Wang Zifa was a little depressed, but Chen Deng was very happy.

"In this way, won't we be able to get first-hand information? It's really God helping me."

"Yuanlong, this is the grassland, and it's the territory of the Xianbei people. Are you going to die?"

"What are you afraid of? I don't think Ke Bi can easily hurt the Han people."

In the end, Wang Zifa still failed to convince Chen Deng.

On the day of the banquet, Ke Bineng even arranged for Chen Deng a seat at the back, so that Ke Bineng could speak clearly on the stage.

Chen Deng couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"This place is full of big shots from Xianbei, what do you think will happen if we poison you?"

Wang Zifa shook his head and said:

"Let's not talk about where the poison came from, wouldn't the big shots in Xianbei have a servant who tried the dishes? Even if the poison is really successful, how can we get out?"

Regardless of whether they were murderers or not, they would definitely be stabbed.

Chen Deng also dismissed the idea.

Don't look at Ke Bineng's only [-] guards now, but behind the [-] guards, there are more than [-] troops.

Then there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and Fu Luohan also appeared with his personal guards, but the number was about five hundred.

After Fu Luohan got off the horse, Ke Bineng enthusiastically stepped forward, spreading his hands, as if hoping that Fu Luohan could give him a hug.

This also meant that he was not holding a weapon and did not intend to hurt Fu Luohan.

"Haha, Lord Fuluohan, you are really strong and you still have the same demeanor!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fu Luohan sneered.

"Ke Bineng, don't be hypocritical, don't you want to stab me all the time?"

Ke Bi Neng took Fu Luohan's hand, and said, "What is your lord saying! Even if I had the guts of a leopard, I wouldn't dare. I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Fu Luohan smiled and said, "Did you charge a huge toll from the merchant?"

"It's true. They passed through my territory. Of course, I want to show them that I also provide them with protection, don't I?" Ke Bineng explained.

"Yes, yes, everything you say is reasonable. But do you know that because of your behavior, the product is in my hands, and it is [-]% more expensive for no reason!" Fu Luohan said dissatisfied.

"My lord, it's clear that those merchants are asking prices indiscriminately." Ke Bineng said indignantly, and blamed the merchants.

Chen Deng broke out in a cold sweat in an instant. Be good, a businessman is really a high-risk occupation, especially a businessman who travels to and from the Northland.

"I don't care, they said, as long as you don't charge tolls, the price of the goods can be reduced by [-]% and sold to me." Fu Luohan said domineeringly.

When Chen Deng heard this, he almost couldn't help being furious. Who is the best businessman with such great ability?

It actually provoked the relationship between the two forces in the Northland!

Fu Luohan and Ke Bineng are about to start doing it because of this matter!

Ke Bineng also frowned, don't let him know who is gossiping behind, otherwise he must look good!

"My lord, the misunderstanding is here. I invited you here today to solve this matter. I will definitely satisfy you. You sit down first!"

Ke Bineng led Fu Luo Han all the way to a position. At first Fu Luo Han was satisfied with Ke Bineng's attitude, but when he saw the first position, he turned his face in an instant.

"You just let me sit here, and you are on top?"

Fu Luohan pointed at the position of "Master", and became angry from embarrassment.

Ke Bineng was also taken aback, you are a guest, do you still want to sit on my head?

Fuck your grandma!

No matter how good-tempered Ke Bi Neng is, and no matter how much he learns about Han culture, he is still a Xianbei!

A Xianbei person without blood will not be respected.

However, Ke Bineng endured it.

"My lord, please sit down."

Fu Luohan was not polite at all, and sat directly in the master's seat.

Ke Bineng could only sit in the seat prepared for Fu Luohan, feeling very aggrieved.

"Ke Bi Neng is a terrible person. If he can't get rid of him, he will definitely become a serious problem." Chen Deng whispered.

"Yeah, I didn't expect a Xianbei person to have such endurance, not weaker than 'the humiliation of the crotch'." Wang Zifa was also secretly startled.

As for other Xianbei people, they think it is normal, and the weak eat the strong.Fu Luohan is stronger, he does what he says, and no one will refute it.

Those who dare to refute are enemies.

This time, Ke Bineng came for peace talks.

"I offer a toast to my lord!"

Ke Bi Neng raised his glass to drink with Fu Luo Han.

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