When Sun Ce heard this, he was a little surprised that Cao Cao didn't come.

"Regardless of Cao Mengde, I'm going into the city now, will you come with me?"

Faced with Sun Ce's invitation, Liu Bei still refused.

"Xuande is indeed determined."

After Sun Ce praised him, he led his troops into the city. He also packed lightly and went to Yecheng himself first.

For this future brother-in-law, Liu Ke of course came to the city gate to welcome him.

It's also funny to say, at the beginning Liu Ke said that "children should be like Sun Bofu", but now Sun Ce has become Liu Ke's brother-in-law.

"Dongyang Marquis Ankang!"

"Bo Fu, long time no see."

Both of them don't like empty etiquette, everything is kept simple.

"Drink and eat meat, or fight?"

"Haha, the Marquis of Dongyang really understands me!" Sun Ce suddenly burst into laughter.

This time it wasn't Sun Ce who took the lead in expressing his opinion, Liu Ke's situation would be difficult.

"During the league, if there is any need, even if you ask it, I will definitely meet it."

"In that case, I'm not going to be polite, [-] armored weapons!" Sun Ce said loudly.

"I'll give you another [-] Liannu." Liu Ke said generously, and high-fived Sun Ce as an oath.

Liu Ke received the favor, and naturally doubled it back.

After Sun Ce entered the city, instead of directly challenging Liu Ke, he found Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun is a normal person!

The two fought for two days, each winning or losing, and no one took advantage.

"Happy!" Sun Ce shouted loudly, he hadn't been hearty for a long time.

Now there is wine, meat and friends, if it is not in troubled times, it would be great.

It was not until the third day that Cao Cao came late. It seemed that he had spent a lot of time picking out the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

"Haha, Marquis of Dongyang, don't come here unharmed!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There is a reason why Cao Cao came so late.Because he is obsessed with a sticky matter.

When the king of Wei went out to fight, the prince should stand up and deal with government affairs.

But Cao Cao never had a son, and the two factions of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi started a battle.

They fought to every corner.

Celebrity Handan Chun had superhuman talent in his youth.His calligraphy art is exquisite and powerful, especially good at insect seal script.

Cao Cao loves talents and has heard of Handan Chun's name for a long time, so he summoned him.

Brothers Cao Pi and Cao Zhi competed for favor, and both wanted to recruit Handan Chun to be their staff.

At that time, Cao Cao was partial to Cao Zhi, and ordered Handan Chun to meet Cao Zhi.Cao Zhi was overjoyed, and received Handan Chun warmly and grandly. The two talked with each other until late in the evening, expressing their admiration for each other.

Cao Zhi was slightly better.

This is just a trivial matter, and now it has become a "supervisor of the country", the two brothers did not break their heads, it was to give Cao Cao face.

Cao Cao himself was also hesitant, what to do.

In the end, Sima Yi stepped forward to support Cao Pi.

"King Wei, do you remember the White Horse Gate?"

Sima Yi has always called Cao Cao "Master", but this time he deliberately changed it to "King Wei".

The cause of the incident has to start with Cao Cao being king.

Cao Cao became the king, and Cao Zhi, as his son, of course rose with the tide.So he rode his horse past the White Horse Gate.

The White Horse Gate is the royal road, only the emperor can go, and Cao Cao himself never crossed it.

Cao Zhi made a mistake here.

If that's all, it's fine, Cao Zhi was caught by Xun Yu.

From the very beginning, Xun Yu disapproved of Cao Cao being king.Now Cao Zhi is so arrogant and bold, all because Cao Cao is used to it.

Xun Yu had a quarrel with Cao Cao at the White Horse Gate, which gave Liu Ke the opportunity to poach someone.

Now that Sima Yi brought up the old matter again, Cao Cao suddenly felt very painful, so he decided that Cao Pi would "supervise the country".

But the fight didn't end there.

Cao Cao is about to go to war, and as his son, he must see him off.

As for how to see him off, it is also a test of a person's ability.

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