"Haha, brother, Liu Xuande is confused, are you too? Who owns Liangzhou? With his ability, can he fight back to Liangzhou?" Ma Dai sneered.

As soon as Liangzhou was mentioned, Ma Chao became angry.

"I shall take it back."

"Liu Xuande kept it from us, so he thought we didn't know about it? He signed an armistice agreement with Cao Mengde, it was clearly a covenant. Even if brother regains Liangzhou, I'm afraid your position will become Sizhou Shepherd again." Ma Dai pointedly said.

Ma Chao was very annoyed. Liu Bei did respect him very much, but he was also jealous.

It was this fear that allowed Ma Chao to be held in high esteem without any real power.

Except for the Qiang soldiers and Liu Bei who dared not move, Ma Chao was like an idler.

Ma Chao pretended not to try to figure out people's hearts, but after being reminded by Ma Dai, he got out of hand.

Is Liu Xuande really the Ming Lord?

It's better to do it alone in Xiliang, that's refreshing and unrestrained.

Before Ma Chao defected to Zhang Lu in Xiliang, he swore a lifelong oath to be an enemy of Cao Cao.

But now Liu Bei and Cao Cao flirt, which disappointed Ma Chao.

Revenge is nowhere in sight.

Not only that, Ma Chao once expressed cryptically that he was willing to guard Hanzhong and resist Cao Cao.

Liu Bei panicked and said, I know your loyalty.

The next day, he gave Zhang Fei the position of Hanzhong Shou.

Liu Bei was worried that Ma Chao would become an enemy of Cao Cao regardless of the overall situation.

Moreover, Hanzhong is very close to Xiqiang. If Ma Chao rebels, Liu Bei will not be able to do anything to him.

Ma Chao, who was thinking about it, suddenly heard that someone came to report, saying that someone asked to see him.

Ma Chao suddenly felt very strange. After thinking about it, he was familiar with none of them.

Who will come to visit him?

"Please come in."

After a while, the servants came in with a middle-aged scribe with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Ma Chao looked at this man, and saw that he looked like a Confucian scholar, but there was a faint haze on his body, so he frowned and asked:

"Who is Your Excellency?"

The man glanced at Ma Chao, and did not answer his question, but asked arrogantly:

"Are you Ma Chao and Ma Mengqi?"

"I'm Ma Chao, yes, who are you..."

Ma Chao frowned, he realized that he didn't know the person in front of him at all.

Although this person is dressed as a Confucian businessman, his eyes are piercing, which shows that he is a person in a high position.

The man looked at Ma Chao and hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Please forgive me for being impolite, a certain Jia Xu, words and..."

It was like a thunderbolt falling!

The name Ma Chao is very familiar, after all, they are both from Liangzhou, and the most famous celebrities in Liangzhou are not Ma Teng and Han Sui, but Jia Wenhe!

Liangzhou is too remote.

People in the world may not know Han Sui and Ma Teng, but who doesn't know Jia Wenhe?

"Jia Wenhe, you are so brave to break into Chengdu!"

Chengdu is Liu Bei's base camp.

In order to make money and fill the treasury, Liu Bei could not refuse the merchants in Yangzhou.

But a businessman is a businessman, can it be the same as Jia Xu?

"There is a big business to discuss, so I have to come."

Jia Xu was calm and breezy.

Ma Chao did not call for his servants to take Jia Xu down.

Probably this is self-confidence.

"What are you doing here?"

"If there is nothing wrong, I will definitely not come to disturb the general. In fact, this matter has something to do with the general, and someone came here to recruit the general."

"Haha! Mister, are you joking?"

Ma Chao didn't mean to be arrogant, no matter what, Jia Xu was a senior from Liangzhou.

It's just that what Jia Xu said was too unbelievable.

Dongyang Hou recruited him?

Ma Chao will never believe it.

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