Cao Cao had no choice but to retreat first, first to wait for follow-up troops, and second to let Yangping Pass relax.

Sure enough, seeing Cao Cao's army going away, Zhang Wei immediately relaxed his vigilance.

One night, everything was silent, whether it was inside or outside the pass, it was pitch black at the moment, and you couldn't see your fingers.

The sloppy defenders yawned. Although they were few in number, they thought it was impossible for Cao Cao to pass through because of the natural danger.

Suddenly, fires broke out in several places in the pass, and the fire was so powerful that the defenders who closed the pass could see it.

"No, it's on fire! Why don't you rush to put out the fire?"

The defenders were in a hurry, fighting the fire everywhere.The fire that burst out at the same time made the defenders panic.

Zhang Wei also woke up from his sleep.

"How could something so good catch fire? And let the food and grass be burned?"

Soon, the drumbeat of Cao Cao's army answered Zhang Wei's question.

"Quick, follow me to the city wall to defend the city!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly commanded a team of [-] people to climb up the city wall. All of them held bows and arrows and carried a pot of arrows on their backs.

"I really don't know how to live or die, let Cao Mengde know how powerful we are today! Still want to attack me? Come, let's shoot arrows!"

With one order, countless arrows formed a rain of arrows, and shot at Cao Cao's army overwhelmingly in the dark night.

It's a pity that Cao Cao's army had been prepared for a long time. Holding their shields, they climbed the ladder and rushed up the city wall desperately.

Jingle Jingle!

The battlefield continued to emit the sound of sharp arrows and shields colliding.


Cao Cao's elite troops scaled the city wall and engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Zhang Wei couldn't resist, so Yang Ang quickly led his army to support and repelled Cao Cao's army.

Dangdang Dangdang!

With a rush of gongs and drums, Cao Cao's army retreated.

"General, this is a great time. If Ma Mengqi can chase Cao Cao down, so can we." Yang Ang said.

Zhang Wei hesitated.

"No, this is Cao Cao's trick." Yang Ren objected.

"If you are timid, you don't have to come. General, give me five thousand troops, and I will surely succeed." Yang Ang said.

"Remember, if something goes wrong, retreat immediately." Zhang Wei urged.

Yang Ang was overjoyed and led his army to pursue Cao Cao into the night.

"Son, you really dare to chase after me! Hurry up and die!" Cao Cao laughed.

Xia Houyuan and Xu Huang rushed out to flank Yang Ang.

"It's hit!"

Yang Ang was shocked and wanted to run away, but was beheaded by Xia Houyuan.

Cao Cao's army took advantage of the situation to counterattack and entered Yangping Pass.

Zhang Wei led his army to resist for a while, unable to recover, and finally fled back to Nanzheng with Yang Ren.

Losing Yangping Pass is tantamount to exposing Hanzhong to Cao Cao's soldiers.

"Brother, I don't blame me for this matter. It was Yang Ren and Yang Ang who insisted on fighting, which led to our army's defeat."

Zhang Lu was furious and wanted to kill Yang Ren.

Yang Ren cried bitterly and was stared at by Zhang Wei, so he had no choice but to shift the responsibility to the dead.

"Yang Ang didn't listen to dissuasion, that's why he was defeated. My lord, give me another [-] troops, and I'm willing to issue a military order to delay Cao Cao's army for seven days."

Zhang Lu was in constant fear, always afraid that Cao Cao would attack, so he agreed to Yang Ren's request.

So Yang Ren set out with an army of [-] troops and set up camp outside Nanzheng, preparing to stop Cao Cao's army.

When Cao Cao captured Yangping Pass, Shiling Xia Houyuan led an army of [-] troops, and went to Nanzheng Road to sentry, and happened to meet Yang Ren's army horse.

The two armies spread out, and Yang Ren dispatched his general Chang Qi to confront Xia Houyuan.The battle is not three-in-one, and Yuan cuts him off the horse with a knife.

Yang Ren raised his gun and went out to fight Xia Houyuan for more than [-] rounds, regardless of the outcome.

Xia Houyuan had no choice but to pretend to be defeated and leave. Yang Ren chased him from behind, but Yuan cut him off his horse with a knife.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Cao Cao learned that Xia Houyuan had killed Yang Ren, he marched in time and set up camp in Nanzheng.

Zhang Lu hurriedly gathered everyone to discuss how to deal with it.

"If there is really no other way, just open the door and surrender."

"My lord, if I recommend someone, I will definitely win." Yan Pu said.

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