"You just want to learn the words of the sage, but you don't want to surpass your ancestors?"

As soon as these words came out, Cai Yong's face changed drastically.If he hadn't gotten used to Liu Ke's behavior, Cai Yong would have scolded him loudly.

When Wei Zhongdao saw that great doctors like Cai Yong also felt that Dongyang Hou's language was inappropriate, Wei Zhongdao secretly laughed in his heart, and drank:

"The words of the Marquis of Dongyang are wrong. How can we surpass the sages and sages?"

"Haha, let me ask you, where does your knowledge come from?" Liu Ke laughed.

"Of course the teacher teaches and learns from books." Wei Zhongdao replied solemnly.

"Well, let me ask you again, where does the knowledge taught by the teacher and the knowledge in books come from?"

"From the sages."

"Where does the knowledge of the sages come from?"

Wei Zhongdao's expression was stagnant, he hesitated for a while, and said with little confidence: "I probably learned it from the sage teacher."

"Where is the teacher of the sages?"

Wei Zhongdao couldn't continue talking, because he already understood the truth.

Could it be that he wants to use this to criticize Dongyang Hou for his arrogance?

The rhythm of death!

After all, Dongyang Hou really has such talent.

"The sages and sages learn from the sky, and learn from the earth. You only study the books left by the sages, but you have never learned the pioneering spirit of the sages and sages. It is disappointing."

Cai Yong was embarrassed, and he himself was criticized by Liu Ke.

Wei Zhongdao was even more embarrassed.

"You just want to ask a question. Now I have even pointed out your academic flaws to you. Are you convinced?"

Countless eyes gathered on Wei Zhongdao, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

After all, this is Yangzhou, and Wei Zhongdao didn't dare to play tricks.

"I admire it!"

Wei Zhongdao bowed his hands.

"Young people, you should study more, talk less, and become famous after you have completed your studies. Don't you think it's too much for you to step on me on stage?"

Faced with Liu Ke's questioning, Wei Zhongdao turned pale with fright, and said "don't dare" three times.

Just kidding, if Wei Zhongdao dared to admit it, he might lose his head.

From Wei Zhongdao, Liu Ke saw the improvement of Yangzhou's academic status.

Hedong County is Cao Cao's territory, but the students came to Dongyang City to study.

"Why should a good son-in-law care about a scholar? If the scholar loses his edge, it will be bad." Cai Yong said.

"Since he is your guest, I will naturally not make things difficult for him." Liu Ke said.

Cai Yong suddenly burst out laughing, the son-in-law has given him too much face!

This is Dongyang Hou's face, which is extraordinary.

The most correct thing Cai Yong did in his life was to marry his daughter to Liu Ke, otherwise he would be depressed for the rest of his life.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay, okay, the poem will continue, so please stop talking nonsense."

A Yangzhou scholar smoothed things over.

Listening and listening, Wei Zhongdao was not happy.

Who is talking nonsense?

"Fangmin's mouth is better than Fangchuan... We are all the people of the Han Dynasty, so what is the crime for asking questions?"

Suddenly, Wei Zhongdao's eyes lit up, and he asked a big question.

"I don't know how the Marquis of Dongyang views the court?"

Cai Yong immediately turned cold.

"That's enough, discussing the court privately is a felony!"

Everyone looked at Liu Ke, but the latter thought it was a little ridiculous.

Things have come to this point, the big man is sunset, there is nothing to say.

"A big man is like a boat sailing on water. The water can carry a boat and capsize it." Liu Ke blurted out.

This sentence is definitely disrespectful, but it is so natural for Liu Ke to say it.

"What does the water that Marquis Dongyang mentioned refer to?" Wei Zhongdao asked.

"Of course it's the common people!"

"Haha, I thought the Marquis of Dongyang was talking about the aristocratic family. If the water is for the common people, where will the aristocratic family be placed?"

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