Regarding this point, Xun Yu was unwavering. He hoped that Cao Cao could assist Emperor Xian as a courtier.

It's a pity that things backfired, and Cao Cao and Xun Yu separated.

Cao Cao made prime minister, Xun Yu did not object.

Cao Cao became the Duke, and it still makes sense.

When Cao Cao became king, Xun Yu had no choice but to stand up and speak, and his head was broken.

In recent years, Cao Cao killed and eliminated many loyal officials of the Han Dynasty, and the court became Cao Cao's voice.

Xun Yu stood up and opposed at this time, very stupid and naive.But an inner duty drives him, it must be said.

Just when Xun Yu was about to return home in a daze, he met a tyrannical carriage coming from the White Horse Gate.

White Horse Gate is one of the gates of the palace, and it is a special passage for the emperor.According to the palace ban, no cars are allowed to pass through the Baima Gate except the emperor's car.

And the one who traveled was obviously impossible to be Emperor Xian who was under house arrest.

"Who is so arrogant?!"

The more Xun Yu thought about it, the angrier he became, and he hurried forward to stop him.

It turned out to be Cao Zhi!

"Xun Gong, stop my frame, what do you mean?"

Cao Zhi said unhappy.

"You are also a scholar, don't you know what the White Horse Gate means?" Xun Yu scolded.

Facing Xun Yu's unreasonable troubles, Cao Zhi seemed a little innocent.

His father Cao Cao is now king!

What crime can there be in taking a driveway that no one uses?

The two couldn't stop arguing, and someone immediately reported to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao rushed to the White Horse Gate and asked what had happened. He glared at Cao Zhi, who took a few steps back and hid behind Cao Cao.

"Who is on duty at the White Horse Gate?"

"It's the last general."

"Pull it down and cut it off."

Cao Cao ordered.

"The king of Wei spares his life! The king of Wei spares his life!"

However, Cao Cao was not merciful.

"Prime Minister, this is the son's fault, why punish the guard severely?" Xun Yu dissuaded.

"Knowing that opening the door is not proper, but not stopping it is an exaggeration," Cao Cao said.

With a click, the heads of the guards fell to the ground.

Xun Yu's anger rose, he could not agree with Cao Cao's reasoning.

"Prime Minister, what about the son's fault? Shouldn't he be punished? What about those who opened the king's gate for the prime minister?"

"Please call me King Wei!" Cao Cao corrected.

"Oh... King Wei." Xun Yu left silently, like a walking dead.

Is it possible to argue with Cao Cao here?

"King Wei, Xun Gong is highly respected, you should treat him leniently." Cao Hong said.

"Hmph, he has to figure it out on his own, and no one can help him." Cao Cao said angrily.

It's not enough for Liu Bei to be a disgusting person, and Xun Yu doesn't even understand him.

Cao Cao was very disappointed.

As soon as Xun Yu returned to the mansion and sat down, a servant reported.

"My lord, we have a visitor."

"Who? How did you make it so mysterious?"

Then a person came in and said with a smile, "Uncle, long time no see."

Xun Yu took a closer look, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Isn't this Xun You?How would it appear here?

Although Xun You is older than Xun Yu, according to seniority, Xun You is Xun You's uncle.

"Gongda, you're not working for the Marquis of Dongyang in Yangzhou, what are you doing here?"

"Haha, I came to you as soon as I heard that Cao Cao was crowned king." Xun You smiled brightly.

The two formed a stark contrast, Xun Yu was frowning and depressed.But Xun You is just the opposite.

"Xuchang is not a place to stay for a long time, follow me to Yangzhou."

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