"I see, thank you for your hard work, go down and rest first."

Lu Xun did not show a look of fear, and spoke to the scouts in a pleasant manner.

"Ke Bineng led the army here just to contain our Youzhou defenders so that others can plunder."

Since the defenders were scattered in various places, only Ji County had [-] troops stationed.

Ji County is also the seat of Youzhou.

"You might as well ask General Tian Yu to retreat and attack us on both sides." The examiner suggested.

"No, you must not move General Tian's troops. He has to face Suli alone, and his troops are already insufficient. If you put more pressure on him, he will definitely make mistakes in his busy schedule." Lu Xun objected.

"Xianbei people are brave, and there are no generals in Jixian County, so it may be difficult to defend." Shen Pei frowned.

Lu Xun pointed to himself, and then to the judge.

"Aren't you and I?"

The judge gave a long sigh. What he meant was that while defending, he could carry out some counterattacks to combat the arrogance of the Xianbei people.

But he and Lu Xun didn't understand each other.

If it's just defending the city, the judge thinks he won't lose to anyone.

Even Liu Ke admired his integrity when the judge was defending the city, so he subdued him by means.

"Don't worry, Ke Bineng is a human being, and Yu Zhulian is also a human being. If you are a human being, you can defeat him."

"The governor is very brave."

"From my observation of the sky tonight, it must be pitch black. Yu Zhuran has come all the way. We might as well give him a surprise."

Hearing this, the judge said in shock: "Master Inspector wants to take the initiative?"

"That's right, we practiced solid walls and cleared the wilderness. The enemy must think that we are timid and fearful. How could Yu Zhulian think of things that Zhengnan didn't even think of? He must not be on guard." Lu Xun said.

"This move is strange enough, but it's just a bit risky." The judge said.

"March and fight, how can you not take risks?" Lu Xun said disapprovingly.

Not long after, Yu Zhulian's troops arrived in Jixian County. Seeing the tall city walls of Jixian County, he suddenly lost his mind. At first, he came here with arrogance, hoping to make contributions to the pioneers, but the reality gave him a slap in the face.

The Han people are huddled in the city, and they don't care about them at all!

Even if Yu Zhulian had [-] strength, he couldn't use it.

"Unlucky, Nengchendi boasted how capable the Han people are, but what happened? They didn't even dare to come out of the turtle shell. They are so timid, no wonder Master Suli called them two-legged sheep."

"Raise your spirits first, go out to fight tomorrow, humiliate these Han people, don't believe they won't fight."

Yu Zhulian felt exhausted physically and mentally immediately, and entered the military tent to rest.

That night, the night was dark and windy.

Yu Zhulian went to bed early, and did not arrange soldiers to stay overnight at all.It was still his lieutenant who was vigilant, but left behind a night watch team of [-] people.

In fact, in his opinion, arranging these people is a bit wasteful. After all, the besieged Han people are as cowardly as mice, and they would not have the courage to come out to rob the camp.

The Xianbei army was negligent in guarding against it.

Lu Xun led an army of [-] troops and came out of Ji County under the cover of night.

Yu Zhulian was very courageous, so he set up camp seven or eight miles away from Ji County.

To say that it was Zhazhai is flattering him.

It looks like a grassland tent.

The [-] Xianbei cavalry who were assigned to watch the night suddenly saw the Han people rushing in, and they all panicked.

They also wanted to fight with their swords, but unfortunately the Han army had a total of [-], and they fled in all directions when they could not defend against the enemy. While fleeing, they shouted "enemy attack" loudly.

The Xianbei camp was in chaos.

The soldiers yelled like this, how could it be possible for Yu Zhulian, the chief general, to sleep peacefully, and the soldiers hurriedly waited for him to put on his armor.

With a little sense of security, Yu Zhulian walked out of the tent, and a gust of cold wind came in his face, which immediately stimulated him to sneeze twice.

The Xianbei army is already on the verge of defeat.

"Follow me to fight the enemy!"

Yu Zhulian was holding a saber, mighty and extraordinary. As soon as he appeared handsomely, the sound of the battle gradually weakened, followed by the sound of galloping horses.

"Who can tell me what happened?"

Yu Zhulian was in a hurry, until now, he didn't even know where the enemy was, he quickly dispatched his personal guards, and the allied forces were defeated everywhere.

"General, it's so dark now, it's hard for our people to tell if it's because of us, why don't we light some of the tents?"

Yu Zhulian felt the same, so he obeyed the words of his cronies and ordered the soldiers to set fire to the camp.

When the fire came together, the camp was suddenly lit up.

"Where is the enemy?"

"General Qi, the enemy attacked the camp and drove away the horses."

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