In short, Ma Chao's prestige cannot be made higher, so that Liu Bei's small life can be more comfortable.

"Cao Cao must be beaten, otherwise it will be difficult to vent my hatred." Liu Bei said.

"My lord, Cao Cao's great enemy is the Marquis of Dongyang. He must not dare to leave the main force in Hanzhong. When he leads the main force to leave, it will be our chance." Fazheng said.

"Great kindness!" Liu Bei stroked his palm.

This face can't be regained, what face is there to be called the King of Hanzhong?

Regarding Hanzhong, Liu Bei is determined to win it. Although it is a bit late, he still wants to get it back even if he is a ghost.

Sure enough, Cao Cao stayed in Hanzhong for less than half a month, and returned to the court as a teacher.

Huang Quan urged Liu Bei to enter the army, and said to Liu Bei: "If Hanzhong is lost, the land of Sanba will be threatened, and this will cut off the thigh and arm of Shu."

So Liu Bei took Huang Quan as the guard and led the generals into Bazhong.

Guan Yu, Liu Feng, etc. attacked Padang Brazil, and Zhang Feima overtook Wudu.

Xia Houyuan led Xu Huang, Cao Hong, Cao Zhen and others to meet them separately.

On Liu Bei's side, all the famous generals are here.Although Cao Cao's army is a little short, they are all big men.

In addition to the above characters, there are also the future general Cao Zhen, the future chariot general Guo Huai and the future great Sima Cao Xiu.

"This battle will definitely make Cao Cao's army pay the price!"

Liu Bei let out bold words again.

At this time, Cao Cao was furious.

"Liu Xuande is just a villain. He only knows the immediate benefits, but he doesn't know the general trend of the world. The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins. Dongyanghou is the fisherman!"

So, before the fight started, Cao Cao sent a letter to Liu Bei, saying: You can be the king of Hanzhong, but don't attack my Hanzhong.

The implication is that Liu Bei's name can be rectified, and Liu Bei can be called the king of Hanzhong in a legitimate way in the future.

However, without the King of Hanzhong in Hanzhong, how could Liu Bei swallow this breath?

Cao Cao suggested again.

"You can change King Zeng Shu."

King of Shu?

It sounds like a mouse, but when others hear it, they think Liu Xuande is afraid of Cao Mengde.

"Needless to say, Hanzhong is in my pocket."

Liu Bei wants to win Hanzhong no matter what!

Cao Cao is also angry, come and get it if you have the ability!

Fuck, I don't know how to flatter.

Although Cao Cao took away most of the soldiers and horses, he still left [-] soldiers and horses for Xia Houyuan.

The terrain in Hanzhong is dangerous, as long as you keep the main roads, you can persist for a long time.

Cao Cao needs time to recuperate, and it will be up to Liu Bei to deal with him when the time comes.

Xia Houyuan, the general who conquered the west, was in charge of the western front, Cao Ren, the general who conquered the south, was in charge of the southern front, and Xiahou Dun was the commander-in-chief of the eastern front.

Cao Cao's territory is as solid as gold, provided that the Marquis of Dongyang does not make a move.

After that, the war gradually developed. Liu Bei's army defeated Du Wei, the leader of the Bajun people, and Puhu, the Yi king Puhu, who had seven surnames in Bajun, and launched the Battle of Hanzhong.

This battle is inevitable.

On the one hand, Liu Bei and others were afraid that Cao Cao would "Longwangshu".Cao Cao's victory over Xiliang, and then Zhang Lu's reputation shook the heavens. If he said that he took advantage of the situation and took Xishu, no one would doubt it.

Therefore, Liu Bei must act first.

On the other hand, if Liu Bei does not attack Hanzhong, Liu Ke will also attack.

Now Liu Bei and Cao Cao are powerful and powerful.Especially Cao Cao is challenging Liu Ke's dominance.

If Liu Bei hadn't fought Cao Cao, Liu Ke might have been the one who started the army.

At that time, it will be the real Dingding Central Plains.

The battle began when Liu Bei captured Brazil.

In view of Zhang Fei's "bravely crowning the three armies", Cao Hong, the leader of Cao Cao's army, is determined to defend for a long time.

I just don't go out and beat you, if you have the ability, you come and beat me!

In Xishu, the defensive side has a greater advantage.

But Xu Huang thought it was too negative, and he believed in "offense is the best defense", so he volunteered to fight Brazil.

As a result, Zhang Fei took advantage of the geographical position and defeated Xu Huang.

Cao Jun had to retreat to Dangqu Mountain, and Xu Huang stopped attacking. Like Cao Hong, he couldn't hold on.

You have the ability to hit me!

Zhang Fei really led the army here, claiming that he must take down Dangqu!

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