This sentence was like a thunderbolt. Xun Yu hadn't thought about this question at all, and he wasn't even mentally prepared.

"Gongda, you and I have already separated. Do you know what separation means?"

"Separation doesn't mean that we don't see each other forever. My nephew has a future, so I naturally want to take care of you."

Obviously this reason cannot convince Xun Yu.

This will break the rules of the family!

The aristocratic family bets everywhere, hoping that the family can flourish.

"Uncle, you have already missed an opportunity, do you want to miss another one?"

"The Marquis of Dongyang is not kind either. If he really has the heart, he will welcome Emperor Xian."

"Uncle, you are dead-headed. Isn't Emperor Guangwu a branch of the Han Dynasty?"

Xun Yu shook his head, he obviously wanted to defect to Yangzhou, but he resisted in his heart.

"Although the prime minister doesn't wait for me, it's because of his promotion that I can be here today."

"It seems that the lord is destined to wait in vain." Xun You sighed.

"What does Gongda mean by that?" Xun Yu asked.

"What's the point? My lord wanted to come to Xuchang in person, but I persuaded him. Now he is in Runan, waiting for my good news." Xun You said.

"I appreciate the kindness of the Marquis of Dongyang." Xun Yu said.

"Since that's the case, I won't force it. I'll trouble my uncle to send me out of the city." Xun You said.

Xun Yu was a little surprised, now that there is no martial law in Xuchang, why did he send him out of the city himself?

However, the uncle and nephew hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Xun Yu didn't object.

Both of them talked about their recent situation and sighed endlessly.

The carriage drove all the way, and when they arrived outside the city, Xun Yu just wanted to say goodbye when he was knocked out.

"Oh, I didn't expect to use the master's method. Why does the master know uncle better than me?"

Chen Dao rushed out with his guards, and the group moved quickly.

When Xun Yu slowly woke up, he had already entered the territory of Runan.

"Marquis of Dongyang..."

"Xun Wenruo, didn't expect that?" Liu Ke laughed.

"Well, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you. But if you want me to join Yangzhou, it is absolutely impossible." Xun Yu said.

"Good things take time." Liu Ke said, seeing Xun Yu's unconvinced look, Liu Ke found it interesting.

"Now that Cao Cao is king, are you still willing to follow him?"

"As long as I am sincere, the prime minister will definitely change his mind."

"Since ancient times, who has become king and will abandon the throne?"

Xun Yu couldn't argue with Liu Ke's words.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wen Ruo, why, haven't you figured it out yet?"

In the carriage, Liu Ke looked at Xun Yu, smiled faintly, sat across from Xun Yu, and asked.

"Marquis Dongyang, I appreciate your kindness." Xun Yu shook his head, with a smile on his face, which was a forced smile.

"The Xun family is a well-known family, and Gongda alone can't support it." Liu Ke said, "Wen Ruo thinks Yangzhou?"

Xun Yu is very good in every aspect. Whether it is dealing with internal affairs or as a counselor, he is considered to be at the top.

However, he has followed Cao Cao for too long, and thinking of impressing him is not something that can be done in a few words.

Liu Ke was also very troubled by this. If he had been able to strike hard at the beginning, he would not have let this great talent slip away.

"Yangzhou is prosperous and strong, but unfortunately, I have no fate with the Marquis of Dongyang. Instead of betraying the master, it is better to die, to repay the prime minister's kindness, and to be worthy of the Emperor of Han!"


As soon as Xun Yu finished speaking, Liu Ke burst out laughing loudly and piercing far away, making Xun Yu and Xun You baffled by the laughter.

Liu Ke rarely let himself go like this.

Just when everyone didn't know why Liu Ke was laughing, he said, "Xun Wenruo, Xun Wenruo, I didn't expect you to be such a superficial person!"

"Everyone in the world knows that Meng De coerced the emperor to command the princes. Are you loyal to the Han Dynasty or to Meng De? Don't end up with both!"

Xun Yu's face turned red, he was irritated by Liu Ke's words.

"You are a close minister of Meng De's side. If you were loyal to the Han Dynasty, you would have assassinated Meng De long ago. Even if you disdain assassination, but you are high and powerful, you should raise troops to subdue the Han Dynasty, but you did nothing."

"Similarly, if you are loyal to Meng De, you should not object to him being king."

Xun Yu sighed, he knew the weakness of his character, but unfortunately he couldn't overcome it.

"Meng De only occupies the land of the four states, but now I occupy half of the world. I have an advantage over him. With my current strength, capturing the world is just a matter of one effort."

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