei became king, and he was the king of Hanzhong.

As for why Ma Chao is the leader, because he has the highest status in the Liu Bei Group.

Ma Chao was once a member of the imperial court's formal conferment of marquis and generals.The marquis who was conferred is "Marquis of Duting", and the one who is worshiped will be "General Pian".

As for Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and his ilk, they have no status in the imperial court.

Liu Bei felt so embarrassed, so he wrote a letter to Emperor Xian.

"A group of bureaucrats see pressure, force ministers to be righteous..."

In other words, Your Majesty, I don't really want to be king, it's just that everyone is persecuting me. If I don't do this, I will be immoral.

Cao Cao is now king, if I rebel against him as a Yizhou shepherd, wouldn't I be guilty of the next crime.

Therefore, I must be king.

Liu Bei's memorial was directly burned by Cao Cao, what the hell.

If it weren't for the possibility of joining forces with Liu Bei to fight Dongyanghou in the future, Cao Cao might order to reprimand him.

Cao Cao had just made the king of Wei, and Liu Bei made himself the king of Hanzhong, and the joy disappeared all of a sudden!

Didn't he lower the throne?

However, there is still a difference between the thrones of Cao Cao and Liu Bei. According to historical records, Cao Cao was awarded the title of king by a serious emperor.And Liu Bei can only call himself.

What is self-proclaimed?

Just like the prince named Song Jian who was destroyed by Xia Houyuan, he also became king in Xiliang.

The most depressed is not Cao Cao, but Zhang Lu.

This buddy was also shot while lying down.

"What does Liu Xuande mean?! Do you really think I dare not kill him?"

Zhang Lu was angry because Hanzhong was his territory.

Liu Bei called himself the King of Hanzhong, what does that mean?Are you determined to win Hanzhong?

Zhang Lu felt that he was neglected, what a shame!

"Liu Xuande, we will never stop dying!"

Facing Zhang Lu's yelling from the air, Liu Bei didn't care at all, because he had already set his sights on the land in Hanzhong.

"Zhang Lu is looking for death. Now I can destroy him with a flip of my hand."

Chapter eight hundred and thirtieth seven monarchs and subjects centrifuged

Xun Yu's heart was hurt.

Before Cao Cao became king, he talked to Cao Cao many times.At first, she was kind and pleasant, but then she disappeared.

The meaning is obvious: don't come to see me!

Regarding the matter of becoming a king, Cao Cao was determined to win, and beheaded several people who did not know how to live or die.

For Xun Yu, Cao Cao endured it again and again, and finally disappeared altogether.

"I didn't expect the prime minister to be so indifferent."

Xun Yu could only let out a long sigh. Back in Yingchuan, Liu Ke extended an olive branch to the Xun family, and Xun You took refuge in Liu Ke without hesitation.

However, big families are savvy and like to split their bets.

Now that Xun You has taken refuge in Liu Ke, Xun You feels that he should not serve Liu Ke.

Although Liu Ke showed his talents at the beginning, he was only a little better at playing the Yellow Turban, and his territory was not stable.

Later, Xun Yu chose Cao Cao.Cao Cao was a celebrity at that time, and he was thirsty for talents.

Xun Yu has been reused!

He also showed his worth.

The relationship between the monarch and his ministers should have developed well, but something happened that changed the relationship between the two.

Xun Yu advocated "serving the emperor to order the princes", while Cao Cao "took the emperor to order the princes".

It's just a word difference, but it's a world of difference.

The Han Dynasty is always orthodox!

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