It's a pity that Fu Luohan didn't appreciate it.

"Drinking is drinking, why do you want to be like the Han people!"

As soon as Fu Luohan twisted his chin, a personal guard stood up and tasted the fine wine Ke Bineng provided.

After a while, the personal guard indicated to Fu Luohan that there was no poison in it, so he directly picked up the whole jar of wine and drank it.

This kind of distrust is slapping Ke Bineng in the face.As for the wine glass he raised, he didn't put it down, nor did he keep it down.

God is so embarrassing.

The food and drink in front of Fu Luohan was tasted by the personal guard.He ate and drank happily.

"It's cheaper for you, the food and drinks are good."

Fu Luohan just ate and drank like this, completely ignoring Ke Bi Neng.

Kebi can't wait to overturn the table.

"Master Fu Luohan, why didn't you respond when my master toasted you!" Yu Zhulian stood up and looked directly at Fu Luohan.

Fu Luohan stopped, mouth full of oil.

"What are you, dare to talk to me like that?"

"You!" Yu Zhulian was furious, and when he was about to say something, Ke Bi Neng ordered him to "fork it out".

"My son-in-law doesn't know the rules, and disturbed Mr. Fu Luohan, please don't blame him."

Fuluo Hanli didn't pay any attention, just eat and drink, and it was already an hour later when he was full.

"My dear brother, what are you going to talk to me about?"

"It's like this, I don't know how the adults are willing to retreat?" Ke Bineng finally waited until this moment, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Retreat? Hehe, it depends on your performance. Now my army of [-] is ten miles away. If you want to fight, I can accompany you. If you admit defeat, you can take out chips that I am satisfied with." Fu Luo Han pointed to Beidao.

Of course Ke Bineng would not be frightened, but for the sake of peace, he still put forward his own conditions.

"From now on, the previous caravan tax will be halved, and I will pay you another [-] sheep."

This compensation is very rich, and it is enough to cover Luo Han's loss, but unfortunately he did not agree.

"Joke, my army has been dispatched, do you want them to return without success? I'm afraid you want to send beggars for this little thing!"

Ke Bi Neng's veins suddenly popped up.

"Master Fuluohan, if you want to be a beggar, I have no objection. The army is not only yours, I also have [-] warriors."

"If my lord wants to push forward, let's have a duel with the Xianbei people. You won't let the Wuhuan people charge for you, will you?"

Fu Luohan's complexion suddenly turned cold, like a very docile lamb who suddenly pushed him with a horn.

"What, do you want to resist?"

"Since when did the Xianbei people hide under the wings of the Wuhuan people?" Ke Bineng asked.

"It's a joke, the Wuhuan people are just a group of wandering scapegoats! I took them in, so they will naturally fight for me!" Fu Luohan said proudly.

Nengchen Di on his right seemed to be shocked and speechless.

"Wuhuan and our Xianbei came from the same place, I'm afraid what your lord said is inappropriate?" Ke Bineng said.

"What's wrong? Wuhuan actually lost to the cowardly Han people, it really embarrasses his ancestors." Fu Luohan said loudly, probably because Gao Gao had drunk too much.

Neng Chendi's complexion almost turned into a liver color.

After Donghu was defeated, Xianbei surrendered to the Xiongnu, while Wuhuan surrendered to the Han.

The big Han often used Wuhuan to attack the Huns and Xianbei. Later, the Huns were defeated by the big Han, and the Xianbei stood up and defeated the weak Huns for "independence".

Wuhuan and Xianbei also fought endlessly in history.

In the past, it was no problem for Fu Luohan to say that.But now that the Wuhuan people were his subordinates, the problem immediately became serious.

What Kebi could wait for was this moment, he drew out his sword angrily, and launched an attack on the spot.

"Ke Bineng, what are you doing?"

Fu Luohan panicked, but Ke Bineng had killed two guards and approached Fu Luohan!

Just like that, before Fu Luohan had time to react, he was beheaded by Ke Bineng.

"Escort! Protect the adults!"

The scene was in chaos.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ke Bi was able to lift Fu Luo Han's head, and he was very majestic.

"Haha, your lord is dead, so hurry up and surrender!"

However, no one paid any attention to it. The guards of both sides fought together, and blood flowed like a river.

Ke Bi Neng caught the panic-stricken Nengchen Di and shouted, "Please come here, Nengchen Di Shanyu!"

Nengchen was shocked, why did Mao want to arrest me?

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