Regardless of whether Liu Ke answered correctly or couldn't answer, Wei Zhongdao could become famous for it.

You see, Dongyang Hou didn't even answer the questions I asked.

Or ask questions below, Dongyang Hou answered me enthusiastically.

There are all kinds of sayings.

Second, Cai Yong is here, standing in front of Wei Zhongdao.In terms of pure learning, Liu is not as good as Cai Yong.

This also confirmed Liu Ke's guess that Wei Zhongdao had ulterior motives.

Why does Liu Ke still give him face?

Wei Zhongdao's face froze, unwillingness was written on his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I have studied hard in Xiahanchuang for decades, and many books have been involved, but I still have some questions. I wonder if Dongyang Hou can enlighten me?"

Cai Yong was also a little unhappy. This Wei Zhongdao usually respects his teachers and respects his way, and he is a good person.

But what happened today?

Liu Ke's words have been made clear, but he still asks with a cheeky face.

That is, Liu Ke has a good temper, which makes him stand here.

"Okay, tell me, what books did you read?" Liu Ke asked with interest.

Wei Zhongdao's parents have been in business for generations, but at this time Wei Zhongdao insisted on studying the Four Books and Five Classics, and they were very disgusted with doing business.His family has no choice but to let him.

Not only that, Wei Zhongdao is very keen on reading, and he has made some famous tricks.

"As long as it is a book of sages, it is all involved here. "The Analects", "Mencius", "Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "Book of Songs", "Shangshu"... I have memorized it fluently!"

Seeing Wei Zhongdao's triumphant look, Liu Ke felt a little funny.

These books are learned by three-year-old children in Yangzhou.

Wei Zhongdao is proud of the ball!

"Wei Zhongdao, how long have you been in Yangzhou?"

"More than half a month."

He did well, and in just half a month, he was favored by Cai Yong.

"Before you speak big words, read all the books in the Yangzhou Library."

When Liu Ke said this sentence, it immediately caused a big "haha" laugh.

Yangzhou has a collection of millions of books!

Wei Zhongdao is like a frog in a well, he doesn't know why others laugh at him!

Liu Ke coughed and continued:

"Aside from being able to recite the books you have read, have you ever mastered them?"

At the beginning, Wei Zhongdao was concentrating, waiting for Liu Ke to ask questions, trying to save the situation.Didn't expect it to be such a problem.

"Natural proficiency."

"In that case, why do you still have doubts?"

Wei Zhongdao's face was pale and uncertain, he secretly said "no", and slapped himself in the face.

"Proficient in most of them, but there are still doubts."

This explanation is too forced, no one is convinced, as if it was just made up.

"I know why you have doubts, because you know a little bit here and a little bit there, and you only know the superficial stuff and think it's enough, how to do it?"

Wei Zhongdao's face turned red.

"Okay, okay, my son-in-law finally came here, there is no need to get to the bottom of it." Cai Yong stood up to be a peacemaker.

"Sir, how can you give up halfway in learning?"

Cai Yong glared at the speaker, who retreated timidly.

However, this sentence also made Wei Zhongdao can only advance, not retreat.Otherwise, if he is given the title of "didn't give up halfway", will he still be alive?

"The sages said that if you don't understand, you should ask. If you have doubts in your heart, you will naturally ask. I don't know what the Marquis of Dongyang said. Is there a sage to rely on?"

What kind of bullshit basis do you want? !

Liu Ke felt that Wei Zhongdao's brain was broken after reading.

"This is what I said. Look at me, is he a sage?"

Everyone knows that Dongyang Hou is a true master of knowledge, with his knowledge of the past and the present. Although there are not many chapters circulated outside, they are all famous ones.

If Wei Zhongdao dared to speak nonsense with his eyes open, he would be beaten to death and no one would save him in Yangzhou.

"If every word needs the words of a sage, what else can I pursue when I study?"

Big disrespect!Big disrespect!

Wei Zhongdao suddenly got excited and caught Liu Ke's flaw.

"Our pursuit is naturally to acquire the knowledge of the sages... Why did the Marquis of Dongyang ask such a question?"

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