Cao Cao was overjoyed, and the next day he and Pound rode together and came to the city to fight.

Everyone in the city learned that Pound had surrendered, and morale plummeted.

"Damn! Pang De deceived me like this!"

Zhang Lu was furious. Before he surrendered, Zhang Lu surrendered, completely ignoring him as the lord.


"Brother can't defend the city anymore, it's better to give up and retreat to Bazhong." Zhang Wei suggested.

"It's better to surrender directly." Yang Song said.

Zhang Lu hesitated, Zhang Wei spoke again, saying:

"Brother, it is the best policy to retreat to Bazhong after burning the food and grass in the treasury."

"I originally wanted to serve the court, but now I have to run away, so why burn the treasury?"

So Zhang Lu led the whole family, young and old, and opened the south gate to fight out.

Cao Cao easily occupied Nanzheng. Seeing that the treasury was well sealed, he ordered people not to pursue him, because he knew that Zhang Lu had the intention of surrendering, so he deliberately kept the treasury and gave it to him.

Soon after, Cao Cao ordered people to go to Bazhong to persuade Zhang Lu to surrender.

Zhang Lu wanted to surrender a long time ago, and now Cao Cao sent someone to give him a step, if he doesn't surrender now, when will he wait?

But Zhang Wei firmly opposed it.

"Brother, if you surrender to Cao Cao, you will not be reused, don't you understand?"

Zhang Lu sighed.

Yang Song quickly wrote to Cao Cao, asking Cao Cao to attack, and then urged Zhang Wei to resist.

Zhang Wei didn't resist for a few days, but was beheaded by Xia Houyuan and became a dead soul.

Now no one protested the surrender.

Zhang Lu directly led his troops and surrendered to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was overjoyed and named Zhang Lu the general of Zhennan.Yan Pu and others were all named Liehou.

Hanzhong is flat.

Among them, Yang Song, the biggest hero, asked Cao Cao for credit.

"King Wei, if it wasn't for me, how could you enter Hanzhong so quickly?"

"Yeah, what's the use of keeping such a betrayer?"

Cao Cao ordered Yang Song to be beheaded, and the soldiers applauded.

Everyone can see Yang Song's behavior, and being an official with such a person is simply an insult to himself.

Cao Cao feasted his officials to celebrate his victory in Hanzhong.

Sima Yi took the opportunity to suggest: "Now that our army has won Hanzhong, we might as well take advantage of Liu Bei's instability and take Yizhou."

Cao Cao replied with a word.

"People are not satisfied with suffering. Now that Hanzhong has been captured, attacking Liu Bei will only lead to exhaustion of troops and horses."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The king of Hanzhong, the king of Hanzhong, Hanzhong was taken by Cao Cao.

Liu Bei lost face!

"Damn it, it must be called Cao Mengde to look good!"

The reason why Liu Bei failed to send troops in time was because he wanted Cao Cao to consume some of Hanzhong's vigor and reap the benefits of being a fisherman.Second... because of poverty.

Yizhou was beaten to pieces, and Liu Bei wanted to send troops, but he would not be able to raise military funds in a short while.

Sometimes Liu Bei would sigh with emotion, why am I so poor? !

He even thought about taking back the money from the Chengdu treasury many times.

What the hell at the beginning, he promised to give all the treasury money to the soldiers.

It was originally just to boost morale, but now it's all right, the soldiers have left nothing for Liu Bei, and now the warehouse can run mice.

This Nima messed up too badly.

"Brother, give me a soldier and horse, and I will go to Hanzhong." Zhang Fei was also furious.

Ma Chao on the side also said: "My lord, I am willing to lead the troops there."

Liu Bei glanced at Ma Chao, and said fearfully, "Meng Chu came to surrender, and I don't want you to lead the way, so let's talk about it later."

Ma Chao was disappointed.

There is no way, Ma Chao's reputation is already high enough, if Liu Bei is not more wary.

Then Ma Chao will become the second Liu Bei. Wouldn't it be a big loss to seize Yizhou? !

Bah, what the hell is the second Liu Bei...

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