"Tell Simpi to go back!" Cao Cao said angrily.

Soon after, Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong in Yizhou, excitedly announced that he would send troops to crusade against Xianbei, no matter how high the mountain was or how far the river was.

Liu Ke's letter is very simple: beat Xianbei, your King of Hanzhong is worthy of the name, and you are also a good man who has shed blood for the country and the people.

Fazheng said: he will miss the opportunity to defeat Dongyanghou.

Liu Bei responded: Sun Bofu has sent troops, where can I attack Yangzhou?Do you want to make a wedding dress for Cao Mengde?

Cao Cao finally collapsed!

"Summon Simpi over here."

Eight hundred and seventieth chapters dispatch troops

Both Sun Ce and Liu Bei have decided to send troops, and only the old fritter Cao Cao is left.

Cao Cao was pushed to the cusp of the storm. He was never so sad when he became king.


Liu Ke: Hehe, what does it have to do with me?

Sun Ce: Train your troops, and then fight Dongyanghou in the future. Cao Mengde will be crowned king?Who is Cao Mengde? ...Cao Cao.

Liu Bei: Hurry up, Hurry up, you're king, I can't be left behind.

Everyone either doesn't care, or they want Cao Cao to be king.

Now Cao Cao hesitated and was directly put on the fire.

The Marquis of Dongyang asked for help from the imperial court, and Sun Ce and Liu Bei responded by sending troops!

What about the imperial court?What about the imperial court represented by Cao Cao?

The reason why Cao Cao vomited blood was because of this incident, and he became anxious.

This body is getting worse day by day.

"Prime Minister, Ankang!" Simpi bowed his hands and saluted.

"Ha ha."

It's brave enough not to call Wei Wang.

Normally, Cao Cao would still think about it, but he is not in the mood now.

"Dongyanghou can use us in the war?"

"Naturally, the prime minister's power is not weak." Simpi replied respectfully.

"You're lying! The reason why Marquis Dongyang dragged us into battle was because he was worried that we would steal his ass. Why am I, Cao Mengde, that Marquis Dongyang doesn't believe me?" Cao Cao said bitterly.

Simpi looked weird, Cao Mengde, you should stop acting, everyone might as well open the skylight and speak honestly.

"My lord is afraid of the prime minister."

"Ha ha!"

After Cao Cao asked so many questions, what he was waiting for was this sentence. He got his wish and felt a little relieved when he heard it.

"I didn't expect that Marquis Dongyang would be afraid of me one day!"

"Prime Minister has worked hard to rule the country, and my lord has also taken care of the development in the past two years." Simpi said politely.

Cao Cao is silent, he has worked hard these two years!I get up early and sleep late, I get older, my hair gets whiter, and my skin color gets worse.

He's about to become a bad old man.

"Let's be honest, if you want me to send troops, the Marquis of Dongyang will have to pay something."

"I, Yangzhou, will bear the food and grass during the prime minister's dispatch of troops," said Xin Pi.

"No more? That's all?" Cao Cao asked in surprise.

"According to the words of the lord, you can gain great fame as long as you fight the autumn wind. Why do you refuse?" Simpi said.

indeed so.

Fighting against aliens, this is the most inspiring thing.

Cao Cao fought on behalf of the imperial court and returned with honor, so it is not difficult to change the dynasty.

However, Cao Cao knew that Liu could get more benefits, so he was a little unwilling.

"I heard that the prime minister is mobilizing troops and horses, and he wants to fight the lord." Simpi said calmly.

Cao Cao was a little furious.

"Who said that?"

"How could you hide Yangzhou's troop mobilization?" Simpi just said perfunctorily, "Once you choose to take advantage of others' danger, the court's reputation will be ruined. Can you take such a risk?"

Cao Cao was silent, he just wanted to benefit and get the greatest benefit.What Simpi said had some truth, but that was just a case of failure.

Dongyanghou has a good saying: History is written by the victors.

"Before I went on a mission, General Lu Bu proposed to attack Yuzhou and Yanzhou, which was rejected by my lord. General Dian Wei proposed to expand the army to deal with the current crisis, but my lord also rejected it, because he believed that the prime minister must still have the righteousness of the nation in his heart!" Xin It is sonorous and powerful.

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