Zhang Lu was stunned, why didn't he know that there was such a powerful person under his command?


"Pang De in Nan'an, before Ma Chao betrayed the lord and ordered Pang De to escort his family. The lord is righteous and spared Ma Chao's family and fulfilled Pound. The lord was kind to him, so he stayed in Hanzhong."

Zhang Lu suddenly realized that there is indeed such a thing.

Pound is the number one fighter under Ma Chao's command, and Zhang Lu is also very convinced of his bravery.

"Let Pang De be ordered to lead the army to fight, so as to dampen the spirit of Cao Cao's army."

After receiving the order, Pang De went to Cao Cao's camp to fight.

Even Cao Cao had heard of Pound's name, and he immediately fell in love with talents.

"Pang De is a brave general in Xiliang. Don't underestimate the enemy. This person may not be sincere in seeking refuge with Zhang Lu. If you have the opportunity, you can subdue this person."

So the generals took turns to fight, trying to exhaust Pang De's strength and capture him again.

Yu Jin went out to fight and fought for more than ten rounds.

Xia Houyuan went out to fight and fought for more than twenty rounds.

Xu Huang went out to fight for another [-] rounds.

Pang Deyong was irresistible, and he didn't mean to be afraid at all.

Seeing this, Cao Cao became more determined to subdue this person.

This kind of fierce general should be used by him.

"What should I do to subdue this person?"

This time Sima Yi went to battle with the army, and suggested: "I know that Zhang Lu has a counselor, Yang Song. He is very greedy for bribes. As long as the lord gives him money and asks him to speak ill of Pang De in front of Zhang Lu, the monarch and his ministers will definitely be offended." gap."

Cao Cao immediately ordered someone to send money to Yang Song.

In order to get Ma Chao, Liu Bei sent someone to send money to Yang Song.Now Cao Cao is doing the same for Pound.

Everyone knows that Yang Song is greedy for money, but Zhang Lu doesn't.

How could such a person succeed?

Sima Yi suggested again: "Our army can pretend to be defeated and let Pang De seize the camp, and then send an army to capture Pound's camp. Pound knows that there is a fraud, and he will definitely retreat to the city. The king of Wei will arrange people to mix into the city again. Worry about Zhang Lu not broken."

At night, Xia Houyuan went out to attack Pound and was defeated by Pound. Pound took down Cao Cao's camp in a fit of vigour. Before he could be happy, news came from his subordinates that his camp was also taken by Xu Huang.

In desperation, Pound led the army to retreat.Encountering Yu Jin's ambush on the road, Pang De had no intention of fighting, so he ordered the soldiers to gallop, and the army's appearance was chaotic.

"Open the door quickly, or Cao Cao's army will come!"

The guard had no choice but to open the door to meet Pound, and the disorderly army rushed in.

The secret agents of Cao Cao's army entered the city, and some of them held a heavy responsibility, visited Yang Song, and sent money.

Yang Song read Cao Cao's secret letter and immediately agreed.

"My lord, Pang De is Ma Chao's subordinate, and he is not of one mind with you. This defeat is the best proof."

Zhang Lu was furious and summoned Pang De for questioning.

"Pang De, I treat you well, why don't you fight to the death?"

Pang De was puzzled by the question. Cao Cao's army was several times larger than his. Wouldn't a death battle ruin the lives of soldiers in vain?

Why didn't Zhang Lu understand?

Not only that, but Zhang Lu wanted to kill Pang De as a warning to others.

Yan Pu pleaded: "My lord, although General Pang De was at fault, he did dampen the spirit of Cao Cao's army."

Zhang Lu had no choice but to give up, but gave Pound a task.

"Tomorrow you will fight again, if you refuse to try your best to win the battle, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Pound held a grudge, and although Ma Chao was self-willed, he never made a wrong judgment on major issues of right and wrong.

Zhang Lu is not a wise man.

The next day, Pang De resolutely fought and fought with Xu Huang for fifty rounds. Xu Huang retreated, and Pound pursued him closely.

Suddenly ambushes broke out and surrounded Pound.

Cao Cao himself rode on the tall horse and shouted: "Pang Lingming, why don't you surrender to me?"

Pound was furious, isn't this humiliating me?

As long as Cao Cao is captured, the battle will be won.

So Pang De desperately rode his horse to attack Cao Cao.But suddenly fell into a deep pit, his whole body ached.

"Haha, Pang Lingming, didn't it fall into my hands in the end?" Cao Cao laughed.

When he tied Pang De back to the camp, Cao Cao untied Pound himself.

"Would you like to surrender?"

Pang De thought about Zhang Lu's inhumanity, and following him would definitely end badly. However, Cao Cao was powerful and courteous, so it was better to go to him, and he agreed.

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