Su Li didn't take it seriously, the Han people were in civil strife, how could there be so many troops to deal with them?

He took this number as an exaggeration as a matter of course, after all, this data came from Neng Chendi's mouth.

"A [-] army is definitely not something that a tribe can defeat. Do you understand what I mean?" Ke Bineng said.

"Haha, if you can't beat them, just run away. Two-legged sheep still want to catch up with us? Wishful thinking!" Mi Jia joked.

Ke Bi can take a few pictures at once, and his voice is loud.

"I hope you are cautious! Once you find Han Chinese reinforcements, back off immediately and report to me, understand?"

Mi Jia was very embarrassed, Ke Bi Neng dared to yell at Su Li, and even took him under the knife.

I am!

This grudge, I wrote it down, and I will calculate it later.

"Okay, just these two points, one is not allowed to leave Youzhou, and the other is to report the reinforcements immediately, isn't it difficult?" Ke Bineng said.

In terms of the military discipline of the Xianbei people, Ke Bineng was very worried, so he emphasized it many times.

"It's a trivial matter." Su Li said.

So the Xianbei and Wuhuan allied forces went south in six routes, with great momentum.

Lu Xun had received the news a long time ago. On the one hand, he felt that Chen Deng's life was good, and on the other hand, he was also glad that his preparation was not in vain.

Let the Xianbei come more violently!

But before that, Lu Xun had one more important thing to do.

"Who is the envoy to the Xianbei royal court? Persuading Budugen to join the war?"

Messenger is a high-risk job, no one knows what Budugen's attitude is, if he goes there rashly, maybe the head of the project will be gone.

Xianbei people are unreasonable, and they don't know much about Han culture.

"I'll go." The judge volunteered and said.

"You go? You are so eager, what should you do if Bu Dugen is annoyed?" Feng Ji glared at his friend, then bowed his hand to Lu Xun, hoping to take over the task.

"Go to Yuantu." Lu Xun said, "Don't worry, Youzhou is as stable as Mount Tai. The Lord's reinforcements are crossing the Yellow River, and they will reach the battlefield in half a month at most."

"This subordinate takes orders." Feng Ji said.

This also settled Lu Xun's concern.

However, the incoming army of millions of Xianbei still put a lot of pressure on Lu Xun.

It's the first time to be the governor, and it's the first time to resist aliens, and I don't know what to do.

Fortunately, Tian Yu was still there.

Tian Yu is a native of Youzhou, and he has spent his whole life either drinking or fighting with other races.

The strategy he gave was simple.

Strong walls and clear fields.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As a defensive side, fortifying the wall and clearing the field is the most useful, but also the most rogue move.

I'm hiding in the city, if you have the guts, come and beat me!

Siege is a time-consuming and labor-intensive job, and it also costs people's lives. Under normal circumstances, aliens would not choose the city to plunder, but the nearby village.

If you are really hungry, you will choose to smash the city.

The hardening of the wall and clearing the field had already begun the moment Ke Bineng's army was dispatched.

"My lord, please appoint me as the vanguard to overcome obstacles for you." Yu Zhulian said excitedly.

He is Ke Bineng's son-in-law, has good resources, and is highly valued by Ke Bineng.

"Okay, I'll give you one hundred thousand cavalry." Ke Bineng waved his hand.

One hundred thousand alien cavalry, no matter where they are placed, must be taken seriously.Even Liu Ke and Cao Cao must be careful when facing such opponents.

With these cavalry, Yu Zhulian's confidence soared, and he wished he could charge into the battle now and lay down a piece of land for Kebi.

The Youzhou scouts soon discovered Yu Zhulian's soldiers and horses, and immediately passed the news back. After statistics, they also learned the number and number of Yu Zhulian's troops.

When he heard that the enemy had a vanguard of [-] troops, the judge couldn't believe his ears.

This is just a Xianbei tribe!

When did it grow to such an extent?

The melee in the Central Plains gave them a chance to grow.

"Yu Zhulian really has [-] soldiers?"

After getting an affirmative answer, the judge was a little frustrated.Of course, it was not because of the fear of Yu Zhulian, but because of the Xianbei soldiers who followed him.

Even if the war can be won, Youzhou will be riddled with holes.

And Youzhou's infrastructure is all the painstaking efforts of the past two years.

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