While reporting his name, he also stared at Ma Chao.

Just now he had used seven or eight percent of his strength, and now he fought Ma Chao with a move, and he turned calm.

"Ma Chao!"

Yu Zhulian is a general of a hundred battles, his experience tells him that the man named "Ma Chao" in front of him is probably the best among the Han people.

"Haha, no matter you are Ma Chao Ma Yun, if you dare to fight with me, you will die!"

Now that we have encountered each other, everyone should engage in it, and be timid before fighting, which is a taboo for military strategists.

Yu Zhulian brandished a broadsword and directly attacked first.

Seeing the opponent approaching, Ma Chao did not hide or dodge, he raised his iron gun and went to meet him, and his strike was thunderous.

Just the contact of the weapon, Yu Zhulian felt his arm go numb, and the tiger's mouth above his right hand was shocked and bled.

"Wow, that's a lot of strength."

Yu Zhulian sighed, this person is so strong.

You know, how could Xianbei, who is a grassland nation, be afraid of comparing strength?

Yu Zhulian can stand out from the Xianbei people and become Ke Bineng's son-in-law, of course he is not weak.

But he couldn't even resist Ma Chao's blow, which was a shame.

"That's right, there are two tricks, that's it, you are qualified to be my opponent." Yu Zhulian bluffed.

Ma Chao didn't respond, but he didn't hold back his hand. As soon as the second horizontal spear was fired, he used all his strength.

With all his strength, before the gun arrived, the wind rang first.

The howling wind swept away, and Yu Zhulian felt that he was in the prairie, and galloped with the fastest speed.

Horse riding doesn't have such momentum, does it?

Yu Zhulian was startled, and then put the big knife in his hand in front of his body, trying to use the strength of his whole body to block Ma Chao's heavy blow.

It's okay to be ugly, but I still want to be beautiful.

With such a huge disparity in strength, the iron spear hit the blade, and that huge force came like a flood.

Yu Zhulian's arm was bent, and the strength of the whole blade was suddenly pressed down. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he spurted a mouthful of blood on the horse, and fell down.

The fall of the commander-in-chief caused chaos among the Xianbei people.

He was unprepared at first, and was caught off guard. Now that Ma Chao is like a god, these Xianbei cavalry can escape and cast.

The combat power that had just been formed disintegrated in an instant.

"Okay!" Lu Xun shouted excitedly, and quickly led the army to attack to cooperate with Ma Chao.

Ma Chao patted his horse forward, trying to capture Yu Zhulian.

"Stop hurting my lord!"

Yu Zhulian's personal guards suddenly launched an attack, and hundreds of people overwhelmed Ma Chao.

Ma Chao rushed left and right, killing countless people, but there were too many enemies, and he couldn't kill them all at once, so he could only watch helplessly as Yu Zhulian was carried away.

By daybreak, there were no Xianbei people standing in the camp.

A corpse in one place.

And Ma Chao also had the opportunity to meet Lu Xun.

"See Lord Inspector."

"There is no need to be too polite. Thanks to General Ma Chao's support this time, otherwise we will have to fight hard tonight."

Lu Xun sighed unceasingly. He still underestimated the Xianbei people, which is why this battle was fought so hard.

"Lord Inspector, you don't need to be too polite. If you want to thank, please thank the lord. The lord is worried about Ji County, so he specially sent me here." Ma Chao said modestly.

"Of course my lord should be thankful, but General Ma Chao also deserves his credit."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries and began to count the battlefield.

In this battle, [-] enemies were killed, and the rest fled. Youzhou won a complete victory.

On the other side, Tian Yu commanded the Youzhou cavalry and was responsible for guarding the front line of Youbeiping.

Tian Yu was drinking water, thinking about his next move.

The heavy sound of horseshoes pulled Tian Yu back from his thoughts. He stood up and looked around, only to see a group of scouts running towards him with solemn faces.

The captain of the scout ran to Tian Yu, quickly jumped off his horse, and said solemnly: "Commander, the traces of the Xianbei army are developing ahead. Look at the flag, it is Sir Su Li. We will fight the Xianbei scouts on the way home, and see their expressions." Returning in a hurry, I should have discovered our army."

Tian Yu was shocked and ordered: "Everyone mount your horse and prepare to fight!" The soldiers who were resting quickly mounted their horses and assembled the team.

"Send all the scouts, I want to know the enemy's next move."

The scout captain left in response.

It was dusk now, and the setting sun lazily revealed half of its head on the other side of the mountain.

The scouts soon reported again that the Xianbei army was approaching them, about thirty miles away.

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