He was just about to lead his cronies to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

"Now I am the King of Hanzhong, and I only have a few hundred followers around me. What should I do if I am robbed by thieves?"

Good question!

Where in the world did such a large wave of thieves come from?

All major forces are suppressing bandits, and bandits with dozens of people are rare.

This is the importance of a stable regime.

"If the lord is worried, we can apply for government protection along the way." Fazheng said.

Liu Bei's route was to go out of Hanzhong, cross the mountains and pass through Yuzhou, then pass through Yanzhou, and cross the river from Yanzhou to Yecheng.

Why not pass by Sizhou?

How could Cao Cao allow Liu Bei's [-] troops to stir up trouble in his den?

Don't think about Chang'an Luoyang line!

The reason why I went to Yuzhou was because Yuzhou was the intersection of the three forces of Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Ke. If there was a problem, I could still run, and there would always be one side that would support me.

"The majestic King of Hanzhong, his subordinates can't protect me? I still want to apply for protection, and I lose face?" Liu Bei said dissatisfied.

"Brother, Yide will lead a thousand cavalry to protect you, absolutely foolproof." Guan Yu said.

"With me here, who would dare to hurt brother?" Zhang Fei hummed.

"Okay." Liu Bei felt relieved.

If it weren't for the lack of horses in Xishu, Liu Bei would not have only brought a thousand cavalry.

Liu Bei galloped all the way and marched for thousands of miles. After arriving in Yecheng, he realized that he was the first to come.

Now Liu Bei was stunned, what is the situation, Xishu is so far away, I have already arrived, where is Cao Cao?What about Sun Ce?

I'm so fascinated.

Liu Ke sent someone to invite Liu Bei to enter Yecheng, but Liu Bei refused.

Fazheng asked why.

"Hehe, don't think that I don't know Dongyang Hou's thoughts. Now that everyone is in the same camp, he won't harm me, but he will definitely embarrass me. In that case, why should I enter the city early?"

"Wait for King Wei to come, attract the attention of Marquis Dongyang, live a good life, and develop wretchedly, isn't it fragrant?"

Makes sense!

Anyway, Fa is convinced.

"Brother is right, Cao Mengde hasn't come yet, why are we so anxious?" Zhang Fei agreed.

Therefore, Liu Bei would rather camp outside the city than enter the city.

"What is this Liu Xuande doing? Could it be possible that I should go out to meet him in person?" Liu Ke joked.

"Zuzu, no matter what, he is also the King of Hanzhong, and he should be a little airy. Maybe he really asked the lord to go out to invite him." Guo Jia teased.

"Hmph, my lord might as well give me a soldier, and I'll tie up Liu Xuande right away." Lu Bu snorted coldly.

Kidnap Liu Bei?

forget it.

With this guy's big mouth, he must be talking everywhere.

"Since everyone is here, I can't run away. I don't care about him and let him torment."

"That means brother has a good temper. If it were us, he would have called Liu Xuande good-looking. Bah, what is Liu Xuande, he doesn't even deserve to carry our stinky shoes." Dian Wei said cursingly.

"Whether Liu Xuande is something or not, I don't know, but your shoes must be stinky shoes."

As soon as Xu Chu said this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Fatty, don't bother us." Dian Wei had a bitter face.

Three days later, Sun Ce arrived and met Liu Bei.

"King of Hanzhong, why did you pass Yecheng and not enter?"

Liu Bei could hear the teasing tone inside, he chuckled, and said, "Ye City is the territory of the Marquis of Dongyang. I set up camp here to show my determination. This time I went to war for the common people of the world, not to help the Marquis of Dongyang! "

"Could it be that you are afraid?" Sun Ce seemed not to have heard Liu Bei's statement.

What nonsense are you talking about!

Liu Bei's face turned reddish, if it wasn't for his thick skin, he would have turned red a long time ago.But he couldn't get angry because Sun Ce was his old boss and treated him well.

When Liu Bei defeated Xuzhou and had nowhere to go, Cao Cao dared not accept it.In the end, Zhou Yu traveled thousands of miles to Xuzhou to recruit Liu Bei and recommend him to Sun Ce.

Only then did Liu Bei get a small county like Xinye to recuperate, and then the territory gradually expanded... and then the territory disappeared. With the wealth accumulated in Xinye, Liu Bei fought in Shu and successfully occupied the magpie's nest.

So Liu Bei can sneer at Cao Cao and Liu Ke, and he won't look down on Sun Ce.

This is the bottom line of his life.

"Wu Chenghou, you came quite early. Unlike Cao Mengde, who plays big cards."

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