National justice?

No matter how civil strife is in the Central Plains, it will not give the alien race an opportunity.

"Haha, good, this time I will fight side by side with Dongyang Hou!" Cao Cao finally agreed.

Simpi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that his nonsense would not make the lord angry.

Talking about people when you see people, and talking about ghosts when you see ghosts, the ancients never deceived me!

After Cao Cao agreed to send troops, the princes of the Central Plains united for the first time to fight against foreign enemies, which was unprecedented.

"King Wei, do we really want to send troops?" Cao Hong asked in disbelief.

"Of course." Cao Cao will not go back on what he promised.

"However, Marquis Dongyang is our deadly enemy, wouldn't this fulfill him?" Cao Hong said.

"It's all about sending troops! It's not to help the Marquis of Dongyang." Cao Cao said seriously.

"It's still King Wei!" Cao Hong laughed loudly.

Yes, sending troops is not necessarily helping, and it may be counterproductive.

It would be wonderful if Dongyang Hou was defeated in the Northland.

"Play by ear." Cao Cao added.

After waiting for a while, Cao Hong then asked, "Prime Minister, how many troops should we send?"

"Do you need to ask me about such a trivial matter? Sun Bofu sent [-] troops, so we naturally have [-] troops. We can't do one more. By the way, we specially pick out the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled." Cao Cao said.

"Old, weak, sick and disabled?" Cao Hong was a little puzzled.

"What, is there a problem? Could it be that you really want to help the Marquis of Dongyang?" Cao Cao said.

Cao Hong suddenly realized that the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are fine!

Cao Cao made up his mind to work without any effort, and then earn a fortune.Let Dongyang Hou do the hardest, most tiring and dangerous work, and Cao Cao can follow behind. If he can supervise the transportation of food and grass, then he can't be happier.

It's a pity that what Cao Cao didn't know was that Guo Jia had already dug a hole and was waiting for Cao Cao to jump down.

"Who is the general?" Cao Hong said.

Cao Cao hesitated for a while. He must be going. As for safety, there is no need to worry. Dongyang Hou is not a conspirator.Only by being on the front line can we better command troops to make trouble.

It is best to create a situation where both Dongyanghou and Xianbei will suffer!

"I will take command personally, and I believe other princes will do the same. As for the generals, Miaocai and Yuanrang will be allowed to fight."

Although Xia Houyuan was defeated and captured in the Battle of Hanzhong, it is undeniable that his achievements are very dazzling.

After being cold for two years, it's time for him to continue playing.

"My lord, this is a matter of occasion, why not choose elite soldiers and strong generals to show your force." Sima Yi suggested.

At that time, the famous generals of the entire Central Plains will gather, and it must be a prosperous world.

"Hmph, if they are all elite soldiers, I'm afraid the Marquis of Dongyang will have to pay extra attention." Cao Cao said.

Sima Yi couldn't continue persuading, so he could only ask: "I am willing to saddle my master."

"Okay, although our soldiers will not fight, this must be a battle of advisers. Zhou Gongjin under Sun Bofu's account, Fa Xiaozhi under Liu Xuande's account, and Dongyang Marquis advisors..."

When it comes to the advisers, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling sour.

Almost all the elite counselors in the world are in the Dongyang Hou bowl.

Thinking of this, Xun Yu's appearance appeared in front of his eyes, and Cao Cao's heart ached more and more.

"Zhongda, I don't feel at ease without you in charge."

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust." Sima Yi bowed his head and cupped his hands.

"There are many disputes in the Central Plains. If you lose this opportunity, it will not be easy to defeat the Marquis of Dongyang next time. What a pity! What a pity!"

Cao Cao sighed again and again, and was forced to send troops.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao was helpless, but Liu Bei was happy.

"Quick, quick! Speed ​​up the march."

"My lord, it can't be any faster, otherwise the soldiers will not be able to bear it."

Speaking of it, Liu Bei is a bit pitiful. His territory is in Yizhou, which is in the south.However, he had to travel thousands of miles to Youzhou.

It is almost impossible to march without a month or two.

"It's not that I don't care about my subordinates, it's just that the time for the alliance is approaching, and the gathering of the princes of the world, I can't miss the deadline, right?" Liu Bei said solemnly.

He is a person who keeps his promises. For Liu Bei, losing his promise is an uncomfortable thing, even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Fazheng smiled helplessly, and said: "Master, this matter is not simple? You hand over the army to the commander of General Guan, pack lightly, and go straight to Yecheng, isn't it all right?"

Liu Bei slapped his head, why didn't he think of it.

"It's my fault! Let the soldiers suffer."

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