But Ke Bineng was very happy and warmly welcomed Xie Guini.

"Isn't this the hero of the prairie, Xie Guini?"

Ke Bi Neng laughed loudly and put the Xiguini into the tent.

Xie Guini was flattered, and just about to ask about something serious, Ke Bineng waved his hand, and a hundred Xianbei girls walked past in tulle.

"Tonight, these flowers on the grassland belong to you alone."

"How can this work?" Xie Guini was taken aback.

"Could it be that our hero can't do it?" Ke Bineng said with a smile.

Although Xie Guini had no temper, he was also furious at the moment, saying that he couldn't do it?


"I'm going to fight tonight!"

"Okay, our little hero is showing off his glory!" Ke Bineng laughed loudly.

That night, Xie Guini drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of meat, and was very tired at night.

When he woke up the next day, he felt dizzy and dizzy, and then he remembered the business, and hurriedly asked Ke Bineng.

"Little hero, how were you doing last night?" Ke Bineng teased.

It's embarrassing to let go of the mud.

"Thank you for your concern, sir, I'm in good health!"

"Haha, that's fine."

Xie Guini coughed and said, "My lord, I don't know why you wrote to ask my father to meet?"

"Why, didn't I say that?" Kebi Neng smiled sarcastically and said, "You and my two families are both from the Xianbei lineage. Wouldn't it be a joke to fight and kill? How dissatisfied Brother Fu Luohan is these days , I plan to apologize to him."

"Is this true?" Xie Guini said in surprise.

Ke Bi Neng won the hearts of Xianbei in the north.He keeps his promises, is extremely staunch, hits people who don't like him, and refuses to accept anyone, Xie Guini admires him very much.

Now such a character wants to apologize to his father?

That's right, this time Fuluo Hanbu plus Nengchen Dibu added up to more than [-] soldiers and horses, and Kebi Neng's army was no more than [-] troops.

"I also ask the little hero to give me some good words for the sake of the friendship between the two families."

"My lord is serious, I will definitely report this matter to my father."

"That's good, that's good, I'll set up a banquet here and apologize to Brother Fu Luohan."

Xieguini went back excitedly and told Fu Luohan the good news.

Fu Luohan was very surprised.

"Is this Ke Bineng's trick?"

"My lord, think about it, with our [-] army, can Kebi dare to resist? I think he is sincere, not like lying."

Only then did Fu Luohan feel relieved and agreed to go to the appointment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is said that Chen Deng and his party traveled all the way north, and they encountered very few tribes, but there were a lot of scouts.

"We are all businessmen. I advise you to return as soon as possible while it is still too late."

A Yangzhou businessman who had withdrawn from the North persuaded Chen Deng.

"Is there a war?" Chen Deng asked nervously.

"It's just some minor friction. The life-and-death duel hasn't started yet, but soon, both sides have assembled their troops." The businessman said.

"Who do you think will win?"

Facing Chen Deng's inquiry, the businessman seemed a little embarrassed, and Chen Deng immediately changed his statement.

"Who do you want to win?"

"Ke Bineng."

Chen Deng was a little surprised.

"Why him?"

"Although Ke Bineng is greedy, he has one advantage. As long as he pays the protection fee, he will protect it to the end. If the goods are hijacked by some small and medium-sized tribes, he will even come forward in person to get back for us small businessmen. justice."

"The goods can definitely be brought back, but if we have to share one-third of the profit with him, we will keep our capital. But it's better than being robbed?"

Chen Deng fell into deep thought. He didn't expect Kebi to be highly regarded in the heart of the businessman.

"But you don't seem to be optimistic about Ke Bineng?"

"That's right, with the Wuhuan people joining, Fuluohan's power is very large. His military strength is said to be in the millions. We don't know the exact number, and we dare not ask."

Chen Deng left some money, thanked the businessman, and insisted on continuing to go north.

The businessman shook his head. These days, there are too many people who want money but not life.

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