-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord is so heroic and mighty, it's really like the great Shan Yu descending to the mortal world. According to the banner of the army, Ke Bi Neng will definitely come down in hope of the wind!"

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the heroic reflection in the glass mirror, Fu Luohan couldn't help laughing, and posed a few cool poses back and forth. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he felt, thinking that he was the most powerful and domineering in his life today!

"Not to mention, the things made by the Han people are all high-quality products. This mirror is very much in line with my wishes."

Fu Luohan couldn't help feeling a little emotional, wishing he could raise his troops to attack the Central Plains, and seize the rich land and magical craftsmen of the Central Plains.

As soon as he saw the mirror, he fell in love with it, but it was a pity that this mirror required him to have a thousand good horses.

Fu Luohan didn't say anything, but he still felt that it was too expensive!

It's better to rob and don't have to pay.

But why didn't Kebi Neng understand?

The thought of this name made Fu Luohan's teeth itch with hatred.His territory is in the north, and Kebineng is in the south. Every time the caravan passes through Kebineng's territory, it will be exploited.

Fu Luohan didn't want to be exploited, because his fists were big, so why should Kebi be able to step on his head?

If it was in the past, Fuluo Han Renren would have passed, but since Nengchendi came over, he has the help of the Wuhuan people, and his strength has greatly increased. Now he doesn't take Kebi Neng seriously.

Letting a small shrimp step on his head, but also depending on his face, how could the proud Fu Luohan bear it?

It's better to fight vigorously and destroy Ke Bineng.

Fu Luohan had already thought this way, so he raised his troops angrily.

Prairie warfare couldn't be more normal.

Compared with Wuhuan, Xianbei is the real grassland nation.

Wuhuan moved south in the early years, relying on big men to live, some people are used to farming life.Gan Ning captured so many Wuhuan women and children when he broke Liucheng.

The ferocity of Xianbei people is even higher than that of Wuhuan.Several "adults" have been fighting endlessly for years.

Therefore, Fu Luohan's crusade against Ke Bineng is not something worth making a fuss about.

Fu Luohan marched to Sangqian, and as a vanguard, he returned to report.

"Reporting to father, Kebi can set up a position in Sangqian and wants to meet with father."

"How many times have I told you? In the army, you have to call me your lord." Fu Luohan said unhappily.

"Yes, my lord." Xie Guini quickly said "Yes".

"What can Kebi say?" Fu Luohan asked.

"He didn't say anything, he just wanted to meet with the adults." Xie Guini said.

"Idiot! If he doesn't say anything, you won't ask?" Fu Luohan whipped his whip to the ground, almost hurting Xie Guini.

"The subordinates are stupid."

Xie Guini lowered her head, not daring to disobey.

"I am wise and powerful, why did I give birth to you as a wimp?" Fu Luohan snorted coldly, and rode away directly.

Xie Guini was at a loss in embarrassment.

"My lord lost his temper at you again?" Neng Chen asked with concern.

"Oh, I don't know what I did wrong, my father just doesn't like me." Xie Guini sighed.

After Nengchen Di took refuge here, his life was not satisfactory. He fought several turf wars for Fu Luohan, but there were still some victories, but there was no reward.

In Fu Luohan's view, Nengchen Di is just a bereaved dog. He took Nengchen Di in, and the latter should do things for him.

The failure of Nengchendi and even Wuhuan as a whole made Fu Luohan despise him.He gave Wuhuan the pasture, what reason does Wuhuan have to fight for him?

So everything is taken for granted.

Moreover, Nengchendi is already the leader of Wuhuan, and Fu Luohan has nothing to reward him.If Nengchen Di takes the opportunity to grow bigger, Fu Luohan is Xianbei's sinner.

In Fuluohan's eyes, Nengchendi can be used, but he also needs to be careful not to restore Wuhuan's vitality.

There were only a few small battles. Fu Luohan wanted to weaken Wuhuan, so how could he offer a reward.

Nengchendi knew all this clearly, because Xie Guini had told him all this.

The two are now good friends.

"On the prairie, the law of the jungle is very important. As long as the general is stronger, he will not be afraid of anyone or anything."

"How can I be stronger than my father?"

Neng Chendi shook his head, this kid has no ambitions at all, very bad.

"Go see Ke Bineng and find out what he is going to do, otherwise your father will blame you."

It suddenly dawned on me.

"Thank you Shan Yu for reminding me, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

If Nengchen Di had such a son, I'm afraid he wouldn't be happy either.

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