"Dongyanghou, my lord has absolutely no intention of occupying the Zongzheng position."

Let Liu Bei become Zongzheng, it is funny!

"You can do as much trouble as you like, don't bother me," Liu Ke said.

Deng Zhi left the hall, feeling a little dazed.

This thing is no good.

"Prepare, follow me to see Zhou Buyi."

Therefore, Deng Zhi visited Liu Ke's apprentice Zhou Buyi, hoping that Zhou Buyi could help him.

"Hehe, brother Deng, when we met before, you were still Liu Zhang's minister." Zhou Buyi teased. At that time, they had also discussed a big deal.

The reason why Liu Bei was unable to attack Chengdu was that Zhou Buyi sold this batch of military supplies.

Deng Zhi discussed this matter with Zhou Buyi in the capacity of Liu Zhang's envoy.But in a blink of an eye, Deng Zhi became Liu Bei's courtier.

"Young master Zhou is joking, Chengdu has opened the door and surrendered, what can I do?" Deng Zhi said helplessly.

The implication is that Liu Zhang took the lead in surrendering, and their courtiers, of course, must follow suit.

"Leave this matter aside for the time being, why did you come to see me?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Deng Zhi explained the ins and outs of the future.

"How can the Marquis of Dongyang accept the position of Zongzheng?"

Zhou Buyi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "What is the identity of the teacher? What status? Are you still using a Zongzheng name to improve?"

"But..." Deng Zhi hesitated to speak.

Zhou Buyi guessed Deng Zhi's thoughts at a glance.

"You still come to ask me such a simple matter? Are all Liu Bei's subordinates like you? Isn't it just to protect oneself? As long as Liu Bei does not accept the position of Zongzheng, whoever wants it will want it. Why do you care so much?"

Deng Zhi was overjoyed, this big problem was solved so easily.That's right, he even came to visit Dongyanghou in person and expressed his goodwill. Of course, Dongyanghou would not continue to pursue this matter.

What Fazheng is worried about will not happen.

"Thank you, little general, for clarifying the confusion." Deng Zhi clasped her fists and said.

"If you are stupid, you need to read more, but you are not particularly stupid, and you know how to ask me for advice. Next time, double the gift!"


Zhou Buyi received a total of [-] gold, and he was going to hand over [-] gold to Liu Ke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's resignation from Zongzheng did not cause much commotion, but it caused a circle among the princes.

The most profitable among them is Cao Cao, who got Liu Bei's money for no reason. Of course, the latter wanted to cry but had no tears.

However, Liu Bei is not the most pitiful. As the king of Hanzhong, he still has a family background, which is enough for him to lose several times.

Wei Zhongdao was different. He went to Yangzhou to study for the first time, offended Liu Ke, and was expelled from Yangzhou.The next day, he announced the decree on behalf of Emperor Xian, which was self-defeating.

"You, you, what can uncle say about you?" Wei Kai looked like he hated iron but steel.

"Uncle, I'm not to blame for this..." Wei Zhongdao said aggrievedly.

If Dongyanghou could lose his Zongzheng position, Wei Zhongdao would have made a great contribution, but the development of the incident later was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Cao Cao didn't expect that Liu Bei would spend huge sums of money to buy Zongzheng Seal and send it to Dongyanghou.

Not to mention the poor Wei Zhongdao.

"Hmph, you did something wrong and you still don't admit it?" Wei Kai said coldly.

Wei Kai is also difficult, Wei Zhongdao's actions have deviated, and he did not let Dongyang Hou divorce his wife, which caused civil strife in Yangzhou.But it wasn't for nothing.

He reported to Cao Cao excitedly, Cao Cao was very satisfied and gave a verbal award.

Especially when Liu Bei paid for officials later, Wei Kai's achievements reached their peak.

Just when he was triumphant, Liu Bei took the wrong medicine and returned the Zongzheng position to Dongyanghou.

Wei Kai was terrified, for fear that Cao Cao would be angry.

"Uncle, don't we still have a little credit?" Wei Zhongdao said cautiously.

On the whole, Cao Cao still made a profit and got a fortune.

"This is my credit, what does it have to do with you?" Wei Kai said bluntly.

This sentence refreshed Wei Zhongdao's three views. He seemed to be unable to believe that his uncle was such a person.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, how could uncle take your credit? Do you want to know the whole story?"

Wei Zhongdao nodded, he had to be clear about death.

"Because of you, you offended Marquis Dongyang!"

Wei Kai trembled all over, pointed at Wei Zhongdao's nose and cursed.

"Don't think that I don't know what you did in Yangzhou, and let Dongyanghou come out to greet you arrogantly. What is your identity, what is Dongyanghou's identity? It's fine to play tricks behind your back, but you are brazenly fighting with Dongyanghou, don't you Life doesn't matter, don't implicate my Wei family!"

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