But Kebi is a person who can do big things, so he can't be stumped by this difficulty.He gritted his teeth and made a decision, that is to go to Suli camp in person, and his subordinates tried to dissuade him.

Yu Zhulian yelled, "My lord, you can't go, if you go, you won't be able to come back!"

Ke Bineng looked weird, what do you mean you can't come back?

Fuck, can you say something lucky.

"If I really have the blessing of the wolf god, there will be no problem."

"My lord, Su Li has always had wolf ambitions, and Mi Jia and Que Ji are not good birds. If they follow your example... what should we do?!" Yu Zhulian cried loudly.

Ke Bi Neng almost knelt down, what does it mean to imitate him?Ke Bi Neng kicked Yu Zhulian out with one kick, like a football.

Even the son-in-law was treated like this, who would dare to persuade him?

"Ke Bineng is a great man with great talent, Su Li and others must not dare to do harm." Nengchen Di smiled slightly, more like comforting Ke Bineng.

Ke Bi Neng felt comfortable listening, but he was also more disturbed.

Who can guarantee that Suli does not have this ambition?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the end, Ke Bineng gave up going to the meeting alone, and decided to meet with Suli in front of the two armies.

There are big brothers on both sides, and they can't do anything rude in front of the younger brothers.

Ke Bineng had already proposed such a proposal, and of course Suli would not refuse.

The next day, the two sides assembled a large army, exceeding a million. The dense flow of people, coupled with the roar of war horses, was extremely spectacular.

In the end, the two armies stopped when they met for about five hundred steps, and they could hear the breathing of their horses.

There is only a simple wooden table and two futons in the middle.

Ke Bineng is a person who has seen big scenes, but at this moment, he is also extremely shocked, as if his blood is about to be drained.

This is almost the power of the entire Xianbei clan!

If there is such a force to serve, Kebi can feel that he can destroy the world.

Not only can it revitalize Xianbei, but it can also go to Han to carry forward the majesty of the ancestors.

It's a pity that Ke Bineng only has half of the power, and the other half is in Suli's hands.

Ke Bi Neng took a step forward and shouted:

"Master Suli, come out and tell me!"

Ke Bi Neng shouted loudly, full of energy, and many war horses were startled and neighed.

Ke Bineng was a tribal warrior when he was young, but now he has become an "adult" of one party, and his prestige is even more powerful.

In front of the two armies, whoever retreats is the grandson, and there is no need to explain.

Su Li steered forward generously, and said, "I am Su Li, and your Excellency is Ke Bineng?"

"It's down!"

"Hmph, don't you feel ashamed to call yourself a Xianbei?" Su Li opened his mouth, wanting to suppress Ke Bineng's arrogance.

It's a pity that Kebi couldn't take this set, instead of being irritated, he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Su Li was dissatisfied.

"I respect you, Master Su Li, but you don't respect me, so I find it funny."

Su Li was a little overwhelmed.

"Brother Suli, Ke Bi Neng is laughing at your lack of measure." Mi Jia reminded.

"I know." Su Li coughed, then turned to talk to Ke Bi Neng.

"Ke Bineng, you beheaded Lord Fuluohan, why should I respect you? Lord Fuluohan is the elder brother of Lord Budugen. He has a noble status, is friendly to others, and is well-known in the grassland..."

Are you still trying to say that Fu Ra Han is still a kind and amiable person?

Fuck, reverse right and wrong!

Fu Luohan is a cruel and violent person, and Ke Bineng knows it best.

But in order to blow Ke Bineng's prestige, Su Li called the black ones white.

Fu Luohan is such a good person, you will kill him.

What about us?

Total nonsense!

However, Ke Bineng already had a solution.

"Fuluohan's territory can be divided into half of Lord Suli."

Su Li immediately widened his eyes.

"Good kill! Fu Luo Han should have died a long time ago!"

The speed of changing face made Ke Bi Neng feel inferior.

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