"Cut, who do you think you are, wanting to talk to Dongyanghou?"

Just when everyone was discussing, someone really stood up.

The man got up and cupped his hands, saying: "I met the Marquis of Dongyang in Xiahe River Wei Zhongdao."

Everyone looked at Wei Zhongdao.

This person is very hateful!Most of the students were cursing inwardly, and some even looked at Liu Ke expectantly, hoping that Liu Ke would reprimand him.

Or Xu Chu, who is beside Liu Ke with a fierce look, can come forward.

In short, it is to make the damn Wei Zhongdao lose face!

This name seemed a little familiar, Liu Ke was thinking dimly.

Liu Ke looked at the white-faced scholar in front of him strangely. The strange thing was that Wei Zhongdao had a faint aura that made him feel uncomfortable.

Is this guy some historical celebrity?


Liu Ke suddenly remembered that in history, this man seemed to be Cai Yan's short-lived husband.

Seeing Liu Ke was puzzled, Wang Can added from the side:

"The Wei family is an aristocratic family from the east of the river, and has a high reputation there. It was born in Wei Qing, a famous general in the Han Dynasty, and was appointed as the queen's husband. The Wei family has been on the rise since that moment."

Liu Ke nodded, not bothering to talk nonsense to Wei Zhong.This is the demeanor that Dongyang Hou should have.

But things backfired, Cai Yong heard that Liu Ke was visiting, so he hurried out to greet him.

"Haha, why didn't the son-in-law notify in advance, which surprised me unexpectedly!"

Liu Ke also laughed, and said, "Isn't it just to make you happy?"

This sentence made Cai Yong very satisfied, and then he glared at Wei Zhongdao.

"Why don't you hurry up and meet the Marquis of Dongyang?"

Wei Zhongdao saluted again, but Liu Ke still just nodded.

"Come on, my son-in-law, let me introduce you, this man is a young talent..."

The eyes of the scholars included some doubts, some disdain, some hostility, and some envy.

With Cai Yong's personal introduction, Wei Zhongdao can be said to be on the rise, at least he will be remembered by the Marquis of Dongyang.

But Liu Ke was not happy at all, Cai Yong valued Wei Zhongdao very much!

If it wasn't for Liu Ke's sudden cut off, his daughter-in-law would have run away with others.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is a great talent in this world. I am dull and have many puzzles about learning. Can Dongyang Marquis generously explain my doubts..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Wei Zhongdao with mocking eyes.

This guy actually dared to attack Dongyang Hou, doesn't he want to live?

Although Liu Ke's reputation is good, he is also notoriously difficult to serve.

Everyone thought that Wei Zhongdao was going to be unlucky.

But Liu Ke smiled lightly.

"Even if this Marquis explains your doubts for you, what you understand is not the truth in the book, but the truth that Ben Hou has learned from the book, do you understand?"

Wei Zhongdao didn't expect to get such a reply, and he was at a loss for a while.

"My son-in-law is right!" Cai Yong clapped his hands.

But Wei Zhongdao was still not reconciled, and said: "The Marquis of Dongyang thinks, what should I do? Shouldn't I ask the teacher if I have any questions?"

"Reading a hundred times, the meaning will come out."

This sentence comes from "Three Kingdoms", which has not yet appeared.

Cai Yong tasted it silently, and the philosophy contained in it was very useful to him.

"My son-in-law's knowledge has gone a step further."

Wei Zhongdao's face became a little embarrassed. The meaning of this sentence is that he didn't study enough, was not serious enough, and was not diligent enough.

"Hou Dongyang's words are eye-catching. If everyone is like this, wouldn't there be no need for a teacher?"

Liu Ke was a little helpless, this Wei Zhongdao was so unreasonable.

"This Marquis just doesn't want to answer your question. After all, I don't know you very well."

Now Wei Zhongdao was even more embarrassed, his face flushed.

"What's more, my father-in-law is here, and he is more knowledgeable. You don't ask him, but you ask me?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Liu Ke said hurt people, but they were all true.

First, he is not familiar with Wei Zhongdao, if it is really a question, Liu Ke can answer one or two.

Wei Zhongdao obviously has ulterior motives.

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