Liu Bei never knew the word "polite". When an army crossed the border, expelling Cao Cao's army was like chasing pigs.

In this way, except for a pass at Yangping Pass, the rest of Hanzhong fell into Liu Bei's hands.

"Welcome to the King of Hanzhong!"

Fazheng set up his posture and led officials, large and small, to welcome Liu Bei.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Haha! Please rise, everyone! Now Yangping Pass is still in the hands of Cao Cao's army, so it cannot be called the King of Hanzhong."

Liu Bei said modestly, even though he said so, he still held the king ceremony in Hanzhong.

Now the whole world knows that Liu Bei is the King of Hanzhong.

When the news reached Xuchang, Cao Cao was shocked and angry.

"Miaocai is mature and stable, so I handed over Hanzhong to him. But not long after I withdrew, Hanzhong was lost. I am so angry!"

"My lord, now that General Xiahou has been captured, Yangping Pass is in an emergency, so it's time to rescue him," Zhong Yao said.

Now is not the time to pass the buck, but to fix the problem.

Cao Cao knew this clearly, but he still felt very uncomfortable.

How long has the army been resting, is it possible that they will go out again?

Then why did you come back?

"Big Ear Thief, I will never die with you!"

All incidents started because of Liu Bei's sneak attack, and Cao Cao wished he could send troops to attack Liu Bei.The benevolence of the thought at the beginning actually made Liu Bei bigger and became a serious problem in his heart.


"My lord, Yangping Pass is still in our hands, so Hanzhong is not lost. Just take it back." Li Dian also agreed to send troops.

"Zhongda, what do you think?" Cao Cao asked.

Sima Yi kept silent, waiting for this sentence.That's how it feels to be valued.

"My lord, our army is exhausted now, and it is not suitable to fight any more."

"Why?" Cao Cao asked.

"Our army won Longxi. If we win Hanzhong again, the Marquis of Dongyang won't be able to sit still. Now that we have lost Hanzhong, we have bought time for our lord. It is hard to say whether we will gain or lose," Sima Yi said.

The thought of Liu Ke gave Cao Cao even more headaches.

"What you said makes sense, but how to clean up the mess in Hanzhong?"

"My lord, our army voluntarily withdraws from Yangping Pass and signs an offensive and defensive alliance with Liu Bei. By the way, we want to return the two generals Xiahou." Sima Yi gave a pertinent suggestion.

"Nowadays, there are only Dongyang Hou, Sun Ce, Liu Bei, and the imperial court represented by the lord. Dongyang Hou is powerful, and it is not something that one or two families can fight against. It is necessary to gather the strength of the three families."

Cao Cao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The current situation seems to be calm, but the wind is surging.

"The real battle has just begun."

"Our army begins to recuperate!"

Cao Cao agreed with Sima Yi's strategy and formed an alliance with Liu Bei.

Because Cao Cao saw it, even if he defeated Liu Bei, as long as Dongyang Hou stood still, it would be meaningless.

The Marquis of Dongyang is the biggest enemy, this revenge will be avenged later.

So Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao to Shu.

"What, Cao Cao wants to negotiate a peace?" Liu Bei couldn't believe it.

"My lord is absolutely true, Zhong Yao has arrived at Yangping Pass." Fazheng said.

"Haha, the majestic Cao Mengde, who has lost his temper after being beaten by me, who in the world would dare to underestimate me?" Liu Bei said vigorously.

Since losing Xuzhou, Liu Bei has been depressed.Life in Xinye was even more tormenting, living in a few small counties.

"I finally became a vassal with a state, haha!" Liu Bei laughed loudly. Only those who have been displaced can know how precious it is.

"Brother, you are not only a prince, but also the king of Hanzhong!" Zhang Fei said.

"Yes, the King of Hanzhong! The Marquis of Dongyang has been an army all his life, and at this moment he is just a lord, but I, Liu Xuande, am the King of Hanzhong!" Liu Bei said proudly.

In this regard, Liu Ke can't even catch up with him.

"Then, should I agree to Cao Mengde's peace negotiation?" After Liu Bei was happy, he regained his senses.

"My lord, why didn't you agree? Now your biggest enemy is not Cao Mengde, but the Marquis of Dongyang. Cao Mengde also saw this, so he reconciled with the lord. Remember not to destroy it." Fazheng said.

"Yes, my biggest enemy has always been the Marquis of Dongyang." Liu Bei said.

When Liu Bei was in Xuzhou, he was chased all the way to Yizhou by Liu Ke. One was in the east and the other was in the west. It was a great shame.

Liu Bei will never forget it in his life, so he went ten miles out of the city to meet Zhong Yao.

"Mr. Xuande!"

Zhong Yao did not call himself King of Hanzhong, because he only had King Wei in his eyes.

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