Wei Zhongdao turned pale with fright.

"Who owns the world now, don't you still not understand? Your Majesty is the co-lord of the world, and his status is honorable, but in front of the King of Wei, how?"

"What about King Wei in front of the Marquis of Dongyang? It's ridiculous that you, a little emissary, are so arrogant and domineering that you bring the Wei family into danger!"

As soon as Wei Kai patted the table, his palms were so painful, but he didn't care at all, and stared straight at his nephew.


Wei Zhongdao knelt down directly.

"Uncle, my nephew knows it's wrong."

Wei Kai kicked Wei Zhongdao out of the door and shouted:

"Dongyanghou won't deal with a small person like you, he will only look at me, at the Wei family, you still have the face to call me uncle?!"

Wei Zhongdao is also very wronged, it is obviously Wei Kai who came up with a bad idea to disgust Dongyanghou in order to please King Wei.

The consequences of failure should be borne by a young man?

"Go back to Hedong and study hard. If you don't have ten or eight years, don't think about coming out."

Wei Kai made the verdict directly.

"Uncle, nephew Han Chuang studied hard for ten years, and finally gained his current reputation, another ten years..." Wei Zhongdao kowtowed to plead guilty.

However, Wei Kai didn't care, and sent guards to protect Wei Zhongdao back to Hedong.

After dealing with Wei Zhongdao, Wei Kai finally calmed down.

"Oh, I hope this worthless nephew can understand that I am doing this for his own good."

Then Wei Kai wrote a letter of apology and sent it to Yangzhou.The general content is nothing more than that Wei Zhongdao was dealt with severely, and Lord Dongyang Hou was invited to have a lot.

"If it wasn't for Wei Kai's letter, I would have forgotten about this guy a long time ago." Liu Ke said a little speechlessly.

These things that make others fearful are nothing in Liu Ke's eyes.

"Husband, Wei Zhongdao is indeed a rare talent." Princess Wannian said softly, she has been getting tired of being with Liu Ke all this time.

"Then I'll vent my anger on him and punish Wei Kai. After all, Wei Kai made a big fuss." Liu Ke said.

"I don't know what my husband plans to do?" Princess Wannian asked curiously.

I saw Liu Ke put away the letter and ordered Chen Dao to send it to Cao Cao.

Princess Wannian's eyes widened...

"My husband is really too bad."

Chen Dao also grinned, and sent someone to rush to Chang'an.

"What? An urgent letter from the Marquis of Dongyang?!"

Sishuiguan... Luoyang... Tongguan... The green light is given along the way.

Soon the letter arrived on Cao Cao's case.

Cao Cao hurriedly summoned all his advisers to discuss the matter. Sima Yi, Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, Xu You, Jia Kui and others were all present.

"I received an urgent letter from the Marquis of Dongyang today, so I summoned everyone here." Cao Cao explained.

"Has King Wei ever read the contents of the letter?" Zhong Yao asked.

"Not yet." Cao Cao shook his head, then opened the letter in front of everyone, and when he opened it, his expression changed from solemn to angry.


Ever since Cao Cao sold his official position to Liu Bei and made a lot of money, he has been in a good mood, but now he is actually angry.

"My lord, what happened?"

Everyone asked with concern.

"See for yourself."

Sima Yi was the first to read it. After reading it, he snorted coldly and did not say a word, but expressed his attitude.

Everyone looked at it one by one, with different expressions.

"My lord, this matter should be severely punished, so as to serve as an example to others." Zhong Yao cupped his hands.

All the people here are not afraid of Dongyang Hou.But I'm afraid that Cheng Weikai is like this, there really isn't one!

For a trivial matter, he even wrote a letter to Dongyang Hou to apologize!

Fuck, if something happens, are you afraid that King Wei will not be able to protect you?

"The Marquis of Dongyang sent this letter to humiliate the King of Wei. How can he be an enemy of the Marquis of Dongyang in the future with his courtiers like this? If Wei Kai is not punished, everyone will learn well in the future. What is the prestige of the King of Wei?" Jia Kui said the same.

Cao Cao also meant the same thing, not only that, Wei Kai also caused him to go to war, and it was bad luck to call so many people.

"Wei Kai thought he was a little clever, but unfortunately he was misunderstood by his cleverness. Deprive him of his official position and let him reflect on himself."

When Cao Cao's trial came to Xuchang, Wei Kai couldn't believe it. In the end, he asked many ways and finally understood the whole story.

I didn't expect you to be such a Marquis of Dongyang!

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