He took the opportunity to convene the Xianbei meeting and invited all Xianbei leaders to form an alliance.

As an orthodox Budugen, of course he jumped out and scolded his mother. Not only did you kill my brother, you also came to take my position.

Do you think I'm easy to bully?

After cursing for a while, his subordinates told Budugen that Kebi could have an army of [-].

Budugen cursed and shut up.

"Alliance? I have nothing to do with it."

Bu Dugen pretended not to know Ke Bineng's little tricks, and he did whatever he liked.

It doesn't affect him anyway.

Budugen didn't answer the call, but Suli, Mijia, and Queji came.

"Brother Su Li, are we really going to join Ke Bineng?" Que Ji was a little puzzled. Wouldn't it be nice to eat and drink spicy food on his own territory?

Don't want to be someone's younger brother.

"Why, are you not happy?"

Among the three, Su Li was the most powerful, with [-] troops, while Mi Jia and Que Ji combined had only [-].

So Su Li speaks more confidently, and calls herself Big Brother.

"Hey, brother, I only recognize you, what can Kebi be?" Que Ji said.

"Haha, with your words, brother, the big brother will definitely take care of you." Su Li laughed loudly.

Que Ji grinned.

"Let me tell you the truth. I haven't decided whether to join the League or not. Let's see what Kebi can say. Fu Luohan can't let him take it all by himself, right?"

With such an explanation, Que Ji understood.

Originally, he was going to Fuluohan's territory!

"Brother still has the foresight. If you don't develop this site, you won't grow up yourself. If you do, you will offend others. Now that it's finally vacated, we have to get a piece of it anyway!"

Que Ji was very ambitious.

"Haha, I hope Kebi can be more sensible, so that we can be neighbors in the future. Otherwise, I really think we are afraid of him!" Su Li laughed.

It's a pity that Mijia raised his mouth.

"Brother Suli, it's too early to be happy. Have you forgotten how Master Fuluohan died?"

"Kebi was able to violently kill people in public in the alliance, and Fu Luohan's blood was spilled on the grassland. He should not have done it at this time."

Su Li was stunned, and Mi Jia reminded him.

If Ke Bineng was really addicted, and he would directly meet with the League, wouldn't they be taken over by the same pot?


Damn Ke Bineng, don't you know that your reputation is bad?

The alliance is a sacred thing, how can you kill the leader of the other party and capture the latter's subordinates?

Too shameless!

"We can't go to see Ke Bineng together, it's dangerous."

"Brother Su Li, why did we go to see him? Wouldn't it be good to let him come to see us? If he speaks outrageous words, he will chop him up and feed him to the dogs!" Que Ji said sternly.

"That's right! But Ke Bi Neng is powerful, what if he doesn't want to come, thinks we're neglecting him, and starts fighting?" Su Li hesitated.

"Brother Su Li, don't worry, the Wuhuan people are just scumbags, and they will be scattered after a fight. Without the help of the Wuhuan people, even if Ke Bineng has gathered the Fuluo Han tribe, he is not our opponent. What's more, Xie Gui Is Ni really willing to hug Ke Bineng's leg of lamb? It's just that because of the Wuhuan people's betrayal, he has to think about his own life."

"As long as we promise the position of an adult, we will definitely turn against Ke Bi Neng. With all the relatives and relatives deserted, what can Ke Bi Neng fight against us!"

Que Ji's analysis is in place, which is why he is unwilling to participate in the alliance.

It's still the same old saying, what can Kebi be?

"That's right, Ke Bineng just got power and people's hearts are still not stable, so he convened an alliance. He didn't know what to say!" Mi Jia agreed.

After the two sang together, Su Li wanted to kill Ke Bineng and just be the big brother.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that I couldn't be so inflated, so I gave Ke Bi Neng a chance first.

After all, everyone is from Xianbei.

In this way, Su Li led [-] horses, facing Ke Bineng far away.

Ke Bineng's envoy was very enthusiastic, so he asked Su Li and the others to go over and talk.

Su Li sneered, and said: "If I just go there like this, maybe Ke Bi Neng will dare to stab me in the neck, let Ke Bi Neng come over."

The messenger was embarrassed, and went back to report to Ke Bineng.

Ke Bineng was also depressed, and sent someone to spread the word, but Fu Luohan was arrogant and domineering. He had no choice but to violently kill people to maintain his dignity as a Xianbei.

But this kind of thing happened for the first time, and there was a second time. Su Li didn't dare to take risks. Who knew whether Ke Bineng's dignity was worth it or not.

The two sides were so deadlocked.

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