The family is definitely a colossus!

Take the Hedong Wei family as an example, Wei Zhongdao is just a small person, but he has a powerful uncle, that is Wei Kai.

Wei Kai is known for his talent and learning, especially for his articles.He was named Tinghou and Xianghou successively, and was in charge of the court's etiquette system and literature and history books.

Liu Ke glanced at Wei Zhongdao strangely, and pretended to be puzzled, "Could it be that a few families can support a big man?"

"Of course, whether it's governing or eliminating thieves, the aristocratic family has contributed. On the other hand, ordinary people always have troubles. That's how the disaster of the Yellow Turban came about."

"Let's not talk about governance for the time being, what is eliminating thieves? Cao Mengde has become king, and no one is calling to get rid of him."

No matter how arrogant Wei Zhongdao was, he didn't dare to make fun of Cao Cao.It was different when the sun set in the Han Dynasty and the Xishan Mountains.He looked hesitant and ferocious, did not dare to refute, and sat down sadly.

"Actually, the common people ask very little for the truth, as long as they can eat enough to avoid starvation to death... The Great Han Dynasty is constantly suffering from natural and man-made disasters... The common people are also forced to do so. What they ask for is survival! No one can deprive the common people of their right to live."

"Don't look down on ordinary people. What you eat, what you wear and what you live in are all made by the people. Without the people, you are nothing!"

Wei Zhongdao was scolded and speechless, and the other students even said yes.

"Water can carry a boat and capsize it. It's the common people. May I ask which family can stand up to this sentence?"

Whoever dares to admit it is treasonous!How is it different from rebellion?

But the common people have the motivation and power to rebel, because they can't survive.And the aristocratic family, just for power, the difference is very big.

"Haha! Wonderful! Wonderful!" Wang Can laughed loudly, "My lord is eloquent, eloquent, and knowledgeable! Can congratulate you!"

Liu Ke smiled slightly.

The other scholars still wanted to ask, but Cai Yong reprimanded them.

It's not enough to have Wei Zhongdao who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, should there be another one?

Cai Yong can't bear it, if his poems come from people who have ulterior motives, or people with ulterior motives, they will also drop in price.

"Okay, the old man and the virtuous son-in-law still have something to say, and if you have a chance in the future, please ask for advice."

After having a light meal at the Cai Mansion, Liu Ke went home straight away, feeling unwell, so he practiced martial arts to refresh himself.

Picking up the five tiger soul-breaking gun, Liu Ke tried a few tricks in the courtyard. The wind was so cold that all the flowers and plants in the courtyard were injured by Liu Ke's energy.


With a loud shout, Liu Ke split a rockery, looked at the sky with stern eyes, and sighed for a long time.

"Husband, why are you sighing?"

Zhao Yu walked out, saw the cracked rockery, and said angrily:

"Isn't it necessary to spend money on repairs? It's useless to build a good martial arts arena. You have to show your prestige in the yard."

"Haha, Yu'er is diligent and thrifty in managing the house, I am at ease with you here." Liu Ke smiled to hide his embarrassment.

At this moment, Liu Feng ran out, respectfully said: "Father, I also want to practice martial arts."

Liu Ke thought that he hadn't been with his family for a long time, so he readily agreed.

An hour later!

Liu Feng's face was pained, and he squatted in the courtyard, feeling sore all over his body, and immediately shouted: "This is called learning martial arts? Does father have other moves?"

Liu Ke took a short stick and slapped Liu Feng on the back.

"Put your chest up! Tighten your stomach!"

Seeing his son struggling to support him, Zhao Yu couldn't bear it, and then suddenly recalled that young people should endure hardships, otherwise it would be difficult to become a master, so he let Liu Ke toss.

"Husband, Feng'er's body and bones are not as good as yours, so you must stop in moderation."

Liu Ke was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he glanced at Zhao Yu in confusion, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I have my own measure. Feng Xiao, a weak scribe, can persevere. Feng'er is a hard-working child, and he must not be afraid of difficulties."

"Father, I'm not afraid."

Liu Feng gritted his teeth and insisted.

Zhao Yu frowned and glanced at Liu Ke, but finally restrained himself from continuing.

"Husband, this concubine is going to make some soup, and you and Feng'er will drink it all when you are resting, to replenish your body..."

After Zhao Yu left, Liu Feng asked:

"Father, is this learning martial arts?"

He stood up straight, feeling sore all over his body, and looked at Liu Ke bitterly.

"The most important thing in learning martial arts is the foundation. If the foundation is not stable, the moves will become gaudy things. Feng'er, do you want to learn flashy moves?"

Liu Ke taught Liu Feng some basics before, and he also hired a martial arts teacher. During this time, he has been practicing hard and has never stopped.

But Liu Ke's martial arts is the best in the world, so of course Liu Feng wants to learn the best moves in the world.

As time passed by, Liu Ke was a little surprised at Liu Feng's tenacity. He did not expect such tenacity at such a young age. After trying his foundation, Liu Ke was secretly amazed.

"Feng'er, don't miss your literature homework in the future."

Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Liu Ke meant.

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