It was like this for seven days in a row.

"Brother, there is nothing I can do."

Zhang Fei said helplessly.

"My lord, do you want to threaten Xia Houshang?"

Jian Yong's proposal made Zhang Fei furious, and he gave Jian Yong a hard look.

"Jian Xianhe, you are trying to injure your brother."

"Hmph, besides this method, can you think of anything else?"

"You can't think of it, but it doesn't mean others can't. I've never seen you come up with a good idea."

"Zhang Yide, you actually harmed the interests of the lord for an outsider?"

Jian Yong is Liu Bei's younger brother, and Zhang Fei is Liu Bei's sworn brother.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Liu Bei scolded.

"My lord, even if Xia Houshang is used as a threat, Xia Houyuan will not compromise. He is a mighty general, and he is the most loyal to Cao Cao." Fazheng said.

"That's right, it's better not to use such indecent moves." Zhang Fei said.

Liu Bei grabbed Zhang Fei's hand, and then Jian Yong's hand, and put them together.

"Yide, don't be narrow-minded, a family must love each other."

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, obviously not convinced, but in front of Liu Bei, he was not easy to make a fuss.

"Xiao Zhi, do you have a clever plan?" Liu Bei said.

"Of course, since Yide's call is unsuccessful, the lord might as well go out in person." Fazheng said.

"This will put the lord in danger!" Jian Yong shouted.

Now Liu Bei is not only Yizhou Mu, but also the King of Hanzhong. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to fight in this capacity.

"It is to lure the snake out of the hole. With Yide protecting it, the lord will not have any problems." Fazheng said.

When Liu Bei crusade against the Yellow Turban, he was a general who dared to charge.He became the governor of Xuzhou and fought against Liu Ke himself.

It's just that the years have smoothed his edges and corners, and he gradually changed his style.

The most important of these is the change of status, Liu Bei does not need to continue to charge forward.

"I will definitely protect my brother." Zhang Fei said.

If Fazheng was proposed from the beginning, Zhang Fei would definitely object, after all, Liu Bei's life is very important.

But since Jian Yong expressed his objection, Zhang Fei stood up and agreed, at worst he would concentrate on protecting Liu Bei.

Liu Bei hesitated for a while, remembering the days when he was in charge.

"The Marquis of Dongyang used to take the lead in every battle, but now I rarely fight. But I, Liu Xuande, are different. Even if I am in a high position, even if I am Yizhou Mu, even if I am the uncle of the emperor, even if I am the King of Hanzhong, my original intention has not changed."

Liu Bei made up his mind and followed Fazheng's advice.

Therefore, Liu Bei ordered Li Hui to lead an army to ambush on the right, and Li Yan to lead an army to ambush on the left.

And Liu Bei himself took Zhang Fei to fight.

When the Hanzhong King's banner started, Cao Cao's army exploded.

"What does Liu Beijun mean by this? Is it going to launch a general offensive?"

Xia Houyuan got the news and hurried out to visit.

Only a few guards raised their shields to protect Liu Beice.

"Haha, Xiahou Miaocai, do you dare to come out and fight with me?"

Cao Caojun did not respond.

"Brother, you can't do this, you have to be stricter." Zhang Fei talked with Liu Bei about how to swear.

"Isn't that bad?" Liu Bei hesitated.

"Brother, don't be embarrassed. As long as you say the first sentence, the rest will follow. It's very cool." Zhang Fei said.

Liu Bei coughed.

"Xiahou Miaocai, you turtle grandson, where is your turtle grandfather? Hurry home and find your turtle grandfather."

Following Liu Bei's roar, his voice echoed in the mountains.

Xia Houyuan seemed unable to believe his ears.

"Fuck, this is the King of Hanzhong? Why isn't it called a local ruffian?!"

Liu Bei still cursed loudly, regardless of his image.

It's all about winning.

"Brother, if you scold Xia Houyuan for being too cheap, you might as well scold Cao Mengde." Zhang Fei suggested.

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