"Yes, a good thing was screwed up by yourself."

Liu Ke was astonished, what did it mean?

Although it was his fault for delaying Princess Wannian, there must be a precise reason, right?

"In the beginning, I paid attention to many talents, but I was not satisfied. Who else in the world is better than my husband? Then I suggested to Her Royal Highness that you might as well marry into the Liu family. From now on, everyone will be a family and have someone to take care of. "

"But what is my husband doing today? I'm drinking flower wine! I don't even have the face to see you, Your Royal Highness!"

On the one hand, Zhao Yu proposed to Princess Wannian instead of Liu Ke, and on the other hand, Liu Ke went to drink flower wine. How disrespectful is this?

If Princess Wannian agreed, how much grievance would she have to endure?

It was a good thing that was disturbed by Liu Ke just like that.

But Liu Ke was wronged.

"If you discuss this matter with me in advance..."

"It's all my fault..."

"It's not your fault."

"Husband, are you admitting your mistake?"

Zhao Yu succeeded in getting Liu Ke into a trap, and he was a little proud.

"Yeah." Liu Ke had nothing to deny.

"Then the matter of marrying His Highness the Princess, the husband also agreed?" Zhao Yu said with some hope.

"Didn't Princess Wannian refuse?"

"Who said that? She agreed!"

Liu Ke was shocked immediately, the alcohol dissipated, and he was completely unprepared.

Zhao Yu hid in Liu Ke's arms and smiled slyly.

"Yu'er, you have used all of your tricks on your husband. You should be punished!"

"It should." Zhao Yu didn't feel wronged at all, but was very happy.

"By the way, my lord, Her Royal Highness doesn't know about you going to drink flower wine today. You can settle this matter yourself."

Got it!

I already owed so much, and now there is one more thing.

"Don't worry, I'll go find her in person tomorrow."

Liu Ke dared to act.

The next day, Liu Ke was still a little dizzy when Zhao Yu woke him up.

"Husband, don't forget to order Mao today."

Only then did Liu Ke remember the agreement with Lu Su, to work hard and not waste time.

So he got up reluctantly, and it took a few minutes to refresh himself.

In the eyes of outsiders, Liu Ke always has endless energy, and it is actually the same.But he also has a tired side.

After spending the whole morning solving all the problems, Liu Ke headed to the Women's Academy.

Princess Wannian has grown from a student to a teacher.

This is also Liu Ke's first time entering a women's academy.

In the beginning, the Women's Academy was established for Liu Ke's eldest daughter, which represented Liu Ke's fatherly love for her.

It's just that some people with ulterior motives think that Liu Ke is cultivating three thousand beauties in his harem.

Of course, Liu Ke has slapped everyone in the face with the facts.

In all these years, how has he ever gone a step further?

However, there is a rumor that Liu Ke likes the teacher of the girls' academy...

Diao Chan and Cai Yan are both working in women's colleges, teaching students.

People who really know the inside story, of course understand Liu Ke, it's not the same thing at all.

But now she is going to marry another Wannian princess... There is no way to explain this matter!

Not only that, but the identity of Princess Wannian is very special.He is a member of the royal family, and Liu is a big patriarch, equivalent to the head of the royal family.

If calculated according to the current law, Liu Ke and Princess Wannian are super distant relatives, which does not hinder marriage.

However, from the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, there was a legal principle of "no marriage with the same surname".

Liu Ke almost walked into the girls' academy with his face covered.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the last poetry meeting, Wei Zhongdao lost all face, and everyone stayed away from him.

But Wei Zhongdao is a well-known talented man in Hedong, so how could he not have like-minded friends.

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