Ke Bineng became the biggest winner in a daze!

In this way, the strength of his alliance skyrocketed to [-].With [-] soldiers, what does he want to do, isn't it very simple?

Chen Deng was forced to do it!

If Kebi can fight Fu Luohan to the death, it must be in the interests of the big man.

But Fu Luohan was so unlucky that he was assassinated, and he was assassinated face to face.

Wuhuan fought back, and Xie Guini surrendered.

What's the matter with this shit?

After sorting it out, Chen Deng almost fainted.

"Yuanlong, this matter is beyond our control. The most urgent thing is to bring this news back and respond in time." Wang Zifa said.

Chen Deng thought it made sense, so he didn't say goodbye, and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong.

After Yu Zhulian found out, he quickly reported to Ke Bineng.

"My lord, I think these people are not ordinary businessmen."

"You've only realized it now, isn't it a bit late?" Ke Bi Neng said angrily.

Now he is in a very comfortable mood, and some Han people with ulterior motives cannot attract his attention.

"That's right, they don't even want money, they pack lightly and leave on horseback," Yu Zhulian said.

It was this sentence that made Ke Bi Neng become vigilant.

"They don't want money?"

Ke Bineng thought that those businessmen left immediately after getting the money.Now that the money is not taken, the problem is big.

"Yeah, just ran away."

What makes Ke Bi Neng better than Fu Luo Han is that he likes to use his brain.

"I'm afraid these people are officers and soldiers pretending to be spies."

"Damn it, they actually got in among the merchants, what if they do something like an assassination?" Yu Zhulian said bitterly.

Kebi couldn't help but look at his silly son-in-law, if they really did the assassination, wouldn't it be your responsibility?

I also asked what should I do?

"Send someone to chase after him. It's good to catch up. It doesn't matter if you can't catch up." Ke Bineng ordered.

"On the grassland, there is no one we can't catch! Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely chase them back." Yu Zhulian vowed.

Then Sa Yazi chased him for three days, but he still couldn't catch up.

"Hmph, these Chinese spies run fast. They must know that they have been exposed and are running with their lives. Otherwise, how could they be so fast?"

Yu Zhulian shook his head and went back directly.

In the past, Kebi could only have an army of [-], and what he could do was limited, but now it has suddenly increased to [-], and his ambition has also expanded.

If you don't do something, how can you be worthy of the destiny?

After thinking about it for a while, Kebi knew that the opportunity to unify Xianbei had come.

He also wants to establish the same achievements as Tan Shihuai!

Tan Shihuai's greatest achievement is to unify Xianbei, seize the homeland of the Huns, defeat husbands in the east, attack Wusun in the west, and chase Dingling in the north!

What Tan Shihuai can do, Ke Bi Neng thinks that he can do it too.

Otherwise sorry for such good luck!

Ke Bineng's greatest wish is to go south.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Around the fourth year of Emperor Guanghe of the Han Ling (181), Tan Shihuai, the leader of the Xianbei tribe, died, and his son Helian succeeded him.

He Lian has neither talent nor corresponding strength. He is greedy and promiscuous, and he is unfair in dealing with things. Half of the Xianbei people rebelled against him.

Later, He Lian was shot to death when he was in Chaolue Beidi County.

Helian's son, Qianman, was young, and his elder brother became the leader.

Later, Jian Man gradually grew up, dissatisfied with the status quo, and fought for power with the leader.

After Kuitou's death, his younger brother Budugen succeeded him, and Xianbei to the west of Daijun rebelled one after another.

The central and eastern Xianbei to the east of Daijun also split into three factions.

One of the adults is Budugen, whose tribes are distributed in Taiyuan, Yanmen and other places in Bingzhou; the second is Ke Bineng, whose tribes are distributed in Daijun, Shanggu and other places in Youzhou; Mijia and Queji were distributed in Liaoxi, Youbeiping and Yuyang outside the Great Wall in Youzhou.

In other words, Budugen is the nominal leader of Xianbei.

As for Fu Luohan, Budugen's middle brother, he called himself "Adult".

It is of the same nature as Liu Bei's self-proclaimed King of Hanzhong.

Ke Bineng now also thinks that he is the son of destiny, sent by heaven to rule Xianbei.

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