
Liu Bei's eyes lit up, Xia Houyuan was just a general, and it was meaningless to scold him.

You should scold Cao Cao!

"Cao Mengde coerced the emperor to command the princes, the wolf is ambitious, and he has no ass hole in having children!"

"Haha, Cao Mengde cut off his robe and beard in Tongguan, it's really wonderful!"

"Cao Mengde is really a traitor, how dare you call him king of Wei? The land of Wei is in the hands of the Marquis of Dongyang, so my king of Hanzhong deserves his name."

Liu Bei gradually let go of himself, no wonder Zhang Fei always likes to scold people, it turns out...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Bei scolded Cao Cao and was still angry, and even turned his horse's ass before the battle, which was full of provocation.


Xia Houyuan roared angrily: "Big-eared thief, I insist on tearing your corpse into thousands of pieces today."

As the saying goes, the master humiliated his ministers to death, and Cao Cao was so abused, how could Xia Houyuan bear it?

He thought that his temper was good enough to hold back Zhang Fei for so many days, but today Liu Bei is making a show... Fuck!

nnd, I can't bear it anymore.

As soon as he heard the words "big-eared thief", Liu Bei was furious and his face was ferocious.

Is this what Nima can say?

"Come on, if you can't do it today, you're a bastard."

Liu Bei was not afraid at all. He saw that Xia Houyuan was already angry, and his heart gradually became happy.

As the gate of Cao Cao's barracks opened, Liu Bei hurriedly fled.

"Big-eared thief, don't run away!"

Xia Houyuan who was behind quickly chased after him with his troops.

Yu Jin, who was accompanying him, saw that there were only a few dozen people in Liu Bei's party, and his heart became hot.

As long as Liu Bei is captured, not only will Yizhou be able to retreat, but it may also be able to take advantage of the situation to occupy Yizhou.

This is a great contribution, he can be famous all over the world since he was banned.

Yu Jin chased all the way, more energetic than Xia Houyuan.The soldiers behind him all had two legs, and many of them were already gasping for breath, feeling extremely tired, and their formations were staggering and out of shape.

At this moment, Liu Bei did not escape.

"Haha, big-eared thief, let's catch him!" Yu Jin laughed loudly.

Suddenly there was a sound of beating drums, and the two armies who were ambushing suddenly rushed out. It was Li Hui and Li Yan.

Yu Jin was shocked.

After a while of fighting, Yu Jin was defeated.Xia Houyuan led troops to rescue him, and Yu Jin was able to escape.

"Haha, who can fight me?"

Liu Bei laughed arrogantly, watching the enemy get frustrated, this feeling is really great.

Xia Houyuan had no choice but to shrink the line of defense again, giving Fazheng an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Fazheng discovered that there was a high mountain on the west side of Dingjun Mountain. Although it was steep, it was neglected to guard against it.If you can take down this mountain, you can overlook Cao Jun's camp.

So, through a clean night attack, Zhang Fei took down the hill.

Xia Houyuan suffered two losses, so he should have stuck to it.

However, Xia Houyuan couldn't sit still seeing his side's falsehood and reality in the opponent's eyes.

In the future, the transfer of troops and horses will not be hidden from Liu Beijun.How else can this battle be fought?

"General, don't fight anymore, otherwise..."

Xu Huang tried to persuade him again, but Xia Houyuan interrupted impatiently when he was only halfway through.

"Xu Gongming, you are also a fierce general, and the lord has also praised your bravery, why are you so timid now?"

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. If you are afraid of your hands and feet, you will just wait for death slowly."

What Xia Houyuan said was very reasonable, so he ignored Xu Huang's persuasive advice and led his army to rush towards Liu Bei's army.

Unfortunately, Xia Houyuan was in a hurry, but Liu Bei was not.

Fa is monitoring the enemy's situation on the top of the mountain, and Liu Bei hides on the mountainside to recharge his energy and wait for work.

In this way, when Xia Houyuan shouted aggressively at the foot of the mountain, Liu Bei simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, and let him insult him.

Who made him thick-skinned?

Liu Bei occasionally responded to Xia Houyuan.

"Big Ear Thief, do you dare to fight?"

"Don't dare, General Xiahou is so powerful, wouldn't he die if he went out?"

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