This is also Liu Ke's request. Everyone should set a suitable point to avoid bad competition.

Everyone is in harmony.

Chen Deng was very surprised by Lu Xun's letter this time.

"What did you say in the letter?" Wang Zifa asked curiously.

"Hey, Lu Xun is one step ahead this time."

After reading the letter, Chen Deng sighed.

"Youzhou discovered the change in the Northland, and Lu Xun specially sent a letter to tell me to be careful."

You must know that Pingzhou's geographical location is further north of Youzhou. It stands to reason that Chen Deng should be the first to get the news, but he didn't expect to ask someone else to remind him.

"Yuanlong, don't be discouraged. Youzhou is different from us. Most of their trading partners are Xianbei people in the north. It's not surprising that they got the news first."

After all, the trading areas of Baekje, Samhan, and Goryeo were monopolized by Pingzhou.

"If it was just like this, I wouldn't be so troubled. Lu Xun's letter has already found out the news. The leader of the Xianbei people is Ke Bineng, who covets the territory of Fuluohan. Fuluohan is also a Xianbei. However, he accepted Nengchen Dibu, and his strength increased greatly, gradually threatening Ke Bineng's leadership position."

So this battle is not a battle between Wuhuan and Xianbei, but an internal battle, and the Wuhuan people are just thugs.

Speaking of Nengchendi, this guy is really lucky.He was besieged by Liu Ke, but he managed to escape.During the Battle of Liucheng, Gan Ning led the Chishui Army and set up a net to defeat the able minister Di, but this guy still ran away.

Although his strength was greatly damaged, he saved his life.

So Nengchen Dilue thought about it, and this Wuhuan king was no longer the king, so he went all the way north and took refuge in Fuluohan.

Fu Luo Han attached great importance to Neng Chen Di, and often claimed in front of everyone:

"This is my younger brother. None of you can bully him, you must respect him."

Nengchen Di was also honest, and lived in peace and stability for several years.

It's a pity that if you can be a minister, you will not have a stable life, and the struggle among Xianbei people has become more intense.

Nengchendi took refuge in Fuluohan, and offended Fuluohan's enemy, Ke Bineng.

Ke Bineng was an outstanding leader of Xianbei, his prestige was only below that of Fu Luo Han.He was brave in battle, not afraid of death, law enforcement was fair, he was not greedy for money and property, and distributed all the looted proceeds to his subordinates, so he was elected as an "adult" by the Xianbei tribe.

"Adult" is also the title of Xianbei leader.

Not only that, Ke Bineng also has a strong learning ability. Compared with other Xianbei tribes, Ke Bineng's tribe is closer to Youzhou, so he seized the favorable conditions to actively learn the advanced technology and culture of the Central Plains.

This move promoted the progress of the Xianbei people and the national integration in the north, and more and more people came to join him.

Literacy alone is not enough. The tribes under Ke Bineng's command are well-versed in fighting and defending well, and their combat effectiveness is quite strong.

In the past, when the Xianbei people fought, everyone rushed out in a crowd, and their heads were broken and their brains exploded.

There are even some tribes who are in a state of drinking blood, and incidents of cannibalism often occur.

The appearance of Ke Bineng changed all this, abandoned all bad habits, and the army even learned to fight.

When other Xianbei leaders were proud of Yangzhou's luxury goods, Ke Bineng's tent only had simple wooden tables and chairs, and wine glasses made of enemy heads.

It was Ke Bineng's personal charm that made his tribe gradually stronger.His ambition is also gradually expanding.

The old man Fu Luohan is Ke Bineng's greatest enemy. In Ke Bineng's view, Fu Luohan is a luxurious old man who cannot bring happiness and victory to Xianbei.

Therefore, Ke Bi Neng thought about killing Fu Luo Han all the time, but suffered from no chance.

Lu Xun investigated the situation inside clearly, and it was all in the letter.

This is the reason why Chen Deng shouted "Being one step ahead of Lu Xun".

Lu Xun's goal is not only to govern Youzhou well, he cares more about making contributions.Therefore, Beidi is the top priority, and he puts more energy into it.

"Now that Lu Xun has tipped us off, we owe him a favor, and we don't know when we can repay it."

"The messenger departed from Youzhou, arrived at Lelang County, and then transferred from Lelang County to Xuantu County. It took about seven days."

"We can't wait any longer, we must find out the latest situation in the Northland."

Chen Deng made a quick decision and decided to go north in person.

"Yuanlong, is this too risky?" Wang Zifa dissuaded.

"How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's lair. I, Chen Yuanlong, am not a delicate person. What are you afraid of?" Chen Deng said decisively.

After staying in the Northland for so many years, Chen Deng has long cultivated a tenacious character.

"In that case, I will accompany you." Wang Zifa said.

"Okay, you and I, brothers, will go to the Northland in person." Chen Deng said.

Just do it!

Chen Deng led his personal guards, put on a caravan's skin, and set off to the north without stopping.

The journey was quiet and there was no accident.

When they were two hundred miles away from Xuantu County, the Xianbei scouts gradually increased, but they did not plunder.

At first, Chen Deng's team consisted of [-] people, and it was impossible for an ordinary scout team to eat them.The second is Ke Bineng's legal constraints, not to hijack the caravan!

Because Kebi could clearly know that these caravans were also transporting Xianbei's blood.

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