"First, I am not wrong. I have ordered Wei Zhongdao to be expelled. Letting him enter Yangzhou again now is to show His Majesty the face. The reason for expulsion again is to preserve the king's words!"

"Secondly, I must marry Princess Wannian."

Cai Yong sighed, took a step back and said: "Let's not talk about the first thing for now. Princess Wannian is named Liu, and your lord is also named Liu. Since ancient times, there has been a legal principle of 'the same surname does not marry'. From the Zhou Dynasty to the I'm a big man, it's all like this. Later, it was gradually accepted that the same surname and different clan...you and Princess Wannian belong to the same clan!"

"Uncle, do you know the allusion of the golden house hiding the beauty?" Liu Ke said.

Gillian is the cousin of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but Liu Ke and Princess Wannian are inseparable "relatives".

"A-Jiao's surname is Chen, not Liu!" Cai Yong argued.

There is no way to explain this kind of thing to the old man!

Liu Ke can't explain heredity and genes, can he?

Talking about this is no different from talking nonsense.

"Why, does uncle want me to be a person who is strict with myself and bound by rules and regulations? There are good and bad ancient rituals, such as filial piety, of course we must follow it. It's just some dross, and it should be removed."

"I've made up my mind, so I don't need to say much."

"If you can't even keep your promise to a woman, how can you win the world!"

Capture the world!

Cai Yong was shocked, and said "Okay" twice!

Throughout the history of Liu Kefa's family, which steps have been followed?

Scholars, farmers, commerce and industry go hand in hand to create a prosperous world.

"Looking at the past and present, who can surpass me in wisdom? Before I make mistakes and my mistakes do not cause harm, you have no right to criticize me at all, because I stand on the shoulders of giants and see more clearly than you!"

Just as confident as charging into battle, without a single wound.

Cai Yong stroked his beard and sighed, "My lord, you should think twice before doing anything."

In other words, he didn't care about it.

Liu Ke personally delivered it to the door, and met Princess Wannian, who appeared here at some point.

Cai Yong waved his hand, signaling to Liu that there is no need to send him off.

"I heard that Brother Huang has sent you a letter." Princess Wannian spoke first to cover up her embarrassment.

"Have you heard all?"


"Don't worry, I can solve these little troubles, but your brother still needs your help."

"no problem."

Princess Wannian agreed without hesitation, and her heart was greatly moved.

So despite all kinds of objections, Liu Ke still held a luxurious wedding. Zhao Yu expressed his support and personally arranged the matter.

"His Royal Highness is a nobleman of the royal family, if my husband..."

"Yu'er, others don't need to understand me as a person, but why don't you understand? Regardless of your status, I will treat you all equally. This is my debt."

Zhao Yu nodded lightly, very happy.At the same time, I feel fortunate that if she is not the first to meet Liu Ke, the ending may change.

She should really thank God for such an encounter.

"Dongyang Temple has started construction, I have a chance to worship."

As soon as the sky dawned, Dongyang City became extremely busy.

The street officials brought gifts one by one, beat every household, brought lanterns, and various decorations. In addition, every household was distributing snacks.

Everyone knows that Princess Wannian is married, and the groom is Dongyanghou.

"Congratulations, lord!"

During the banquet, the courtiers spoke in unison.

Seeing this scene, some scholars were in awe of Liu Ke deep in their hearts, and even more were enthusiastic, wanting to follow Liu Ke and do some business.

The master of ceremonies proclaimed his congratulations loudly.And Liu Ke held up the wine bar high, congratulating and drinking.

"I'm waiting for the emperor and the ministers, and the officials on duty in the county of Yaohe have worked hard to serve the public!"

"We wait for the emperor and ministers, and congratulate the world's head of Guizhou, the livelihood of Kangning!"

"My servants, congratulations on your lord's wedding!"

Under the three congratulations, there was an uproar of voices.

Suddenly, the sound of "Congratulations to the Lord" flooded the grand hall and shook the entire Dongyang City.

It was the busiest time when the New Year was approaching. Coupled with Liu Ke's wedding, the scene immediately exploded.

Hearing these congratulations, Cai Yong finally understood one thing.Liu Ke's prestige is definitely not something that can be controlled by some etiquette.

Over the years, everyone has noticed the rapid changes that Liu Ke has brought to Yangzhou.

Without Dongyang Hou, there would be no Yangzhou today.Cai Yong's worries are completely unnecessary.

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