"My lord, please drink."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke understood, laughed three times, and was not polite, took the flagon and said:

"Okay, this time I'm here for a drink, to accompany you guys, haha!"

A woman's laughter could be faintly heard from behind the gauze curtain, and then a light and gentle tune came to Liu Ke's ears.

This woman's skills are good, but she is a little lower than Cai Yan.

Liu Ke could also hear the sounds of nature many times in the mansion, obviously it was because he was used to Cai Yan's fairy music that he was so comfortable.

But Guo Jia was different, I saw him holding a jug in one hand and a wine glass in the other, staring blankly behind the veil, fascinated by what he heard.

The wine in the flagon was poured on the sleeve.

Liu Ke couldn't help feeling a little funny.

"Feng Xiao, how does this wine taste?"

"Good wine, good wine!" Guo Jia nodded repeatedly.

Liu Ke was silent, what else could he say?

Guo Jia has reached a level that Liu Ke can't touch!

He is a person who loves wine, but at this moment he is indulging in the music, which is rare to see.

When the song came to an end, Guo Jia jumped up against the table and shouted:

"Cheerful! Such a beautiful song should be paired with fine wine. Miss Yan'er's lyrics are worth a pot of fine wine!"

Then he looked at the wine glass, it was empty and his sleeves were wet, Guo Jia realized his gaffe just now.

"Such delicious wine, I actually..."

Guo Jia almost cried with heartache!

These are fine wines!

After years of fermentation, the brewing formula is no longer the Liu family's dominance, but a hundred flowers contending.

These jugs of wine are.

Now Guo Jia is wasting it.

"Come here, serve me two jugs of good wine!"

Liu Ke's true self is here, so the store owner certainly doesn't care about his fine wine.

Normally, a private room is nothing more than a jug of fine wine.In the face of Guo Jia and Dian Wei, it became four jugs. Now that Liu Ke has come in person, two jugs of wine are nothing.

As soon as Guo Jia turned around, he naturally saw Liu Ke's weird eyes. Liu Ke could see his own ugly appearance, and couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"My lord, don't be discouraged, I will not return today if I am not drunk!"

This is to drink to save face.


It was very late at night, and Liu Ke kept pouring wine for himself with the jug until he was in a daze.

"My lord, it's time for us to go back." Chen Dao said softly.

Liu Ke still maintained his rationality and nodded.

In order to perform his duties, Chen Dao can be said to be a teetotaler, completely different from Dian Wei.So Liu Ke was very relieved.

As soon as I got home, the hangover soup was already ready.Liu Ke gulped down his stomach violently, and regained consciousness for three minutes.

After taking a shower, Liu Ke returned to the room.

Zhao Yu hadn't fallen asleep yet, and seemed to be waiting for Liu Ke.

"Husband, can you live happily today?"

As soon as I heard it, I knew that there was a lot of resentment.

Liu Ke felt very surprised. It stands to reason that Zhao Yu would not be so dissatisfied. Why is it so different today?

"Yu'er, what happened?"

Facing Liu Ke's inquiry, Zhao Yujiao said angrily, "Aren't you clear about what you did wrong?"

"It's just drinking." Liu Ke said frankly. Although it was called Huajiu, he really didn't do anything.

"It's not the right time for my husband to go!" Zhao Yu sighed.

Is there something hidden in it?

"Yu'er, don't be a fool. To tell the truth, let me see if there is any chance to make up for it."

Zhao Yu pondered for a while and explained slowly.

"That's right, didn't you mention Her Royal Highness's marriage yesterday?"

"Well, did you talk to Princess Wannian?"

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