"Don't you believe it, the general? This is written by the lord himself."

Ma Chao took it apart and saw that the general idea was to recruit Ma Chao and deal with Cao Cao with profound words.

However, it is still too simple to recruit Ma Chao with a letter.

"I voted for Zhang Luben because I had to do it. Zhang Lu was unjust, so I voted for the King of Hanzhong instead. Now the King of Hanzhong treats me well, how can I bear it?"

"The general's father's feud cannot be shared, Uncle Liu Huang will understand." Jia Xu said.

Ma Chao looked sad.

"Uncle Liu Huang used the slogan of conquering the Han Dynasty, but he secretly colluded with Cao Cao. After all, it was not for the power in his hands. If Uncle Liu Huang reused the general, it would be fine, but he would not give it to a small Hanzhong guard."

"My lord is different. I'm not afraid of the general's meritorious service. Who else in the world has more merit than my lord?"

"My lord has always been friendly with Xiliang, and even more friendly with the general."

"As long as the general nods, I will go to persuade Liu Bei, and I will definitely not make things difficult for the general."

The last sentence deeply moved Ma Chao.

What is Jia Xu's identity? ——An important minister of Yangzhou, the right-hand man of Dongyang Hou.

For him, he even risked himself to argue with Liu Bei?

"Brother, I have met Marquis Dongyang, who is truly talented. If it weren't for the distance, I would have gone to join him long ago."

Ma Dai helped from the side.

At that time, Ma Chao was leaving Xiliang with a large family, and Ma Dai could not make this suggestion.

Liu Bei seems to be very kind, and he is eager to seek talents.But after taking refuge here, Ma Dai discovered that this was not the case at all.

Not only nepotism, but also suppress Ma Chao!

Ma Dai became more and more disappointed, following such a lord, there was no future.

"At first, the lord wanted to come in person, but if it wasn't for someone's strong recommendation, the one who appeared in front of the general at this time would be the lord." Jia Xu said.

Ma Chao was very moved.

"Sir, there is no need to say too much, as long as the Marquis of Dongyang does not dislike me betraying the master many times, I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse!"

"You don't have to worry about it, the general. Famous generals have chosen masters since ancient times. My lord has a broad mind and a deep desire to seek talents. I wish I could meet the general. If I cared about this, I wouldn't have sent someone here."

Ma Chao paid homage to the Prime Minister.

Jia Xu accepted it calmly, and now he represents Liu Ke.

"According to the time, the Lord is already waiting in Jiaozhou."

"It's not easy to leave Yizhou." Ma Chao sighed.

Although Liu Bei does not reuse Ma Chao, he will never let him go. If this contradiction is not resolved, everything will be empty talk.

However, Jia Xu has long been prepared. According to Liu Ke's words, it is a plan for the golden cicada to get out of its shell.

Eight hundredth Chapter 17 Escape

"I don't know what plan Mister has?" Ma Chao said.

"The general might as well ask Liu Bei for orders, disperse the Qiang soldiers, and guard Jiangzhou." Jia Xu said.

Ma Chao's pupils shrank, a little shocked.Qiang soldiers are the capital for Ma Chao to settle down, if they are scattered, what is his value?

"General, don't worry, you can still keep part of your direct lineage." Jia Xu said.

"Okay!" Ma Chao finally agreed. Since he wanted to go to Yangzhou, even if he left his hometown, the Qiang soldiers probably wouldn't want to go so far away.

After making the decision, Ma Chao went directly to Liu Bei's mansion.

The servants led Ma Chao into Liu Bei's study. Ma Chao glanced at Liu Bei, then behind him, and Guan Yu was beside him.

What is Liu Bei guarding against?

"Meng Qi, please sit down, I happen to have something to see you too." Liu Bei held Ma Chao and said softly.

"My lord, please tell me."

"It's like this. Didn't Yide go to guard Hanzhong? There is a shortage of troops at the moment, can you borrow some from your younger soldiers." Liu Bei said embarrassingly.

Borrow some?

Ma Chao was a little astonished, and at the same time, bursts of disappointment arose in his heart.

After many battles, the number of Qiang soldiers under him is less than [-], but Liu Bei still has to be afraid?

Fuck, let the black man be the commander in chief, Ma Chao will not agree to anything.

"My lord, I came here this time for the sake of my subordinates."

"Oh? Meng Qi, talk about it, I will definitely agree to some small things."

Ma Chao coughed, and said without hesitation:

"It's such a lord. The Qiang soldiers under my command have been away from home for too long, and I miss them day and night. In addition, after entering the middle of Shu, they are not acclimatized, and many of them fell ill. So, for their sake, I decided to let them go back to their hometown to visit their relatives."

Liu Bei was stunned. After these Qiang soldiers left, would they come back?

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