However, there is nothing wrong with being called Xuande Gong. Only people with high morals and respect can be called "gong."

"Everyone open the skylight and tell the truth, what conditions does Cao Cao have?" Liu Bei said.

"The king of Wei is willing to form an alliance with you, and not to pursue your private seizure of Hanzhong. Therefore, you should also release the two generals Xia Houyuan and Xia Houshang." Zhong Yao said.

"Hmph, Cao Mengde is so insincere? I defeated Hanzhong by myself, can he still go back?" Liu Bei dissatisfied.

"Haha, the imperial court still has [-] troops ready to fight." Zhong Yao said.

Of course Liu Bei would not be intimidated.

"Do you really think that Marquis Dongyang won't attack you? Cao Mengde is already qualified to threaten Marquis Dongyang's supremacy."

"The Marquis of Dongyang is also Duke Xuande's enemy, isn't he?" Zhong Yao said.

"That's why I'm here to talk to you, otherwise it's just a fight." Liu Bei said firmly.

After winning the battle, I have the confidence to speak.

Liu Beichao likes this feeling.

"What does Lord Xuande want?"

"Yangping Pass! Yangping Pass is the gateway to Hanzhong."

This was one of the conditions, and Zhong Yao could agree on his own, but it was not good for the negotiation to expose his hole cards directly, so he decided to take advantage of Liu Bei.

"Mr. Xuande, we took a lot of effort to win Yangping Pass." Zhong Yao said.

"Then I'll spend a little more time fighting it down," Liu Bei said.

"Mr. Xuande, are you really unwilling to reconcile?" Zhong Yao said coldly.

Seeing that the two wanted to fight, Jian Yong quickly persuaded him: "My lord, Holy Envoy, calm down. A fight at this time will only make Dongyang Hou laugh."

"Haha, you're right, but I must go to Yangping Pass." Liu Bei was firm.

Without Yangping Pass, Hanzhong would be unreliable, maybe one day Cao Cao would come over.

"Our army can give up Yangping Pass, but there are a few conditions."

Liu Bei was overjoyed, and Zhong Yao finally compromised.

"What conditions?"

"All the prisoners from the Battle of Hanzhong were released." Zhong Yao said.

"It's easy to say, I agree." Liu Bei said generously.

"Compensate our army for military expenses of five million gold." Zhong Yao said.


Liu Bei was about to scold his mother, if he wanted money or not, he would die, but for the sake of Yangping Pass, he forcibly held back.

"Five million gold is too much, at most half a million."


Zhong Yao is going to scold his mother too, just cut it into tenths?

Liu Xuande, you are worthy of selling straw sandals!

"Too little, three million gold."

"One million gold, no more."

The two were haggling over every detail, drooling and spitting, and finally the deal was settled at two million gold.

Zhong Yao was very satisfied. At first Cao Cao only wanted to exchange Xia Houyuan's, but now he has two million more gold. This is his ability.

"Then, sign the covenant!"

Chapter 16 Chapter [-] Sneaking

The covenant between Liu Bei and Cao Cao was of course carried out secretly.

However, in Yangzhou, almost everyone knows it.

"Cao Cao's sudden truce with Liu Bei is for the simple reason of dealing with us. Are you ready, my lord?" Guo Jia asked with a slight smile.

Threats exist all the time.

Liu Ke likes to take on challenges.

"I have sent someone to make arrangements, Feng Xiaojing is waiting for the good news."

Liu Bei is at the height of his power, claiming to be the king of Hanzhong, Liu Ke wants to make him lose face.


Chengdu, Yizhou.

"Brother, Liu Xuande has already captured Dongchuan and Xichuan, and promoted his subordinates to ranks. How unfair it is to be the only one without you!" Ma Dai dissatisfied.

"Isn't there a post of Liangzhou pastor?"

Ma Chao didn't care.

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