"That's about the same. I noticed you, so you should bear it more obediently." Liu Ke said.

Wei Zhongdao is so aggrieved!

After finally getting a position as a holy envoy, he thought he could humiliate Dongyang Hou severely, but he didn't expect Dongyang Hou to be so arrogant and humiliate him in turn.

After returning to Xuchang, this matter must be reported to His Majesty!

Suddenly, Wei Zhongdao woke up suddenly, as if His Majesty couldn't control Dongyang Hou...

"What did His Majesty ask you to do? Why don't you hurry up and announce the decree? It's your first time to be an envoy?" Liu Ke said.

Wei Zhongdao's heart was pricked, and he felt jealous.

What happened when you became an envoy for the first time?Who hasn't had a first time?

But when he thought of the content of the imperial decree, the worry on his face was swept away.

Marquis Dongyang, I want to see how you should deal with it!

Therefore, Wei Zhongdao read the imperial decree word for word, and secretly glanced at Liu Ke's expression during the period, and he was really sad.

If you want to marry Princess Wannian, you have to divorce your wife?

What a joke!

How could Liu Ke agree to such a condition.

However, Princess Wannian only came to Xiandi as a relative, and considering her status, Xiandi's request was also reasonable.

"Dongyang Hou, Your Majesty has agreed to the marriage between Princess Wannian and you, do you want to be considerate of Your Majesty?" Wei Zhongdao said carefully from the side.

In the past, Wei Zhongdao would definitely taunt him, but when he knew that Liu Ke was a ruthless character and his status as a holy envoy could not protect him, Wei Zhongdao changed his way of talking to Liu Ke.

Liu Ke knew that someone must be playing tricks, and Wei Zhongdao was very suspicious.But Wei Zhongdao's status is too low...

"Wei Kai, or the Wei family, are you going to make an enemy of this Marquis? Well, this enmity, this Marquis has written it down."

"Dongyanghou, don't talk nonsense, it's absolutely nothing." Wei Zhongdao panicked.

Dongyang Hou actually saw through everything... Wei Zhongdao was instantly confused and scared.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wei Zhongdao became wise in a hurry, and moved out his backer and said:

"Dongyang Hou, this is His Majesty's will."

If it was normal, Liu would not care about what Emperor Xian would do, but now that he wanted to marry his sister, it would be unjustifiable not to save face.

Seeing Liu Ke's silence, Wei Zhongdao felt a little proud, but he didn't dare to show it.

After all, this is Yangzhou, Liu Ke's territory.

Wei Zhongdao thought that he could take revenge, but it was too beautiful.

"It's not bad to embarrass Marquis Dongyang."

Wei Zhongdao sat upright, waiting for a reply.

"Come here, drive Wei Zhongdao out of Yangzhou."

After waiting for a long time, Wei Zhongdao actually waited for such a sentence, which he found inconceivable.

"Dongyanghou, think twice..."

"Do you want to stay here forever?" Liu Ke asked back.

Wei Zhongdao trembled, he didn't dare to continue speaking, and let the guards fork him out.

"Does this count as completing Uncle's mission?"

Wei Zhongdao was a little distressed, Dongyang Hou was moody, and he couldn't deal with it at all.If he persisted, he would really die.

So he rolled out of Yangzhou again in despair.

When Cai Yong heard about this, he hurried to speak to Liu Ke.

"Today you are my lord."

Liu Ke understood the meaning of Cai Yong's words, and motioned him to continue.

"My lord, the Han Dynasty is in a small state, but as Da Zongzheng, you shouldn't refute His Majesty's face. In this way, people with ulterior motives will be left behind."

"If I really wanted to, I wouldn't let Wei Zhongdao in again."

"I understand the lord, but what about the people in the world? The people in the world only know that the lord is expelling the envoy, and they don't care about the lord welcoming the envoy."

Cai Yong's words hit the nail on the head, even Liu Ke had to admire him.

"My lord is already an extremely human minister. If you are not prepared to go upstream, you should bear it. Cao Mengde has done a good job. His Majesty has been emptied, but he is still fighting steadily, first as the prime minister, then as the king, and he will be far away from the throne." Is it far?"

In this way, it will give the people a gradual acceptance process, instead of crushing with absolute strength and arrogance like Liu Ke.

"Taught." Liu Ke cupped his hands.

"I'm here today for only two things. One is to make the lord realize his mistakes. The second is about Princess Wannian. The lord is not allowed to marry Her Royal Highness!"

Liu Ke could still accept what he said before, but it was useless for Cai Yong to say something that violated the bottom line.

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