"Isn't it enough to drive the messenger away?"

"The rubbings of such a memorial, I invite King Wei to have a look."

When Cao Cao saw it, he knew something was wrong.

Foreign races invaded, the court ignored it, Dongyang Hou provoked the leader...

"Dongyang Hou is a conspiracy. Once he is allowed to defeat Xianbei, the court's face will be wiped away."

In a sense, the face of the court is the face of Cao Cao.

It was like two slaps on Cao Cao's face.

However, it is impossible to hope that Cao Cao will compromise through a memorial.

Cao Cao responded on the way to Xuchang.

"Leave a letter to Liu Bei and Sun Ce, prepare to do your best in one battle! When the Marquis of Dongyang is dealing with Xianbei, we must carve up Yangzhou, otherwise, we will be eternal losers!"

After making this decision, Cao Cao looked to Sima Yi, hoping that the latter could add something.

"My lord's decision is very wise."

Cao Cao, who was affirmed, was full of confidence.

"Assemble the troops immediately!"

In this way, Cao Cao went to Xuchang in a mighty way. After entering Xuchang, he first visited Emperor Xian.

"Your Majesty, the Marquis of Dongyang has already shown his fangs. If the court does not agree to send troops, I am afraid he will become self-reliant."

Emperor Xian sighed and did not speak.

Protecting the people is the responsibility of the imperial court. The imperial court can give orders to Dongyang Hou, and Dongyang Hou can of course ask the imperial court for help.

Nothing to do with the territory!

It seems that Cao Cao intends to refuse.

Cao Cao didn't intend to ask Emperor Xian for his opinion, but just wanted to tell him about it.The second person he wants to meet is Simpi.

"Summon Simpi to see me."

However, after the order was issued, Simpi did not come for a long time, and finally said "I am sick".

"Hmph, mere envoy, how dare you neglect this king?! Well, let's see, who has the patience."

The "cold war" between Cao Cao and Simpi lasted for seven days.

Until Sun Ce of Jingzhou blatantly announced: In order to support Dongyanghou in fighting Xianbei, Jingzhou sent [-] troops!

When Cao Cao received the news, it seemed as if the sky was about to collapse.

That's right, it's still the kind that's falling apart!

"What is Sun Bofu going to do?! What is going on in his mind?!"

Cao Cao yelled, great timing, great timing!

A mouthful of blood spurted out!

When Cao Cao woke up leisurely, he heard the report from the guards.

"King Wei, Xin Pi, the envoy of the Marquis of Dongyang, asks to see you."

Only then did Cao Cao suddenly realize that Simpi was not arrogant, but was waiting for news from other princes.

How could there be omissions in Guo Jia's strategy?

If you want to force Cao Cao to submit, it is not just about righteousness, but also practical actions.

Sun Ce is staunch and chivalrous, which is the best breakthrough point!

Not long after setting off in Xinpi, the marriage-seeking mission represented by Zhuge Liang also set off for Jingzhou.

"My lord marries Sun Shangxiang, and Marquis Wu Cheng sends troops to the North, how about it?"

This is a typical business talk!

Sun Ce knew that he was brave, but his brain was not very bright, so he asked Zhou Yu for advice.

"Marquis Dongyang is an outstanding person in the world. It is a great honor for Miss to marry him, both for her and for the Sun family," Zhou Yu said.

But then he changed the subject and said:

"It's just that this will also lose the excellent opportunity to defeat Dongyanghou."

The so-called opportunity was when Cao Cao and other coalition forces attacked Yangzhou while Dongyanghou was fighting against Xianbei.

"I don't want to take advantage of people's danger. What's more, Xianbei is the common enemy of the great Han. The Marquis of Dongyang defeated the allied forces of Wuhuan and the Huns. If I am not present, I will regret it for the rest of my life. If I miss it... I'm afraid I won't have another chance in this life."

Sun Ce's thinking is more like a martial artist, a man should hold a three-foot sword, defend his family and the country, and make contributions.It's just that he was born in troubled times, and he stood up by chance and became a prince.

Zhou Yu expressed support for Sun Ce's decision.Even if the struggle for hegemony fails in the future, with Dongyang Hou as an in-law, the Sun family can live a prosperous life, there is nothing wrong with it.

This will be a pain for Cao Cao. It would be fine if the three families unite and attack Yangzhou together.

Now Sun Ce actually said that he would withdraw from the group...

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